Getting started with Google Analytics 4
Universal Analytics, the older brother of Google Analytics 4, will stop collecting data in July 2023. In other words: marketers will need to find an alternative. In this whitepaper, we discuss the most recent version of Google's data analysis tool: Google Analytics 4.
With Google Analytics 4, Google is committed to scalability, privacy-centric measurement, machine learning, and expanding the integration features of the platform. This makes the latest version of GA fully future-proof — as will you be, after reading this whitepaper.
With Google Analytics 4, Google is committed to scalability, privacy-centric measurement, machine learning, and expanding the integration features of the platform. This makes the latest version of GA fully future-proof — as will you be, after reading this whitepaper.
What is Google Analytics 4?
The evolution of Google Analytics
What are the differences between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4?
How to get started with Google Analytics 4
How do I create a Google Analytics 4-Property?
What is the impact of switching to GA4?
Switching to Google Analytics 4 will have a major impact on marketers. The way of reporting and the interface will change, so you and your colleagues will have to get back up to speed.
In time, the old version will no longer be supported. In other words: now really is the time to migrate to Google Analytics 4. Do you need some extra guidance? Our experts are happy to help you.