Lipton Taste & Convince activation
'Truus' is what the Dutch call the modern mainstream mom. She is between 20 and 49 years old and handles the everyday purchases for her family. And whenever she finds the time, she has a busy social media life. Those findings made the huge Truus community in the Netherlands the perfect target group for Lipton’s latest sales activation campaign. But there was one tough obstacle to be taken. It seemed she was very loyal to another tea brand...

Build penetration and long-term engagement: bring households from the market leading brand to Lipton.
Increase Return On Marketing Investment and deliver the metrics that prove the work works.
A combined push & pull campaign, with the pull strategy focusing on online and mobile sample requests. These requests were activated via attractive call-to-actions through email, bannering, magazine ads, TV billboards, social media and digital communities. Resulting in the biggest pull campaign The Netherlands have ever seen.
The project was based on pay per performance (= paid per requested sample) instead of the more commonly used pay-per-view or pay-per-click.
During the sample request period we measured all parameters, integrated the data into aLipton Metrics Dashboard and monitored the performance of each medium in real-time. Based in that knowledge, budgets were re-allocated to better performing media during the campaign. Resulting in more sampling for the same budget.
Measuring the difference between push and pull on attitude, awareness, claimed behavior and actual purchase behavior allows for more precise choices.
The pull strategy was 3 times more effective on Top Of Mind Awareness, 44% more cost-efficient and generated twice as many Lipton tastings.
A measured and proven long-term engagement within the exact target group.
A large number of new fans and a 160% growth of the opt-in database, allows for future targetted communication with 'Truus' in order to drive her Lipton brand preference and loyalty.
The campaign was chosen as a Media Global Best Practice by Unilever.