Building a Modular Monolith With Spring Boot and Across

Keep your architecture under control with a module based approach.

Spring Boot is excellent for building Java applications, whether they're large monoliths or micro-services. The challenge with monolithic applications is that the architecture often degrades over time, and some times they end up becoming a big ball of mud.

Developing your monoliths in a modular fashion can help you keep your architecture under control. This is where Across framework comes into play, as it allows you to structure your Spring application with modules.

About this post

In this post, we’ll be focusing on how you can define modules with Across, and how the modular approach is different from the regular Spring approach.

We’ll explain:

  • how to define an Across module and add it to your application,

  • how to define dependencies between modules,

  • how the bean creation differs from a regular Spring Boot application,

  • how module dependencies impact the default ordering of modules, beans and the handling of events.

You need to know some Spring Boot (or at least Spring framework), Java 8 and Maven to follow this tutorial. We will also be using Lombok to generate some boilerplate code with annotations like @Slf4j and @RequiredArgsConstructor.

This is a pretty lengthy post, but we'll take it step-by-step, explaining things on the way. If you are more interested in the complete example, see the Github repository link at the end of this post.

So let’s get started.

Creating our application

Let’s start by creating our Spring Boot application.

Go to and ensure that the option Blank Across application without any modules is selected. Click on Generate project, download, unzip to a folder and import the project via the pom.xml in your favorite IDE.

When unzipped, you should see the following folder structure:

Project structure


There are only 2 Java classes added:

  • DemoApplication, which represents the Spring Boot application.

  • ITDemoApplication, which is an integration test for bootstrapping the application.

Let’s a have quick look at the source code of DemoApplication:


		modules = {

public class DemoApplication
	public static void main( String[] args ) {
		SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication( DemoApplication.class );
		springApplication.setDefaultProperties( Collections.singletonMap( "spring.config.location", "${user.home}/dev-configs/demo-application.yml" ) ); args );

This is run as a SpringApplication, but instead of @SpringBootApplication the class is annotated with @AcrossApplication signaling we want to bootstrap as a modular application based on Across.

In an Across application, we also call this file the application descriptor.

At the moment our application descriptor is empty, as there are no modules added to it. Let’s boot up our newly created application.

Run the application

You can simply execute the DemoApplication main method to run the application. From a terminal you can also use the following command:

$ mvn spring-boot:run

When starting up the application, you should find the following in the console output:

: ---
: AcrossContext: DemoApplication (AcrossContext-1)
: Bootstrapping 2 modules in the following order:
: 1 - DemoApplicationModule [resources: demo]: class com.foreach.across.core.DynamicAcrossModule$DynamicApplicationModule
: 2 - AcrossContextPostProcessorModule [resources: AcrossContextPostProcessorModule]: class com.foreach.across.core.AcrossContextConfigurationModule
: ---

This is a very important piece of information for our application: it tells us which modules are being started and in which order. We will come back to this later on, but it's vital to make sure you can always easily retrieve this from the logs.

Although we don’t specify any modules ourselves, we can see that the application bootstraps two modules that are added by default. You can ignore these for now, we’ll explain them towards the end of this post.

Testing the application

Apart from running the main class, you should also be able to run the integration test: ITDemoApplication.

If you want to run all integration tests from the terminal, you can use:

$ mvn integration-test

But usually I just execute the test class or test method directly from the IDE.

The integration test bootstraps the entire DemoApplication as well, and is pre-configured for a Spring MVC testing scenario (using MockMvc). We won’t be using that in the rest of this tutorial, however.

Adding a component

Now that we can boot up our application, let’s add some code to it. We'll start by adding a component in the same package as the DemoApplication class.


package com.example.demo;

public class ComponentOne
	public ComponentOne() { "Component created: {}", getClass() );

This class declares a simple bean component that should get instantiated when Spring scans the package for all classes annotated with @Component. However, when you re-run the application integration test, you should not find the text Component created anywhere, meaning our component actually did not get created.

If you do find the output, you probably added the component to the application child package. Move it next to the DemoApplication instead. We will explain the purpose of the application package at the end of this post.

In a regular @SpringBootApplication we would expect Spring Boot to scan the root package and all child packages below for components. An @AcrossApplication, however, encourages you to bundle your components in separate modules, and to only treat the application class as a descriptor for which modules should be added.

