It’s coming home – Foreach is coming home to iO.

Foreach becoming iO

We are getting stronger. By joining iO, we can now not only help you with customised software, but we can handle all the challenges your organisation faces – from communication to marketing and technology.

How can we help?
Contact us:
+32 3361 4000

Foreach and iO are joining forces for you

Improving your efficency and digital presence — that’s our core business. At iO, we have evolved to a more rounded service, but our Foreach-colleages will keep working on technological optimisations.

Want to keep growing?

We will keep your brand in the spotlight. After all, we have all these new ways to support your brand, to help it grow. Want to learn more about how our colleagues at iO can help your organisation beat the competition?

Explore new horizons

Why we joined iO

Foreach are not just software developers anymore. We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished as a team, but we wanted more. We are now part of the iO-team – a full-service partner that tackles all your organisation’s challenges.

How Foreach and iO are going for the win

Ever since we started in 2006, Foreach has been guiding organisations towards a more efficient and digital version of themselves.

And now, after transforming into iO, we will continue to do so. Only now, we are surrounded by a team of experts in technology, marketing, strategy, content and creation – in Belgium, the Netherlands and beyond.

But don’t worry: nothing really changes for you. We still have the same way of working, your contacts are still the same specialists and we will still be thinking of the perfect solutions to tackle your challenges.

Only our name is changing. Not Foreach anymore, but iO – “eye-oh”

“We chose iO because we want to do more for our clients than what we can do now. We want to be able to give advice and support as freely and broadly as possible.”

Jan Nuyens | iO

Jan Nuyens, CEO Foreach

Our experts will always be closeby

Or visit the campus

  • From now on, our colleagues will always be at a campus near you – in Belgium, the Netherlands or even in Scandinavia.

  • We won’t forget our Antwerp roots. That’s why you can still find us in the city, just on a new location: iO Campus Antwerp.

foreach | iO
iO Herentals

Foreach’s founding fathers

Jan Nuyens
CEO Foreach, Service Line Director Technology iO

Jens Steppe
CTO Foreach, Lead Product Managers iO

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