Sales, leads, goals: your guide to Performance Marketing

Life at iO Campus

Performance marketing is a branch of marketing where you focus on results. Which results? How can you measure it and - more importantly - how do you achieve it? This is different for every organisation, but the potential of performance marketing to deliver results? That’s universal. The efficient combination of leads, sales and targets is crucial.

Download the whitepaper

In this whitepaper, we put the focus on how performance marketing can help any organisation gather leads to generate sales. After you’re done reading, you will get an idea of iO's performance marketing approach, as well as have a few useful tips on how to get started with performance marketing yourself.

In this whitepaper:

  • All about (your) KPIs, the target audience and the market

  • How do you stay flexible in your approach?

  • The importance of pragmatic performance marketing

  • Adjustment and testing

  • First-party data in a cookieless world

  • Relevant tips and tricks

Performance marketing has something to offer every organisation

By betting on performance marketing, assisted by a clear strategy, the right KPIs, channels and content, your organisation will collect relevant leads and thus make the first contacts with potential customers. So much for the easy part.

Performance marketing is no easy, one-size-fits-all approach. It requires thorough knowledge of what you are doing, what you want to achieve and how to improve results little by little. Take a pragmatic approach and dare to adapt and test, even if everything is going very well at first sight. This is how you ensure successful performance marketing in the long term.

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