Using deployment & adoption to make new ways of working successful

having fun at work

How can we better understand the business results our transformation programmes deliver? Or how do I prevent or manage resistance around the change we want to bring about?

Achieving desired business results during digital transformation is not just about designing the perfect solution for the organisation, and plotting the appropriate course. It's also about landing that same solution with the people who have to work with it. From the operational teams to the senior management. From the people who control the tools, to the managers who lead from the KPI dashboards. We help you to encourage support and buy in throughout the organisation so that teams, both central and local, can get to work with it.

  • Structured approach and best practices 

  • A tailor-made solution for your organisation 

  • Domain, technology and platform independent 

  • Sustainable growth 

  • Higher adoption in the organisation 

  • Improved Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI) 

An integral part of capability building

At iO, capability building goes hand in hand with deployment & adoption. Whatever the change; for it to succeed you need to develop strong communication networks. For example, between central policymakers and local marketers, who all have their own expectations and work culture. iO makes these connections, so that the new context that you create at a central level is widely supported and adopted with enthusiasm by everyone at all levels in the organisation. 

We do this with specialists who can trigger valuable interactions with (international) stakeholders at every level. These same specialists can help you to determine which design should also be implemented centrally. And where it is important to make deviations for local working methods. Consider a local go-to-market strategy because market needs are not always the same, for example, in America products are sold through agents and in Spain online. Or adapting email campaigns to comply with local laws and regulations. By taking central and local concerns into account, we create the ideal basis for digital activation in your daily (global) operation. 

Colleagues working together on laptop

In the final stage or from the start

We are regularly called in to work with deployment & adoption in the final stages of projects. Even then we can help to make a programme or project successful. Naturally the impact of including deployment & adoption is greater if we are involved from the start, and if all stakeholders in your organisation are involved early.

Specialists in thoughts and deeds

We work with the stakeholders in your business to develop an integrated approach that brings your business objectives together with marketing and technology. Is the approach in place? Great, then we can put it into practice. Because that is typical iO: we help organisations with everything from strategy to daily (global) operations.

Organisations we help with deployment & adoption

Akzonobel - iO
Philips - iO
Event marketing iO Logo

Enchantés, nous sommes iO

iO est une « agence mixte ». Nous abattons les murs entre les mondes de l’agence, de la technologie et de la consultance. Il en résulte une nouvelle façon de travailler ensemble. C’est pourquoi nous vous aidons à façonner et à améliorer durablement l’expérience de votre marque, du début à la fin. Nous fusionnons les talents en matière de stratégie, de créativité, de contenu, de marketing, de technologie et de données. C’est ainsi que nous exploitons la puissance d’une collaboration intelligente.

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