
AI assistance in asset creation

By combining AI tools like Midjourney and Blender with traditional platforms, the Dutch Golf Federation and iO are bringing fresh, digital winds to the world of golf.

Together, we brought the staid, old-fashioned but mandatory rules of golf exam, up to date on the Golf.nl app. 

With 3D landscapes, animations and a wide range of golfers of different ages, cultures and genders, from a library of 270 modern, consistent and reusable illustrations.

And all for a budget that would have been way out of scope without AI. 

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"Anyone can generate a nice image with Midjourney, but we wanted more. Think consistent images in the right style and angle with the appropriate light and the desired look. A challenge, but we learned a huge amount. This project proves how there can be synergy between AI and humans, and you can come up with pragmatic solutions together."
Gijs Besselink, Art Director
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How do you disrupt the traditional golf world with an AI golf rules exam?

NGF and iO have been partners in crime since 2016 for the Golf.nl app, the ultimate sidekick for every golfer. It puts everything at your fingertips: scorecards, booking start times, tracking golf performance, sharing with friends and your digital NGF pass. The new functionality that allows you to take the golf rules exam in the app, with AI support, is another fantastic innovation that iO recently added.


Digitising an antiquated golf rules exam with outdated visuals.


Golf rules exam in the Golf.nl app with 270+ modern, inclusive visuals, created with AI

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