iO Consultancy: blended expertise in your team

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With iO Consultancy we help our clients expand their teams with talented individuals. We strive for the best match for both the client and the consultant.

What does iO Consultancy mean?

iO is a blended agency. This means that we help organisations with our expertise in technology, marketing, strategy, content, data, and more.

One of the ways we help companies in those domains is iO Consultancy. Through secondment, our consultants offer organisations the same expertise as their colleagues on our campuses, all while being just as much a full part of iO.

The only difference is where they work: we embed our consultants as an extension of your own team — but they can still fall back on the other blended teams within iO. Consultants work in your office building, your co-working space, or wherever your talents work now.

How does iO Consultancy work?

iO Consultancy works as follows:

  • Step 1: In an in-depth intake interview, we map out what you need. Together we determine which profile is the best addition to your existing team;

  • Step 2: Within iO Consultancy we find the right person to join your team. If we don't have that person on staff, we’ll look for the perfect match.

  • Step 3: We introduce our consultant to you over a cup of coffee — at your office or on one of our campuses, wherever suits you best.

  • Step 4: Is it a great match for both parties? Then our consultant will join your team.

In other words, with iO Consultancy, you can count on our experts to complement your team — whether you're looking for strategic guidance, a technical profile, a strong marketer, or a creative whizz.

Questions about iO Consultancy?

For more information about iO Consultancy you can contact the managers of the consultancy team:

Looking for the best way to collaborate?

Tell us about your challenges, and together we will look for the best tailor-made solution.

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