Consider personalisation a means, not an end

Personalisation and customer journey orchestration promise a better, more relevant, and personalised customer experience that translates into value for the organisation. Relevance begins with what you can do for your customers, your offer, and continues with great interactions that create a positive brand experience. But what does it mean for companies to adopt a personalised approach for every customer?

Personalisation is a powerful tool, but it also brings specific challenges. Exploiting this potential requires investment. Both organisationally and technologically. Different systems and technologies have to be aligned, and fragmented customer data merged. Marketers need a 360º view of the customer to deliver the desired, personalised experiences. You need the right content that you can tailor to the message, and a differentiated product offer, and of course, you need the perfect follow-up. The promise of personalisation is already being fulfilled by some organisations, but most are still in the early stages.

“Does your organisation need a personalisation strategy? It all depends on what you're doing. Personalisation is not an end in itself. And it is not self-evident that personalisation pays off or is even appreciated.”
Tom Van Mierlo, Digitaal Strateeg & Co-owner


Don't start without having a clear idea of the 'why' behind your personalisation strategy. What is the added value of personalisation for your specific organisation and, more importantly, for your customers? Research how much your investment in personalisation will yield, so that you can gradually work towards creating real value for your organisation. We often recommend starting with simpler personalisations that are likely to affect conversions, segments, and progression through the funnel. Then you can use these results to refine and further develop the personalisation.

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