In fact, if you were to manually add a @ComponentScan directly on the DemoApplication class, starting the application would fail altogether (with a specific error message).

In order to continue, we must put our component in an Across module.

Creating an Across module

Every module is identified by a unique name and a module descriptor, a class extending AcrossModule. As a convention and to help you separate your code, each module usually resides in its own base package.

Let’s create a package and add a module descriptor to it:


public class ModuleOne extends AcrossModule
	public String getName() {
		return "ModuleOne";

	protected void registerDefaultApplicationContextConfigurers( Set<ApplicationContextConfigurer> contextConfigurers ) {
		contextConfigurers.add( ComponentScanConfigurer.forAcrossModule( ModuleOne.class ) );

This class is a module descriptor that defines a module named ModuleOne, and configures it so it scans its own package for components when starting up.

Let’s move the previously created ComponentOne to the same package and rename it to InternalComponentOne.


public class InternalComponentOne
	public InternalComponentOne() { "Component created: {}", getClass() );

You should end up with the following project structure:


We have defined a new module (ModuleOne) which will contain a single component (InternalComponentOne) when it is started. All that’s left to do is to add our newly defined module to our application. We can do that by adding the module descriptor as a bean in the DemoApplication:

		modules = {

public class DemoApplication {
    public ModuleOne moduleOne() {
        return new ModuleOne();


If you now run the integration test or re-start the application, you should see that ModuleOne was added and that InternalComponentOne got created.

: ---
: AcrossContext: DemoApplication (AcrossContext-1)
: Bootstrapping 3 modules in the following order:
: 1 - ModuleOne [resources: ModuleOne]: class
: 2 - DemoApplicationModule [resources: demo]: class com.foreach.across.core.DynamicAcrossModule$DynamicApplicationModule
: 3 - AcrossContextPostProcessorModule [resources: AcrossContextPostProcessorModule]: class com.foreach.across.core.AcrossContextConfigurationModule
: ---
: ...
: --- Starting module bootstrap
: 1 - ModuleOne [resources: ModuleOne]: class
: Refreshing ModuleOne: startup date [Wed Sep 26 08:57:46 CEST 2018]; parent: AcrossContext-1
: ...
: Component created: class
: 2 - DemoApplicationModule [resources: demo]: class com.foreach.across.core.DynamicAcrossModule$DynamicApplicationModule

Testing an Across module in isolation

Part of the modularization aspect is that it should help you define and manage your dependencies. As such it is also important that you can test your modules in isolation: with the minimum set of required dependencies.

Our newly created ModuleOne does not declare any explicit dependencies on other modules. So let’s create a separate integration test that bootstraps our module all by itself.

We can do so by using the across-test features that have automatically been added to the project.

Create a new test class which we will use for separate module integration testing:

public class TestModuleBootstrapScenarios
	public void moduleOneShouldBootstrapInIsolation() {
		try (AcrossTestContext ignore = AcrossTestBuilders.standard( false )
		                                                  .modules( new ModuleOne() )
		                                                  .build()) {
			LOG.trace( "Bootstrap successful." );

This test creates an Across context configuration that only starts ModuleOne. Since we do not need any web features, we create a standard configuration. And since we do not require a database, we disable the default test datasource (the false argument). This simply ensures that our test executes a bit faster.

We’re using a try-with-resources approach to take care of cleaning up everything afterward. Our test simply checks that starting up works and writes a log message, we don’t validate anything else.

You should now have the following structure for your test code:

You should now have the following structure for your test code:

A note about the tests' package structure

We have created no less than 3 package structures for our tests. This is not any form of requirement but simply a conventional approach we prefer:

  • com.example.demo contains the actual unit tests, often tests that reside in the same package as the units of code they are testing,

  • test contains partial integration tests, integration tests for "parts of the application",

  • it contains the full-stack integration tests, in this case tests that bootstrap the entire application.

In the Maven configuration provided by the initializr, the it integration tests are only run with the integration-test goal, whereas all others are executed when using mvn test.

You should be able to execute test moduleOneShouldBootstrapInIsolation() successfully and find the following in the console output:

AcrossContext: AcrossContext-1 (AcrossContext-1)
Bootstrapping 2 modules in the following order:
1 - ModuleOne [resources: ModuleOne]: class
2 - AcrossContextPostProcessorModule [resources: AcrossContextPostProcessorModule]: class com.foreach.across.core.AcrossContextConfigurationModule

The DemoApplicationModule - a feature of using the @AcrossApplication annotation - is now no longer available. The AcrossContextPostProcessorModule is automatically added by the Across framework and cannot be removed, it always exists.

