How do you strengthen your market position as a recruitment and staffing expert with a new brand?

You're sitting at the kitchen table. Steaming coffee in your hand, gazing at your laptop. It's time to take the next step in your career, you can feel it in your bones. And then, it’s as if you are experiencing a moment of cosmic alignment, you discover YER's website. With every click, you'll be even more inspired and motivated than ever before. It seems like YER understands your story and is always by your side, every step you take in your career. A partner who moves with your ambitions.

  • Concept, strategy, marketing, design, copy, photography, video, technology, data analysis... So basically everything, together with the experts at YER.

  • Internal branding

  • External activation: online and offline

  • Transform 3 websites into 1 site

Double the presence of YER

Okay, the scenario we sketched above might be a bit rosy. But what YER and we want to achieve is to get you moving so that you can achieve your ambitions with YER. Wherever you are in your life, career, and organisation. How did we do it? Read on.  

From 3 websites to 1
Speaking of ambitions: YER is already big but aspired to double their presence in the world of recruitment and selection and secondment. Initially, they knocked on our door for a new website for students. In addition to their other 2 websites for starters and professionals and those for executives and clients. But that's not efficient, either for YER or for candidates. And if you want to become that big, you have to work on your brand and brand awareness. Externally and internally.  

Need a new brand and site? Email us

To put YER on the map as a partner in recruitment, selection, and secondment for diverse target groups.


New brand concept, internal branding, external activation online and offline, and bringing 3 websites into 1 site for all target groups 

About YER

Ambitions move with your career, your life, the growth of your organisation and the opportunities and developments around you. YER has been helping colleagues and clients to realise their secondment, recruitment, and selection ambitions since 1987. At every stage of your career and for every type of organisation.

"From the exploratory talks we held with various parties, we felt most comfortable at iO. Warm and pleasant. The collaboration is natural and runs almost faultlessly. We are not a client and an implementing partner, but colleagues who are attuned to each other. That's how we experience it."

Armin Ribic YER

Armin Ribic, Head of Marketing YER

YER_Ambitions in motion

A vision that embraces all target groups

What about YER's brand awareness? And what motivates all those different groups and generations? A baseline measurement of the market and dozens of internal interviews gave us all the answers we needed.

As it turns out, there was a lot of work to be done for YER's name and fame. A clear vision and one brand are essential for this. One brand that attracts different audiences.

What do all these target groups have in common? Ambition, the fuel for your next career step. Or rather, ambitions. Plural, in other words. Because you always have multiple ambitions, in your work and in your private life.

With these new insights, we outlined a powerful vision, mission, and personality together. And then we mapped ideal behaviours for YER consultants.

Brand strategy with a powerful pay-off

The vision is defined. How are we going to stimulate consultants, colleagues, and candidates? Preferably without being too commercial?

By adding tangible, 'soft' values to the 'ambitions' that spark your creativity. To confirm the feeling that you are in control of your career and personal growth and development. YER offers opportunities and gets you moving, but you have to seize those opportunities yourself. That's why we added 'in motion'.

The pay-off is born: Ambitions in motion.

In other words: ambitions change, growing with you. They help you advance in your career. Do you want to be one step further tomorrow than today? YER helps you on your career path. Because if you want more and want to move forward, you have to make choices that match your ambitions.


One colour for every target group 

The next step: the brand identity. It will be orderly, but flexible. With room for movement, energy, and ambition. So every now and then it's okay to go outside the lines.

YER is ambitious and commercial, but realistic. What they tell and promise is not slick, but real. Imperfection is what makes it perfect. What triggers something in people and organisations, and what sets them in motion.

In this new brand identity, each target group is given its own colour. You can see these colour accents subtly reflected everywhere in our photos, videos and designs for the website and campaign materials. For example, in the clothes of the models, in the backgrounds, you name it. This way you feel addressed directly and you can see yourself in the student, starter, professional or executive.  


"The moment we saw the colourful translation of all the research and conversations internally is almost indescribable. Everyone was blown away, saying 'Wow, this expresses visually exactly who we are as an organisation. How well everything comes together and how well this suits us.'"

Armin Ribic YER

Armin Ribic, Head of Marketing YER

The power of a brand starts internally

Now that we have the brand identity in focus, YER is almost ready for launch. But the best ambassadors are on the inside. So we started by recruiting internal support for all of the above. How? By transforming the offices with new wall coverings, implementing the new corporate identity via Templafy in all Office tools, and documenting the brand story centrally in a virtual brand book using zeroheight.

Externally: new digital platform

The website, that we created together with YER covers every aspect from strategy to technology, continuously measuring and optimising, has been live since August 2023.

Of course, we can tell you all about it.

About how we custom built it in Umbraco, with links to Templafy for the corporate identity, Salesforce for the CRM database and Byner for the vacancies. About the strategy behind the website, about the navigation and structure that we tested with end users, about the content tailored to each target group, about the A/B tests, about the photos and videos that we shot when it was freezing cold - models, sorry again about that - and that provides a warm, personal welcome on the website, about the....

But maybe it's more fun if you find out for yourself on Feedback? We would love to hear from you via ...

YER- Breng je ambities in beweging

YER will soon be all around you 

Great, says YER. Can we also help with the next challenge: the launch of the new brand externally? Sure, we'd love to.

In order to realise YER's great ambitions, we are jointly developing a solid marketing strategy for the short and longer term. Including campaigns - in which all channels online and offline support the other - media strategy, media buying, budget planning and content calendar.

What does that mean? You're going to see YER everywhere. At least if you belong to the target group, because we are not going to shoot blanks. Where? At the top of Google in your search results, in Google ads, on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram. But also, in newspapers and at NS stations, schools, along the highway, and so on.


"We do secondment and recruitment and selection. At different levels of seniority, in all kinds of fields, and in different industries. It is quite complicated to get all that together and get everything in the right place. What we have now is a huge achievement. Especially because the people at iO clearly understand who we are."

Armin Ribic YER

Armin Ribic, Head of Marketing YER

Impact in numbers


increase assisted brand awareness


more educated individuals in their twenties, thirties, and forties are considering YER

35 milj

campaign impressions

27,3 k

campaign interactions


increase in conversions


more applicants

Time to accelerate your career ambitions? 

For a career change, YER is the place to be. But if you are looking for a new brand, new website, or new campaign, you've come to the right place. Drop in, or call or email us. We would love to hear about your ambitions.

Also looking to create an experience tailored to your audience?

We'd love to look at your challenges together. Fancy a chat to discuss the possibilities?