Use a design system for a consistent brand experience

When your organisation, application or website reaches a certain size and/or complexity, it becomes increasingly important not to lose sight of the customer and brand experience. Often, we work on many fronts at the same time to improve or add new functionalities and touchpoints. Contact with your organisation should always feel consistent for your user. How do you retain the consistent brand and user experience during continuing development?

With a design system you create your own library that contains all the digital elements that the brand uses in different touchpoints. Among other things, your library is home to tried and tested components whose brand identity details are correct: website elements, buttons, animations, fonts. All touchpoints are linked to this design system so that changes are active everywhere.

“Where a brand guide provides a recognisable expression of your brand, a design system adds the tools for a consistent user experience. And the processes to preserve them.”
Maarten van Gent, Designer


A design system gives you a clear record of best and most effective practices around your brand. No one doubts the importance of delivering a rich, consistent customer experience. Users have zero-tolerance of (digital) errors, especially at brand level. A design system saves you time, money and resources on repetitive briefings, iterations and the (re)development of brand elements. Are there more benefits? You can focus on enriching your customer experience, your team can work more efficiently and thus increase the quality of their work. However, a design system is not a ready-made product like a brand book. It’s a continuous, dynamic process that - as a key part of your business operations - is an asset to your brand.

Next up: Decentralise with data mesh