Cleaning up the test logging output

You might notice that you get a lot more logging output when running this unit test. This is because when using @AcrossApplication a default logging configuration gets initialized, but that is not the case when using the AcrossTestBuilders.

The easiest way to fix this is to provide a logback-test.xml in your test resources, and to import a pre-configured sample configuration, which comes with the across-test dependency.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<include resource="logback-across-test.xml"/>

When added correctly, this should be the full console output of running moduleOneShouldBootstrapInIsolation():

AcrossBootstrapper: ---
AcrossBootstrapper: AcrossContext: AcrossContext-1 (AcrossContext-1)
AcrossBootstrapper: Bootstrapping 2 modules in the following order:
AcrossBootstrapper: 1 - ModuleOne [resources: ModuleOne]: class
AcrossBootstrapper: 2 - AcrossContextPostProcessorModule [resources: AcrossContextPostProcessorModule]: class com.foreach.across.core.AcrossContextConfigurationModule
AcrossBootstrapper: ---
AcrossConfig: Creating a default ConversionService as no valid bean 'conversionService' is present
AcrossBootstrapper: --- Starting module bootstrap
AcrossBootstrapper: 1 - ModuleOne [resources: ModuleOne]: class
AcrossDevelopmentMode: Across development mode active: false
InternalComponentOne: Component created: class
AcrossBootstrapper: 2 - AcrossContextPostProcessorModule [resources: AcrossContextPostProcessorModule]: class com.foreach.across.core.AcrossContextConfigurationModule
AcrossBootstrapper: Nothing to be done - disabling module
AcrossBootstrapper: --- Module bootstrap finished: 1 modules started
AcrossContext: Shutdown signal received - destroying ApplicationContext instances

So far we have added a single module to our application, and tested it in isolation. Let’s make things a bit more interesting and add a second module.

Adding a second module

Create a second package modules.two and more or less copy the configuration of ModuleOne: create an equivalent module descriptor and internal component.

package com.example.demo.modules.two;

public class ModuleTwo extends AcrossModule
	public String getName() {
		return "ModuleTwo";

	protected void registerDefaultApplicationContextConfigurers( Set<ApplicationContextConfigurer> contextConfigurers ) {
		contextConfigurers.add( ComponentScanConfigurer.forAcrossModule( ModuleTwo.class ) );
package com.example.demo.modules.two;

public class InternalComponentTwo
	public InternalComponentTwo() { "Component created: {}", getClass() );

Your project structure now looks like:


Add an integration test for the second module.

public void moduleTwoShouldBootstrap() {
    try (AcrossTestContext ignore = AcrossTestBuilders.standard( false ).modules( new ModuleTwo() ).build()) {
        LOG.trace( "Bootstrap successful." );

You should be able to run this test successfully.

Adding a component dependency

Let’s add a component dependency to InternalComponentTwo. Add a constructor injection dependency for InternalComponentOne.

public class InternalComponentTwo
    private final InternalComponentOne internalComponentOne;

    public InternalComponentTwo(InternalComponentOne internalComponentOne) {"Component created: {} (using {})", getClass(), internalComponentOne);

        this.internalComponentOne = internalComponentOne;

This is a regular Spring bean dependency. This code compiles, as InternalComponentOne is a public class, but if you run the test, it fails with exception:

No qualifying bean of type '' available

Which makes sense, as InternalComponentOne is a bean created in ModuleOne but our ModuleTwo does not have a dependency on ModuleOne.

Adding a module dependency

In a module approach, a module can explicitly define a dependency on another module. You can do so using @AcrossDepends on the module descriptor.

Change the ModuleTwo descriptor to add an explicit dependency on ModuleOne.

package com.example.demo.modules.two;

@AcrossDepends(required = "ModuleOne")
public class ModuleTwo extends AcrossModule

This dependency is required, meaning that the application must not start if the dependency is not met. We refer to the module we depend on by name, as a module name is expected to be unique.

If you re-run the moduleTwoShouldBootstrap() test, it now fails with another, clear exception:

com.foreach.across.core.context.bootstrap.ModuleDependencyMissingException: Unable to bootstrap AcrossContext as module ModuleTwo requires module ModuleOne. Module ModuleOne is not present in the context.

