How do you establish the foundation for a cutting-edge real estate website?

Immoscoop, a young and ambitious real estate platform, wants to become the leading website for the housing market. To realise this ambition, the real estate platform needs a strong online foundation. iO helped create this foundation.
Immoscoop case




Create a cloud-based real estate website


Develop a platform using Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Immoscoop in numbers


active real estate companies and agents


new listings per month month


website visitors per month
iO-mock-up Immoscoop

A dynamic and unexpected real estate platform…

Immoscoop is a relatively young and unexpected player in the online real estate market. The real estate platform was created in late 2016 through a collaboration of rival real estate agents. The reason? The agents were extremely frustrated with the way traditional real estate websites worked. So much so, in fact, that they decided to start their own platform. A platform that currently has over 300 active real estate agents/members.

Immoscoop is the result of the real estate industry’s desire to do things differently.

…that needs a new website

However, actually doing things differently proved to be harder than Immoscoop initially thought. So, to turn its desire into reality and support its growth ambitions, the real estate platform started looking for a partner to develop a new, high-end website. After meeting with several digital agencies, Immoscoop chose iO.

Immoscoop case
iO-mock-up Immoscoop

A minimal setup with maximum potential

Because of the complexity and scope of the project, we decided – with Immoscoop – to use a phased approach and deliver an MVP (Minimal Viable Product); a website with all the important and necessary features to start. A solid foundation to expand and grow in the future.

Our technical architects proposed a tech stack and MACH architecture based on Immoscoop’s needs, wants and ambitions. Examples of applications we use in the development process are AWS, React, NextJs and Storyblok.

A simple and flexible content management system

For the content part of the new Immoscoop platform, we decided to implement Storyblok: a headless and agile CMS that offers numerous advantages. Fun fact: we happen to be an official Storyblok partner.

  • Storyblok is very adjustable and can easily be integrated into any tech stack or framework. On top of that, the CMS has a built-in system for plug-ins, which makes it easier for Immoscoop to add new features.

  • Using Storyblok, Immoscoop can easily add new content, such as blog posts and FAQs, to its platform.

  • The staging environment of Storyblok allows Immoscoop to check and test modifications and new pages before publishing them.

  • Thanks to Storyblok’s extensive set of APIs, we were able to swiftly set up a smart search function focused on real estate agents.

  • Storyblok is a CMS SaaS (Software As a Service), which means it can be set up relatively quickly, especially compared to traditional content management systems that need developing from scratch

In other words: Storyblok makes managing content a lot easier for both Immoscoop and the content managers that use the platform, as there’s almost no need for custom integrations and adaptations.

iO-mock-up Immoscoop

A strong foundation to build on

Together with Immoscoop, we managed to get the MVP up and running within the predefined deadline. Thanks to iO, Immoscoop now has the modern and dynamic platform it was looking for. A tool that allows the real estate platform to realise its ambitions. A tool that iO continues to work on.

Indeed, we keep supervising and developing the Immoscoop platform. Its launch was one of the first milestones in the project. Now, we are joining forces with Immoscoop in a long-term collaboration to keep growing, both in the housing market and behind the scenes.

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