How do you guide citizens through the electricity and gas market?

VREG (Vlaamse Regulator van de Elektriciteits- en Gasmarkt), the Flemish gas and electricity market regulator, has all the answers to your electricity questions. To make sure every Belgian has access to that information, we took a look at VREG’s website. With the user in mind, we embarked on a digital transformation journey.




Helping citizens make sense of the gas and electricity market.


Easy-to-navigate website with fool-proof tools.

An increasing number of people are worried about their energy consumption. Did I choose the right supplier? Is my electricity green enough? VREG wants to answer those questions in a clear way. That’s why it came to iO. 

We built a website with clear information, that displays the right question and answer with a single click. And to go the extra mile, we developed several tools for VREG to make the search for the best solutions easier.

About VREG

VREG regulates and monitors the gas and electricity market in Flanders and aims to keep the industry transparent. Its goal is to inform and advise the Flemish citizens on all things energy.


New website: ready, set… audit!

At iO, we start at the beginning: the old website of VREG. We identified any faults, content gaps and duplicate content in an audit. With that knowledge, we built an updated website.


User is king

VREG knows everything there is to know about energy. With powerful interface design, you can deliver that knowledge to the user clearly. Luckily, our UX and UI experts know everything about that. 

What answers is the user looking for? How can we allow users to navigate the VREG website? With questions like these in mind, our UX and UI designers created the best possible information architecture.

Tools customised to the user’s needs

With our intuitive tools, the end user can get more information about their own electricity situation. We actively focus on development and evolve with the market thanks to new tools. 

With the V test, for instance, the user can compare contracts and services provided by different electricity providers. The green check shows the user whether their contract is sustainable (enough).


Continuous development and evolution

To inform Belgians about the impact of the capacity charges, we proactively set up new web pages. By conducting keyword research, we knew exactly which queries Belgians were using to find information about the capacity charges and new rates in 2023.

Just as we did for the website, we set up the new pages with the user’s search intent in mind. We translated that into a content strategy and a few weeks later into a UX infrastructure. The result? Powerful and concise web pages on the new rates

No more digital energy wasted!

With strategic choices and iO’s in-depth technical knowledge, we created an appealing website with fool-proof tools. This way, the user doesn’t have to stress over every electricity question, and VREG gains (figurative) energy thanks to a user-friendly website.

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