Spring cleaning your CRM: 5 tips for a clean database

People in meeting room working on Hubspot

Forbes research shows that nearly half of users are unhappy with their current CRM system. After all, why would you pay that amount of money every month for a CRM system that doesn’t do anything besides store your customer data? If you feel like you are not using your HubSpot environment’s full potential, don’t panic. We will take your CRM to the next level with 5 tips.  

Messy data and an underutilised HubSpot CRM can lead to you missing out on opportunities and even revenue. An optimised HubSpot account simplifies things for you. It doesn't just help you save time and money, but it also improves your sales and marketing activities. Time to pencil in some spring cleaning for your CRM! Dreading a manual cleanup? With our five tips, you’ll have a database that gets you results in no time.

Tick, tick, tick! Ready to get started with your spring cleaning? The HubSpot experts at iO are happy to give you custom advice to optimise your HubSpot account. Request your audit today by filling in our form and discover how to get the most out of your HubSpot investment: 

Quels défis nous aiderons-vous à relever ?

Evelyne Berden - iO
Votre personne de contact:Evelyne,Digital marketer

Frequently asked questions about iO's Hubspot audit offer

In an audit, we check the following:  

  • The setup of your current HubSpot account 

  • Usage, costs & data quality of the CRM 

  • The potential of the account and license 

  • Usage & setup of the current HubSpot account as part of the broader strategy of your organisation 

When we conduct an audit, we go over the following three steps: 

  • Intake meeting: we’ll discuss the current setup and attempt to gain insight into your organisation and strategy.  

  • Audit: after the intake meeting, we will conduct an extensive audit to map out the strengths and weaknesses of your account. 

  • Audit meeting: after we finish the audit, we will schedule a new conversation to discuss the results and next steps. 

This audit is perfect for anyone who: 

  • wants to get the most out of a HubSpot account.  

  • needs an objective review of the HubSpot account delivered by experts.

After the audit, you will get an elaborate audit document and next steps with optimisation suggestions for your HubSpot account.   

The result of the audit will be sent to your email one to two weeks after the intake meeting has taken place. 

We try to make the audit as clear as possible, even to people without HubSpot experience.  

After you have received the audit results, you will have a clear plan to start optimising your HubSpot account. Of course, our experts can also assist your team in the execution of that plan. 

Of course, your business data will be completely secure during the audit. But, to give you some extra peace of mind, we can also set up a processing agreement.

Please note that iO is ISO 27001 certified.

The costs of the audit vary based on the size and complexity of the project. We are happy to offer you a custom quote aligned with your specific needs.