Conversion optimisation after Google Optimize: the end of an era?

26 May 2023

CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation) is important to generate more conversions from website users. However, Google will soon be taking its special CRO tool, Google Optimize, offline. So what are the alternatives?

Google Optimize

What is Google Optimize?

Google Optimize is a web analytics and testing tool launched by Google in 2018. The tool is very popular among CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation) and UX (User Experience) specialists and can be used to: 

  • Run A/B tests. You can compare different versions of a webpage or design elements to see which one performs better.

  • Personalise websites. You can create custom experiences based on website visitors’ behaviour and characteristics.

  • Conduct redirect tests. You can test multiple landing pages to see which one has the best conversion rate.

At the time of writing, Google Optimize is still integrated with Google Analytics. This integration allows you to carefully monitor and analyse your experiments and improve your website using data-driven decision-making

However, five years after its launch, Google noticed that Optimize’s features remained limited. On top of that, users often complained about the tool’s setup. 

Therefore, Google has decided to start focusing more on third-party integrations when it comes to monitoring A/B tests in Google Analytics 4. Optimize will officially be shut down and integrated into GA4 on 30 September 2023. At the time of writing, you can still retrieve old data via an API, as well as export current data. 

Google Cloud and Optimizely combine forces

Many CRO and UX specialists are sad to see Google Optimize go. However, a new dawn is already rising thanks to experimentation platform Optimizely, which is set to combine forces with Google Cloud Services. 

The partnership between Optimizely and Google Cloud looks like a very promising “CRO convention”, as the combination of front-facing tools and advanced technologies will enable real-time interpretation of consumer behaviour.

Together, Optimizely and Google Cloud will use an arsenal of knowledge, data and technology, such as machine learning and advanced analytics, to try and predict consumer behaviour. An ambitious endeavour that, if it succeeds, will be a huge win for the marketing industry.


Some great alternatives, with iO’s seal of approval

Are you an avid user of Google Optimize and not sure what to do when the tool is taken offline? No worries, iO has got your back. We’ve selected, tested and approved two other tools that can help you test and optimise your website.

1. Squeezely

Squeezely is an SaaS platform (Software as a Service) with lots of interesting features, such as heat maps and session recordings, to test different elements of your website. Additionally, you can use Squeezely to build custom landing pages tailored to your visitors using specific visitor data such as browser history and location.

Squeezely mainly focuses on personalisation, but also offers lots of opportunities through A/B testing.

2. VWO 

VWO (Visual Website Optimizer) is a tool you can use to efficiently run A/B, split and multivariate tests on websites. In other words, you can use it to test, optimise and personalise your web pages. 

Another valuable characteristic of VWO is the tool’s integration of popular marketing platforms such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Facebook Pixel. This integration allows you to easily monitor and analyse website performance and helps you to make data-driven decisions. 

How iO uses conversion optimisation

Our iO CRO specialists find A/B testing to be very important when it comes to optimising the performance of our clients’ platforms.

For example, we used A/B testing to optimise a quotation form for our client Primagaz. We tested two versions of the form and evaluated the test during two separate periods. The difference and result? A small piece of microcopy helped us increase the original conversion rate by 80%

Strategic choices on the copywriting and UI level help us contribute to better conversion results.

Mathijs Vancraybex
About the author
Mathijs Vancraybex
Digital Marketeer - iO

Being a digital marketer at iO, Mathijs feels at home in – and outside of – Google's ecosystem. Using SEO, CRO, content optimisations and the combination of data, knowledge and technology, he makes all the difference for iO's clients. This is how to get the most out of digital marketing, as a sustainable process that grows with the organisation.

Optimise your conversion rate

Do you want to optimise your web pages and increase your conversion rate? Our CRO specialists can help you do exactly that. Feel free to contact us. We’re happy to help.

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