This is expected behavior. We have stipulated a dependency on ModuleOne, but have not added ModuleOne to our test configuration yet.

Cleaning up the tests

Let’s split up our single test case into two separate tests:

  • one that verifies bootstrapping fails if ModuleOne is not present

  • one that verifies bootstrapping works if ModuleOne is present

@Test(expected = ModuleDependencyMissingException.class)
public void moduleTwoRequiresModuleOne() {
    try (AcrossTestContext ignore = AcrossTestBuilders.standard( false )
                                                      .modules( new ModuleTwo() )
                                                      .build()) {
        fail( "Should not have bootstrapped." );

public void moduleTwoBootstrapsIfOneIsPresent() {
    try (AcrossTestContext ignore = AcrossTestBuilders.standard( false )
                                                      .modules( new ModuleTwo(), new ModuleOne() )
                                                      .build()) {
        LOG.trace( "Bootstrap successful." );

If we run the tests, moduleTwoRequiresModuleOne() succeeds, but moduleTwoBootstrapsIfOneIsPresent() fails again with the original exception:

No qualifying bean of type '' available

Even though in the console log we can see that InternalComponentOne gets created:

: --- Starting module bootstrap
: 1 - ModuleOne [resources: ModuleOne]: class
: Across development mode active: false
: Component created: class
: 2 - ModuleTwo [resources: ModuleTwo]: class com.example.demo.modules.two.ModuleTwo
: Exception encountered during context initialization

ModuleOne starts up fine and creates InternalComponentOne, but bootstrapping ModuleTwo fails when it tries to resolve the InternalComponentOne dependency.

So what is going on here?

Exposing beans

In a modular approach with Across, all beans are contained within their module unless otherwise exposed. This means that even though InternalComponentOne is a publicly accessible class, and there is a singleton bean created for it, that bean can only be accessed from within ModuleOne. As far as ModuleTwo can see, there is no component InternalComponentOne.

To fix this, we can expose InternalComponentOne by annotating it with @Exposed. Instead of exposing the internal component however, let’s create a separate exposed component and use that one as a dependency in InternalComponentTwo.


public class ExposedComponentOne implements Supplier<String>
	public String get() {
		return "hello from module one";
public class InternalComponentTwo
	private final ExposedComponentOne exposedComponentOne;

	public InternalComponentTwo( ExposedComponentOne exposedComponentOne ) { "Component created: {} (using {})", getClass(), exposedComponentOne );

		this.exposedComponentOne = exposedComponentOne;

Your project structure should look like:


Run the tests, they should all be green.

Verifying exposed beans

Our integration test for ModuleTwo indirectly tests that ModuleOne exposes the correct component. Often you also want to test in the scope of your module which beans it exposes. Let’s update the module one test accordingly:

public void moduleOneShouldBootstrapInIsolation() {
    try (AcrossTestContext context = AcrossTestBuilders.standard(false)
                                                       .modules(new ModuleOne())
                                                       .build()) {

We use the AcrossTestContext to retrieve the exposed bean. If you comment or remove @Exposed on ExposedComponentOne, this test will fail.

As we’ll see in another example below, there are other ways to expose beans.

Module ordering

In a regular Spring application, beans often know which other beans exist even before those other beans have been created. In an Across application this works differently: a bean can only know which beans another module provides once that other module has started. This means that even though ExposedComponentOne is exposed, it requires ModuleOne to be fully bootstrapped before ModuleTwo attempts to retrieve the exposed bean.

It is the correct use of @AcrossDepends that ensures this: ModuleTwo explicitly depends on ModuleOne, which means ModuleOne will be guaranteed to have been started before ModuleTwo. This also means that all components that make up ModuleOne will have been created. This type of ordering is fundamentally different from regular Spring applications, in which it is quite difficult to ensure the creation order of an entire group of beans, without depending on each one of them separately.

This type of reliable bootstrap ordering also means that cyclic dependencies are not possible: having a cyclic dependency between two modules (direct or indirect) will not allow your application to start.

Let’s put it to the test.

Non-deterministic bootstrap order

Put the @AcrossDepends(required = "ModuleOne") annotation on ModuleTwo in comments.

