Dockx Rental

How do you help different audiences find the right information quickly?

A website that allows you to complete your reservation in just a few clicks, lets you browse through its services quickly, and looks appealing. That was Dockx Rental's challenge. But how do you ensure that different target groups quickly find what they are looking for in a very extensive product range?

Analysing and structuring

Behind the website is a lot of data that needs to be displayed in the right way at the right time. Moreover, there are different target groups for whom the same information must be displayed differently. In order for all of this to work correctly, a very extensive analysis phase preceded the development.

Want to learn more about this case?

Showcase the Dockx range in the right way to the right people


Develop a website that helps several target groups based on extensive research


Customer journeys

Precisely because there are different target groups, it was important to make an extensive functional analysis with proper attention to the design and marketing aspects. Based on the keyword research and SEO audit, iO mapped out all personas and possible customer journeys.

This revealed that there are multiple entry points and top tasks per persona. In order to ensure that all these flows were included, we developed a very detailed responsive prototype that was validated by all parties involved. In addition to the e-commerce flows, this also included the extensive content part in which all services, the FAQ, and shops are included.

High-performance API calls

The information of all vehicles in the Dockx range is contained in ProPlanner, a Fleet Management System. Because performance is a standard requirement, we started working with Jumik (the company behind ProPlanner) to map out all the necessary synchronisations and API calls. What checks (or calls) are needed? The retrieval of available vehicles when someone starts the wizard, the product details of a vehicle, the possible extras during a reservation, the confirmation of a reservation...

After a lot of deliberation and several tests, we were able to optimise all API calls in function of performance.


Challenging design

Everyone can picture the Dockx vans, with their typical yellow and green colours. Striking colours that immediately catch your attention in the street scene. For the website the house style is a little more challenging.

The reservation wizard is the core of the website. From here, visitors can book a vehicle very easily. To support the options visually, we designed modern icons that represent the different types of vehicles.


"The big challenge was to incorporate the colours into the website without making it look too flashy. We looked for a balance between the branding and tranquillity in the website."

Gert, Teamlead Design & UX

Reservation wizard

The absolute top task for all personas is to reserve a vehicle. To make this as easy as possible, we created a reservation wizard. Here you can immediately set all the parameters to get a filtered view.

The main categories within the vehicle types are displayed at the top of the wizard, allowing for quick switching. This choice ensures that filtering takes place immediately and that you only see the Dockx Service Shops where you can rent such a vehicle. From this list, you choose the shop where you would like to collect the vehicle, the pick-up and return date, and the desired time.

This way you effectively initiate the checkout flow for renting a car, because from the results page you can complete your reservation in just three steps. All prices are also adjusted according to the dates you have chosen, so you know exactly where you stand.

During checkout, we also show the available upselling options. Perhaps the customer also needs moving boxes or additional insurance? This can also be booked directly. Any extras are also immediately included in the price calculation.


My Dockx

In the completely new customer area, you now have a useful overview of your reservations and related documents. At a glance, the dashboard displays your next reservation, a detail of your data, and your favourite shop.

All reservations - future, past and cancelled - can be found under the reservation area. All related documents, such as invoices or user manuals, can also be downloaded directly from a reservation detail so that you cannot lose them again.

All the information you find in the account is completely up-to-date and comes directly from ProPlanner. That way both Dockx and the client always have the same information.

This revealed that there are multiple entry points and top tasks per persona. In order to ensure that all these flows were included, we developed a very detailed responsive prototype that was validated by all parties involved. In addition to the e-commerce flows, this also included the extensive content part in which all services, the FAQ, and shops are included.

"We were looking for a partner who thinks along and looks for possible opportunities. With iO we have found the ideal partner. Our collaboration is based on trust, open communication, and tailor-made advice. Thanks to the innovative expertise, personal approach, and precise support, iO always meets all expectations."

Valérie, Marketing Manager at Dockx

Growing together

The future of the Dockx website also looks bright. On a regular basis, retrospectives are held both internally and with the client, so that we know what went well and where there is room for improvement within the partnership. In addition to new features, updates will also be implemented on a regular basis, so that performance remains high.

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