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iO's vision on AI

As a digital agency with a strong foundation in technology, at iO we are naturally perfectly positioned to integrate AI applications into our services. And of course, we want to help our clients develop new AI capabilities. 

Supplier and advisor

We do not see ourselves only as a provider of AI solutions. iO is just as much an advisor, a 'shaper', deploying fundamental AI to create unique, customer-centric AI experiences. 

We will not directly develop AI models ourselves, as that requires enormous computing power. Instead, we concentrate on implementing existing models. Think of applications such as AI Search, Conversational AI, and AI plugins.

With these, we can optimise the customer experience, and that is precisely where our strength lies. 

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AI: a means, not an end

At iO, we believe AI is a means to achieve business goals, not an end in itself. AI that makes no contribution to our customers' growth has no value. We aim for impact, not hype. Technology should not be an empty image booster, but a tool to achieve tangible change. That is why we deploy AI to accelerate transformations and solve business challenges. AI should not become a separate, stand-alone strategy, but should reinforce your current strategy. 

AI in our own teams

Within iO, we encourage all our teams to make full use of AI. We want everyone to help brainstorm applications that make work faster, more thoughtful, and better. We reward the teams that come up with the strongest ideas with fun incentives. 

Read on - What iO and AI can do for you today