Now let’s look at our test method:

public void moduleTwoBootstrapsIfOneIsPresent() {
    try (AcrossTestContext ignore = AcrossTestBuilders.standard(false)
            .modules(new ModuleTwo(), new ModuleOne())
            .build()) {
        LOG.trace("Bootstrap successful.");

We no longer have defined a dependency between ModuleOne and ModuleTwo, this means they don’t care about each other. In our test configuration example, we register them with:

.modules(new ModuleTwo(), new ModuleOne())

ModuleTwo is registered before ModuleOne. Since there is no dependency based ordering, the registration order will be kept, causing the test to fail.

Play around with reversing the registration order, in the console output you can clearly see its impact on the bootstrap order:

: AcrossContext: AcrossContext-1 (AcrossContext-1)
: Bootstrapping 3 modules in the following order:
: 1 - ModuleTwo [resources: ModuleTwo]: class com.example.demo.modules.two.ModuleTwo
: 2 - ModuleOne [resources: ModuleOne]: class
: 3 - AcrossContextPostProcessorModule [resources: AcrossContextPostProcessorModule]: class com.foreach.across.core.AcrossContextConfigurationModule
: ---

This illustrates the importance of clearly defining your module dependencies. The reliable implicit ordering resulting from it is one of the most important features that facilitates building modular applications.

Let’s see how that ordering propagates throughout the application. Make sure you have uncommented the @AcrossDepends on ModuleTwo again before continuing.

Component ordering

We created ExposedComponentOne as an implementation of Supplier<String>. Let’s create another new module which has a component that retrieves all Supplier<String> implementations and returns their class names.

Start by adding the module descriptor for ModuleThree which declares a dependency on ModuleOne:

package com.example.demo.modules.three;

public class ModuleThree extends AcrossModule
	public String getName() {
		return "ModuleThree";

	protected void registerDefaultApplicationContextConfigurers( Set<ApplicationContextConfigurer> contextConfigurers ) {
		contextConfigurers.add( ComponentScanConfigurer.forAcrossModule( ModuleThree.class ) );

Add a SupplierService component which wires all Supplier<String> beans.

package com.example.demo.modules.three;

public class SupplierService
	private Collection<Supplier<String>> suppliers = Collections.emptyList();

	public void setSuppliers( Collection<Supplier<String>> suppliers ) {
		this.suppliers = suppliers;

	public Collection<String> getSupplierNames() {
		                .map( Object::getClass )
		                .map( Class::getSimpleName )
		                .collect( Collectors.toList() );

Because we will change it later on, we deliberately use setter injection with @Autowired in this class.

We want to have the SupplierService exposed for other modules, but instead of a regular @Component @Exposed we use the @Service annotation. Beans annotated with @Service are exposed by default.

Your project structure should now look like:


Add an integration test to check that our SupplierService finds the ExposedComponentOne implementation.

public void supplierServiceFromModuleThreeListsDetectedSuppliers() {
    try (AcrossTestContext ctx = AcrossTestBuilders.standard(false)
            .modules(new ModuleThree(), new ModuleOne())
            .build()) {
        SupplierService supplierService = ctx.getBeanOfType(SupplierService.class);
        assertEquals(Collections.singletonList("ExposedComponentOne"), supplierService.getSupplierNames());

This test should succeed because:

  • of the module dependencies, ModuleThree starts after ModuleOne and can access the exposed ExposedComponentOne,

  • SupplierService is created with the list of Supplier<String> beans it can find, which currently is only ExposedComponentOne,

  • SupplierService is itself is exposed and can be accessed from the unit test.

Adding an exposed component

Let’s also add an exposed component implementing Supplier<String> to ModuleTwo:

package com.example.demo.modules.two;

public class ExposedComponentTwo implements Supplier<String>
	public String get() {
		return "hello from module two";

If we want to ensure that our SupplierService can detect this component as well, we also need to make sure that ModuleThree starts after ModuleTwo. We could add another required dependency, but that would mean that ModuleThree will only start if both ModuleOne and ModuleTwo are present.

But what if we simply want ModuleThree to list the available suppliers, without enforcing any other modules to be present?

