Make innovation a team effort

Shortages in the labour market, rising costs and an uncertain economic outlook: the challenges that companies face are no longer one-dimensional, nor will they have one type of solution. So instead of having one department, one type of expertise or one knowledge team to find the solution, the multidisciplinary team comes into its own. Innovation is driven by the coming together of different types of disciplines in a team, and the insights and experience that the team members bring to the table.


An innovative organisation is mainly about people, governance, and organisational change. If the entire organisation wants to innovate or transform, that cannot be the task of only one of the stakeholders. Therefore, start by evaluating the organisation’s maturity level in terms of innovation. Identify risks and resistance to change. Start with a conversation with the employees. Provide a shared vision and a common goal, recruit (internal) ambassadors, thought leadership, and cultivate the right conditions to encourage experimentation and make it possible for people to work together across borders (departments).

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"Innovation works best in an inclusive culture, not an exclusive club."

Next up: Harness analytics and data to drive business value