Next Potentials: We are the Future, powered by iO
April 18, 2024 at 16:00 - 20:00

Always wanted to ask a CEO for tips? Or are you looking for young talent with a lot of potential yourself? Then this is the networking event for you. Pieter Janssens, CEO at iO, will share his advice as keynote speaker, among others. The event takes place at the beautiful iO campus in Antwerp – fun, food and drinks included! 

Don't want to miss it? Then mark 18 April in your diary. 


Networking and dining with CEOs and high-potentials  

As a CEO, how do you sustainably grow your company? What does it mean to be a good leader? And: how does a Gen Z'er view his career? These topics will undoubtedly be discussed at our networking event We Are the Future.   

As a young professional, you will have the opportunity to sit down with CEOs and, as a CEO, you can meet the next generation of high-potentials in person. Not to be missed!  


18:00 - 18:45 Welcome  
18:45 - 19:00 Opening speech by CEO Pieter Janssens  
19:00 - 19:15 We Are Next Potentials  
19:15 - 19:45 Keynote by high-performance coach Koen De Zutter  
19:45 - 20:30 Panel discussion on talent development and leadership moderated by Pieter Janssens  
20:30 - 22:00 Connecting young potentials & CEOs (free networking opportunity)  

Pieter Janssens

Panel discussion with CEO Pieter Janssens 

Pieter Janssens (CEO at iO) shares his vision on personal development, leadership and more, and shares some practical career advice.

Koen De Zutter

Keynote with Koen De Zutter

High-performance coach Koen De Zutter teaches you how to reach your ‘next level’ in 5 steps.

About Next Potentials

Next Potentials is a community that connects ambitious young professionals from different companies and sectors. An environment where the focus is on professional and personal development. A place for tomorrow's leaders and high potentials.

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For whom?

  • Young professionals aged between 21 and 35

  • CEOs

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