iO meetup

Coven of Wisdom: Agile Extravaganza

January 12, 2023 at 18:00 - 20:00

Do you handle digital technology every day? Or do you work with a tech team that has at least one (front-end) developer, engineer or analyst in its ranks? In that case you’ll be in good company during our next Coven of Wisdom event, titled Agile Extravaganza, on the 12th of January at campus Eindhoven.

Speaker Michel Grootjans is a technical agile coach and will teach you the effects of team flow in a non-technical workshop. Together with interactive simulations on team organisation and the effect this has on the total flow of work, we have plenty of exciting things to discuss.

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This event is over, but don’t worry.

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Agile Extravaganza: all about the (team) flow

Topics of this Meetup
  • Why would we prefer T-shaped team members?

  • How can swarming help?

  • Why would you deliberately limit work in progress?

  • Why is it that we have trouble estimating when work will be done?

P.S. Be sure to bring your mobile phone if you want to be part of the fun. You'll only need your phone's browser.

iO’s Coven of Wisdom: community for all things technology in the Netherlands

Born from the ashes of the Eindhoven Front-end and iO Campus Eindhoven Meetup group, we want to broaden our horizons. Digital projects aren't merely front-end. They're a collaborative effort between all types of technologies and experts. 

With the Coven of Wisdom, we want to encourage digital talents to take a look over the proverbial fence and share insights on other parts of the tech stack. All this in a very accessible, informal way, four times a year.

Did we catch your interest?

In that case, register right away to claim a spot to call your own during our meetup. All it takes is filling out the form on the left, we’ll take care of the rest.

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