Build your own audiences

Advertising on Facebook (Meta) and Google is easy and efficient. Targeting is taken out of your hands, with options based on region, behaviour, family composition and interests. Ad designs are entered (or retrieved automatically) and selected by effect. These advertising platforms have served as fully automated marketing machines that allow you to put money into an account and then watch the results roll in. That is until now.

The withdrawal of third-party cookies have an impact on conversion campaigns. Remarketing, tracking, conversion optimisation and profiling: all these familiar marketing methods change drastically, if not disappear altogether. Targeting and attribution will become increasingly difficult, making the added value of the advertising platforms less transparent and making the achievement of old marketing objectives a serious challenge.

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The truth is: a lot of companies still haven't stepped aboard the cookieless train. The sooner you start collecting data from your own audiences with a first-party data strategy, and stop relying on anonymous segment data, the greater your advantage over your competitors will be. It is a fundamental shift that is better made sooner than later. Start with an audit of your current data collection and campaign setup, so that you have a clear picture of how big the shift will be for your organisation.

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“Companies will have to build campaigns based on data that they collect from their customers and visitors. Access to that personal data will have to be earned by offering added value. That requires stronger content and more creative campaigns.”
Jacob Eeckhout, CoE Lead Marketing

Next up: Leverage the power of popular marketing channels