Digital Revolution: learning to ride the waves of technological change

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The digital revolution is gaining momentum, but it is nothing new. Over the last twenty years, technology has drastically changed our daily lives and business models. Today, the pressure to get started with technological transformation is greater than ever before. How do you tackle this? You will find the answer to this question and more in Digital Revolution: learning to surf the waves of technological change. 

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In the past, technological developments used to happen in waves, but today we are riding the crest of multiple waves of digital revolution and technological innovation. No business or (public) organisation can afford to ignore this. More than ever, the constant stream of innovations and the higher customer expectations that come with them are putting pressure on businesses to transform. 

How do you tackle this? Which technologies should you adopt today, and which steps should you take to provide a relevant answer to your customers' future expectations? 

This e-guide contains everything you need to know about learning how to surf the digital revolution.  

In this guide, you'll discover 
  • How the digital revolution is shaping your business model and agenda,

  • Why change should be your priority,

  • How Van Hoecke, Cibor, Farmaline, Favorite Gifts, Nationale Apotheek and Prominent approach digital transformation,

  • The pitfalls you should avoid,

  • Essential rules of thumb. 

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