Go cloud-native, it’s here to stay

The cloud-native approach to application development and deployment is something that organisations around the world have been working on for a number of years. That's not for nothing: if you develop software in the cloud, you don't have to worry about scalability, infrastructure, or peak loads.

Technology such as serverless, containers and SaaS also have a positive impact on developer productivity: it reduces technical complexity and enables developers to spend less time managing and making major changes is easier. This allows organisations to use their resources more efficiently by freeing up more time and budget to focus on the (further) development of business-critical functionalities.

“By 2025, cloud-native platforms will be the foundation of more than 95% of new digital initiatives, up from less than 40% by 2021.”


It’s time to go cloud-native. Smarter, more flexible, and budget-efficient handling of the IT landscape is one of the focus points for many organisations. But of course, "The journey to cloud-native doesn't happen overnight." When embarking on the journey to cloud-native, take a pragmatic approach: Start by setting clear development goals. You can use them to research which capabilities need to be built into your organisation. Use the solid technological foundations that are already available in the market, and build on them in the current landscape.

Next up: Use a design system for a consistent brand experience