Optional module dependencies

Suppose we change our integration test for the SupplierService to the following:

public void supplierServiceFromModuleThreeListsDetectedSuppliersInOrder() {
    expectSuppliers( Collections.emptyList() );
    expectSuppliers( Collections.singletonList( "ExposedComponentOne" ), new ModuleOne() );
    expectSuppliers( Arrays.asList( "ExposedComponentOne", "ExposedComponentTwo" ), new ModuleOne(), new ModuleTwo() );

private void expectSuppliers( Collection<String> names, AcrossModule... additionalModules ) {
    try (AcrossTestContext ctx = AcrossTestBuilders.standard( false )
                                                   .modules( new ModuleThree() )
                                                   .modules( additionalModules )
                                                   .build()) {
        SupplierService supplierService = ctx.getBeanOfType( SupplierService.class );
        assertEquals( names, supplierService.getSupplierNames() );

This test bootstraps different module combinations, and tests that the SupplierService always detects the correct set of suppliers.

One way we can make this test succeed is to put optional dependencies on ModuleThree:

@AcrossDepends(optional={"ModuleOne", "ModuleTwo"})
public class ModuleThree extends AcrossModule

And to make the Collection<Supplier<String>> dependency optional as well:

public class SupplierService
    public void setSuppliers(Collection<Supplier<String>> suppliers) {
        this.suppliers = suppliers;

The difference between a required and an optional module dependency is as follows:

  • If a required dependency is missing, the bootstrap will fail. If an optional dependency is missing, bootstrap will continue as normal.

  • Cyclic required dependencies are not allowed, and a required dependency is guaranteed to have started before the module depending on it. Cyclic optional dependencies are not advised but possible: a best-effort attempt will be made to start an optional dependency before the module depending on it.

Even though the test is now successful, this is not an optimal approach: whenever we add another module we would have to update the ModuleThree dependencies to ensure it can detect the Supplier. A different way to tackle this type of problem is to use a refreshable collection.

Using a refreshable collection

A refreshable collection is a collection type dependency that will update itself once all modules in an application have been started.

Remove @AcrossDepends from the ModuleThree class, and replace the @Autowired(required=false) from the SupplierService by @RefreshableCollection

public class SupplierService
    public void setSuppliers(Collection<Supplier<String>> suppliers) {
        this.suppliers = suppliers;

When you run the tests you will see that they all succeed. Even though ModuleThree no longer has any module dependencies and might even bootstrap before ModuleOne and ModuleTwo, the collection of suppliers is always up-to-date once the entire application has started.

Another very important fact is that the result of SupplierService.getSupplierNames() is deterministic. No matter how many times you re-run the test, it will always succeed, meaning that the beans are always returned in exactly the same order.

When you get a collection of beans from different modules, they will be implicitly ordered in the bootstrap order of the modules that defined them.

We find the same reliable ordering principle in event handling as well. Let’s look at an example with events.

Working with events

Just like with distributed systems, using events for inter-module communication can be a very effective way to reduce coupling in your application. Working with events in an Across application is done with the exact same features as in a regular Spring application, but module ordering influences how events are handled. Let’s have a look.

Create a sample SomeEvent class which we will publish. In this case, put it in the com.example.demo.modules package to illustrate it is part of the code shared between all modules.

package com.example.demo.modules;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class SomeEvent extends ArrayList<String>

Our event is nothing more than an ArrayList implementation to which every listener will add its own class name.

Update the SupplierService with a new method which publishes an instance of SomeEvent and returns the names of all listeners that have been added to it. At the same time, add an @EventListener method in the SupplierService which listens for the same event and adds its class name.

public class SupplierService
	private final ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher;


	public Collection<String> getEventListeners() {
		SomeEvent event = new SomeEvent();
		eventPublisher.publishEvent( event );
		return event;

	public void receive( SomeEvent event ) {
		event.add( getClass().getSimpleName() );

Also add some event listeners to the internal components of both ModuleOne and ModuleTwo:

public class InternalComponentOne

	public void receive( SomeEvent event ) {
		event.add( getClass().getSimpleName() );
public class InternalComponentTwo

	public void receive( SomeEvent event ) {
		event.add( getClass().getSimpleName() );

And finally write an integration test that bootstraps our modules and verifies the list of event listeners.

public void eventIsHandledInModuleOrder() {
    try (AcrossTestContext ctx = AcrossTestBuilders.standard( false )
                                                   .modules( new ModuleThree(), new ModuleOne(), new ModuleTwo() )
                                                   .build()) {
        SupplierService supplierService = ctx.getBeanOfType( SupplierService.class );
        assertEquals( Arrays.asList( "SupplierService", "InternalComponentOne", "InternalComponentTwo" ), supplierService.getEventListeners() );

No matter how often you run it, this test should always succeed. Without explicit ordering on the @EventListener methods, the bootstrap order ensures that events are always handled in the same order.

