How to manage your municipality’s websites & digital accessibility

13 mai 2024 à 09:30 - 14:30

“Thousands of forgotten municipal websites in shockingly bad state.” That’s the title of a recent article on the Dutch website Binnenlands Bestuur. But how does your municipality manage its website(s)? Would you like to know more about how you can create, monitor and maintain a digital landscape for your municipality? One that is secure and easy to navigate for all users? Then join us at the Drupal voor Gemeenten (DvG) event on Monday 13 May at iO Campus Utrecht! 

Event iO DvG

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Report a change of address, apply for a subsidy, read important municipal news, submit a Woo request to view government or council files, etc. Municipal websites are becoming increasingly important for informing and communicating with residents. At the same time, technology is developing rapidly. For many municipalities, this raises the question: how do we get or keep a grip on our digital landscape with one central website and several thematic websites, while at the same time meeting all standards in terms of digital accessibility, security, etc.?   

Drupal for Gemeenten (DvG) is a Drupal distribution specifically developed for Dutch municipalities. Currently, however, only a small percentage of Dutch municipalities use DvG. 

That is why Drupal is organising this event and has put together an interesting programme that includes topics such as digital landscape management and optimising digital accessibility, as well as a case story about the Municipality of Breda’s use of DvG. Will we see you on 13 May at iO Campus Utrecht? 


11:30 - 12:30: Reception & Lunch
12:30 - 12:45: Opening & welcome speech  
12:45 - 13:15: How to get and keep control of your digital landscape - Michiel Duijsings, Online Strategist at Digital Insights Platform  
13:15 - 13:45: Digital accessibility: also for subsites - Jules Ernst, Digital Accessibility Expert at 200ok  
13:45 - 14:15: Break (coffee & snacks included)  
14:15 - 14:45: Content from the outside in: what citizens do read - Tamara Bouman - Lammertse, Content Strategist at iO  
14:45 - 15:15: Municipality of Breda's view on content publishing & subsites: - Thom van der Giessen, Manager Contact Service at Municipality of Breda  
15:15 - 15:40: Closing remarks & Q&A  
15:30 - 16:30: Drinks & networking   

Will you join us? 

Are you an application manager, web editor, communications advisor, webmaster, or involved with your municipality's digital channels? Then this event is for you. The event is free of charge and open to all municipalities in the Netherlands. We look forward to seeing you at iO Campus Utrecht on 13 May. See you there! 


About Drupal voor Gemeenten, powered by iO

Providing accessible services has never been easier. DvG helps you optimise your online services and allows you to quickly and easily create an attractive and digitally accessible website for your municipality. At the time of writing, DvG is in use by 60 Dutch municipalities.  

DvG is part of iO. We have a strong team of 25 specialist DvG developers and content, research and consultancy experts.

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