Take a customer-driven approach to digital transformation

The world is changing. Trends and developments come in rapid succession, and there are countless digital opportunities to be exploited. But today, companies have to do more than innovate products or launch a new app.

Digital transformation is a process that allows your organisation to use the opportunities, expectations, and possibilities of technology so that your responses can be flexible and adaptive. This agility enables you to (continue to) respond to the ever-changing needs of your customers in an innovative way.

“In recent years, the focus on digital transformation has been too much on technology.”
Steven Van Belleghem, CX Thoughtleader, Partner


Buzzword or not, the time for digital transformation is now. Cost savings will become an important driver for (process) automation and digitisation in the coming years. However, successful organisations continue to take the customer (experience) as a starting point. They constantly ask themselves the question: 'how can we make the customer's life easier or be of value to them in other ways?

Don’t compare yourself with your current competitors but take your own ambitions and data as a starting point. Collect, analyse, and use that data to continuously improve processes, eliminate friction, and make effective, strategic decisions.

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Next up: Prioritise customer relationships over customer satisfaction