cat waving at earth from the moon

What iO and AI can do for you tomorrow

According to Kevin Kelly - futurist and author of the bestseller What Technology Wants - AI is still in its infancy.

What we call AI today will no longer be considered AI in a few years, according to Kelly. He predicts that AI will have a greater long-term impact than fire and electricity and that its full impact will only unfold in the coming centuries. 

You can add AI to almost anything. The key question, however, is whether it adds real value for the user. Does it actually solve real problems of, say, consumers, employees, or job applicants? That will ultimately be the litmus test for an AI-driven product or service. 

Does AI answer your questions faster, more completely or more accurately? Do processes run smoother due to AI infusion? The potential of AI extends far beyond more efficient content and asset creation. Look at what processes can run differently and how it will better serve the end user.  

AI is here to stay, and it is time for everyone to get onboard with iO at your side. 

"While AI is visibly on display today, tomorrow the added value may more often be hidden under the bonnet."
Raymond van Muilwijk
Raymond Muilwijk, Technology Officer
space cat on motor

Read on - iO's AI cases