What is conversion prediction and how will iO help?
In short: conversion prediction gives you insights into the correlation between customer behaviour and conversions. A statistical model uses your historic data to unearth useful insights. At iO we have all the knowledge to help you get started with conversion prediction. Here's what we do for you:
How will conversion prediction help your organisation?
Every customer goes through several processes before buying products or services. Think, for example, of comparing prices, filling in a contact form, downloading a white paper, and so on.
Conversion prediction demonstrates how those steps contribute to the effective conversion. And the best news: you don't have to analyse mountains of data manually. With conversion prediction, the data model provides insights into which and to what extent user actions contribute to conversion — all you have to do is interpret the insights correctly.
The result: a more efficient, data-driven organisation, saving time, money, and energy. Talk about a win-win!
Who is conversion prediction for?
Conversion prediction is a form of Data modelling. In concrete terms, this means that you do not need massive budgets to get started. Ambitious small and medium-sized organisations can also benefit. All you need is a reasonable amount of ordered historical data.
And even if the data you've collected data isn't organised, you can get started with conversion prediction. Our data experts will help you to bring order to the chaos.
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