AI & E-commerce: 8 tips for navigating the changing SEO landscape

23 octobre 2024

There is unrest in the SEO landscape, and it's no surprise given the rapid changes taking place. With the advent of AI, the future of SEO suddenly seems uncertain. The number one search engine is vigorously testing AI applications, reducing the need to click through to websites. This has serious implications for everyone whose traffic is partially dependent on Google, including e-commerce.


Google feels the pressure

ChatGPT and Bing Generative Search (based on ChatGPT) pose a threat, and Google knows it. The ability to get complete answers to questions without having to click through links is increasing the pressure to stay competitive. And it shows. 

Google is rigorously testing and developing AI to display personalised results faster. After a testing period, Google’s Search Generative Experience (Google SGE) rolled out in the United States in May. Known as AI Overview (AIO), it appears at the top and looks like the featured snippet. However, instead of showing a small snippet from another website, you see an AI-generated answer to your question. This has significant implications for the authors of how-to and FAQ content.


The only certainty is uncertainty (about the developments)

At the time of publication, it’s still not entirely clear when this will appear in Europe, but we might not have to wait too long. And that's not the only uncertainty. 

Google is continually, perhaps somewhat frantically, updating. A variety of AI-supported functionalities are being launched and tested. Not always successfully (no, glue on your pizza is NOT a good idea), which is probably why there are so many updates. Challenges like dealing with unreliable and inaccurate user-generated content and sensitive topics like news and health are being addressed one by one. A good thing, although all these changes do create extra uncertainty in the SEO world. 

What about Google AIO and e-commerce?

For e-commerce organisations, these changes mean something slightly different and often more complex than for organisations in, say, services or information provision. This is because e-commerce organisations face unique challenges such as direct customer conversions, a different type of search intent, and dynamic product information. 

Yes, Google SGE will significantly impact how-to and FAQ content. But generally, that’s not the main type of content you want to showcase in e-commerce. You want to put your product in the spotlight. 

And there are significant changes expected if we look at what is being tested in the AI Overview. It appears that for e-commerce-related search terms, products are immediately shown, including images and descriptions. Almost like a Product Listing Page (PLP). Even for branded keywords. This has significant implications for your traffic as an e-commerce organisation. Specific product pages are currently excluded from AIO, but for search terms like “What is the best barbecue,” you can get AI results. 


So, what now?

It’s all a bit messy. Google AI is still in its infancy. There is extensive testing, and much is changing, but the 'what and when' is not entirely clear. So, what should you do now? Here are some tips to help you navigate the future successfully. 

Tip 1: Prioritise user experience 

This should always be your number one concern. Regardless of what happens or will happen in SEO, your user is your main priority. In all the uncertainty, it's wise to stick to your own strategy for now, and that should be providing value to your visitors. Make sure that your website is easy to use and loads quickly; make it a place they enjoy visiting (and buying from). Consider: 

  • Optimising for mobile use 

  • Good findability and filter system for products 

  • Fast loading times 

  • Clear and simple navigation 

  • Smooth purchasing process 

  • Valuable and reliable content 

 Yes, the advent of AI will likely impact how usability is assessed. But an optimal user experience will always have a positive effect. 

Where there are also significant opportunities for e-commerce organisations in terms of user experience is the personalisation of content, such as products and special offers. This better alignment with the searcher's needs, results in happier customers. You can also use AI to help you do this better, which leads us to tip 2. 

Tip 2: Use AI to your advantage 

Regarding AI developments in SEO with some suspicion or considering it a threat is understandable. Because no matter how volatile the SEO field has been in recent years, it's nothing compared to the seismic shifts caused by AI. And on top of that, no one can say with 100% certainty what these crucial changes will be. 

But AI is here to stay. So let's use it to our advantage. 

AI also offers many opportunities and tools to improve your SEO game. Here are just a few ways you can leverage AI: 

  • Brainstorming topics around specific search terms and subjects that meet your customers' needs 

  • SEO-optimising your product descriptions 

  • Providing personalised product recommendations 

  • Implementing visual search, making it easier for customers to find products 

Tip 3: Get your product pages in order 

If Google becomes more of a Product Listing Page (PLP) for e-commerce-related search terms, it’s likely to affect the traffic from your PLP and the ratio of direct traffic to your Product Detail Pages (PDP). If this happens, your PDP will become something akin to a landing page. 

It is essential that your PDP ranks well in the search results. So, it’s extra important to optimise these. So, get to work on: 

  • Creating detailed and informative product descriptions, including relevant keywords 

  • Implementing structured data to help Google understand your offerings and how to best display them, using rich snippets like price information and reviews 

  • Including alt texts with your product photos 

Tip 4: Make AI education part of your routine 

Much is changing, and at a rapid pace. If you make keeping up with these developments as part of your routine, you will stay informed without feeling overwhelmed. Subscribe to a newsletter or set a fixed time each week to check the latest news on relevant websites. 

Stay up-to-date so that you can respond to developments quickly. Note: there is a difference between keeping up and jumping on every trend. It's good to stay informed, but you don't have to act on everything. Which brings us to the next tip. 

Tip 5: Aim for flexibility 

You could fully optimise based on how things are today – but tomorrow it could be different. The chances of wasting time and effort are high. Don’t throw your current strategy overboard just yet. 

There are too many changes happening too quickly to adapt your entire strategy. Instead, maintain the basics and refine the details along the way. Optimise your product pages gradually so that you can retain your agility and respond to relevant developments with targeted adjustments.  

Tip 6: Learn from the best 

Google SGE is expected to launch in Europe soon. And that gives you the opportunity to do a little ‘snooping’. If your products aren’t in the AIO, whose are? And what can you learn from them? 

See if you can spot patterns among the top results. Are there specific things they mention on their product pages? Is there a particular way they structure these pages? Do these patterns match other 'winning' results? Adapt, analyse and optimise. 

Again, this is not a reason to completely overhaul your strategy, but to make incremental optimisations. Because right now, it’s still largely: easy come, easy go. Due to the changing algorithm, you will need to keep optimising to stay at the top. 

Tip 7: Be part of the conversation 

AI will increasingly provide advice based on information gathered from across a range of sources. Make sure that information about your brand and/or products is not only found on your own website but also elsewhere. How do you do this? By collecting reviews and getting mentions in external publications, blogs, and other relevant platforms. 

If AI systems notice consistently positive mentions about you on reliable websites, it's more likely that your brand will be included in recommendations. These signals confirm to the AI that your offering is worthwhile. 

Tip 8: Experiment 

This is the intersection of flexibility and learning. One of the best things you can do in times of uncertainty is to have an open mind and experiment. So, test, test, test! Experimentation will help you to find out what works for your platform and what doesn’t. 


The rise of AI (and AI-driven results) demands a new way of thinking. Your SEO strategy will require a flexible approach. For now, at least, we recommend continuing to focus on the basics, such as user experience. But also, keep an open mind so that you can capitalise on the opportunities AI offers. Want to know more? Our experts are always ready to help.

Clarissa_Filius - iO

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Clarissa Filius - SEO Strategist

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