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The digital landscape is growing, and the market is constantly changing. Data is being generated faster and in larger quantities. Companies would be foolish to ignore these opportunities.
Marketing Mix Modelling offers you new insights into the efficiency of your marketing campaigns. Better insights help you to get the most out of your current budget spend so that you can achieve better results.
In this whitepaper
Why Marketing Mix Modelling adds value.
How Marketing Mix Modelling works.
What do you need to model your marketing mix.
What Marketing Mix Modelling delivers.
Related insights on budget determination
- In our work with clients we see that there’s an increasing focus on effective, goal-oriented marketing communications. Data dashboards that show ‘more conversions’ and ‘more sales’ at a glance are preferred when reporting to the boardroom. But this carries a risk too. It might be a good time for brand managers to ask themselves: are the most obvious tactics also the most impactful ones?Lire la suite
Data & Intelligence : pas de place pour l’émotion en salle de réunion
Les données jouent depuis longtemps un rôle crucial pour mesurer l’efficacité des stratégies marketing et commerciales, ou pour identifier leurs échecs. Pourtant, dans de nombreuses réunions, les discussions sur les raisons de ces échecs et sur les changements à opérer se font encore sur la base d’intuitions. En éliminant l’émotion des prises de décision, marketing et ventes gagnent en efficacité. Autrefois, les stratégies étaient fondées sur des résultats passés. Aujourd’hui, nous avons atteint un niveau élevé de prédictibilité. Le marketing digital n’a jamais été aussi proche de la certitude.Lire la suiteBlog
Optimise your marketing budget for 2025 with Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM)
At iO, we get to support a lot of national and international organisations in the area of digital marketing. One of the tools we use to allocate marketing budgets as efficiently as possible is Marketing Mix Modelling (MMM). While this may sound new and unfamiliar to the ears, it's a technique that has been used as early as the 1980s and 1990s to clarify the impact of marketing spending on sales. But what exactly does MMM entail and why is it so essential when planning marketing budgets for 2025?Lire la suiteBlog
7 essential insights to help you determine your marketing budget for 2025
In the ever-changing world of marketing, it can be challenging for CMOs to determine the correct marketing budget. The economic landscape and technological advances in the marketing industry calls for a new approach to budgeting. In this article, we share seven marketing budget insights, with recommendations for how to determine your budget for 2025.Lire la suiteVideo
Steven Van Belleghem: The cost of poor 'Customer Experience' is frequently underestimated.
Companies are unaware of the enormous the cost of bad customer experiences. Out-of-pocket costs such as customer service are being pushed up, at a time when it’s becoming more difficult and expensive to find new customers.And this is happening while the brand credibility is declining and there is erosion in terms of new business development. In the video below, Steven Van Belleghem calls for more investment in customer focus, as a driver for a successful 2025.Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Successful marketing budgets and plans
Lire la suiteBlog
Opinion article: Will our marketing plans ever be free of the 'gamble'?
Summer is slowly changing into autumn, the annual cue for the opening of the "budget season." Time to fire up the roulette wheel; redistribute marketing investments on gut feel, driven by the resources provided by management. Or are you doing it differently this year?Lire la suiteWebinar
Get more out of your marketing budget with Marketing Mix Modelling
We’ve all noticed that in the dynamic world of marketing data, traditional attribution models are less and less relevant. Changes in technology and legislation mean that we have to look for alternatives. Modelling of marketing data is playing an increasingly prominent role and is becoming more accessible to organisations. Marketing Mix Modelling offers you unique insights into channels that are increasingly difficult to predict in a cookieless world. Find out all about it in this webinar.Lire la suiteWhite paper
16 tips to make your marketing and digitisation budget for 2025 smarter
The 2024 summer holidays are behind us and it's time for organisations to set their budgets for 2025. And that is often a more difficult task than we would like to admit. We wouldn't be iO if we hadn't come up with anything to help you with that tedious task... Get 16 tips to make your marketing and digitisation budget for 2025 smarterLire la suiteBlog
Budgets marketing 2025 : s’appuyer sur les données ou prendre un pari ?
Établir les budgets de marketing pour l’année à venir : voilà qui donne des maux de tête à beaucoup de spécialistes. Allez-vous reprendre les budgets des années précédentes, même si la technologie évolue à une vitesse fulgurante et que le marketing pourrait être complètement différent demain ? Ou suivrez-vous votre intuition quitte à prendre des risques ? Heureusement, il y a la modélisation des données, qui vous permet d’élaborer un budget étayé et correct, couvrant vos coûts annuels sans aucun problème.Lire la suite
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Data Digital StrategyMedia StrategyAdvertising & Performancebudgets2025