Here is a run-down of what happens exactly:

  • the modules are bootstrapped in the order ModuleThree, ModuleOne, ModuleTwo

  • SomeEvent is published by the SupplierService inside ModuleThree

  • SomeEvent is handled by SupplierService.receive()

  • SomeEvent is handled by InternalComponentOne.receive()

  • SomeEvent is handled by InternalComponentTwo.receive()

Even though SupplierService publishes the event, it will always be handled in module order. This is might seem obvious with the above example, but let’s shift the order around in our test:

.modules( new ModuleTwo(), new ModuleThree(), new ModuleOne() )

If we simply re-run the test it now fails, as the order of handlers has changed. Let’s go over it step-by-step.

  • the modules are now bootstrapped in the order ModuleOne, ModuleTwo, ModuleThree

  • SomeEvent is still published by the SupplierService inside ModuleThree

  • SomeEvent is handled by InternalComponentOne.receive()

  • SomeEvent is handled by InternalComponentTwo.receive()

  • SomeEvent is handled by SupplierService.receive()

Because ModuleTwo has a dependency on ModuleOne, the relative ordering of those two modules always remains the same. ModuleThree has no dependencies, however, and because the registration order of our configuration has changed, it is bootstrapped as the last module. Even though the event is published by that module, it is now last instead of first when it comes to handling that same event!

Properly using events is a great way for building extensibility. The same event will always be handled by any module you depend on, before it is handed to you. Note also that any component can handle an event, event listeners do not need to be exposed.

Implicit and explicit ordering

We’ve illustrated the impact of ordering on components and event handling.

In a regular Spring application, most components are considered not-ordered unless they are explicitly ordered. Beans will be returned in order if they implement Ordered or have an @Order annotation. If they have neither of these, the order in which they will be returned cannot reliably be determined. The same goes for @EventListener methods: unless explicitly ordered using @Order, the handling order is non-deterministic.

In an Across based modular application, the order of a lot of things is implicit. If module A depends on module B, A will be ordered after B, which means:

  • components from B will be created before the ones from A (B will bootstrap before A),

  • unless otherwise specified: components from B will be ordered before the ones from A in retrieval/auto-wiring scenarios,

  • unless otherwise specified: events will be handled by event listeners from B before the ones from A, no matter who publishes the event.

  • Of course, sometimes it is required to break with the default behavior, which is still possible ("unless otherwise specified"):

  • using @OrderInModule and equivalents you can order components inside a single module,

  • using @Order you can influence the global ordering in your application.

To illustrate this, let’s revisit the failing test from above, and update the SupplierService:

public class SupplierService

	public void receive( SomeEvent event ) {
		event.add( getClass().getSimpleName() );

Re-run and you will see the test is green again. The @Order(HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE)breaks out of the default ordering and pushes that event listener to the very top of the handling queue.

Going into the details of how the ordering works behind the scene would lead us too far, but suffice to say that reliable default ordering is a cornerstone of building modular monoliths with Spring Boot and Across.

Revisiting the Across application

Early on in this post I promised to get back to the DemoApplicationModule and AcrossContextPostProcessorModule that you get when running the DemoApplication.

: ---
: AcrossContext: DemoApplication (AcrossContext-1)
: Bootstrapping 2 modules in the following order:
: 1 - DemoApplicationModule [resources: demo]: class com.foreach.across.core.DynamicAcrossModule$DynamicApplicationModule
: 2 - AcrossContextPostProcessorModule [resources: AcrossContextPostProcessorModule]: class com.foreach.across.core.AcrossContextConfigurationModule
: ---

I have already explained that the AcrossContextPostProcessorModule gets added to every Across based application. It is a technical module and going into the details of this one would lead us too far for this first post.

The DemoApplicationModule, however, gets added because we use @AcrossApplication, and it is the equivalent of the base package in a regular @SpringBootApplication. Across encourages you to bundle all your application code inside modules that interact with each other. A top-level component scan is not allowed, but a default dynamic module is automatically added which uses the application child package as the module contents.

An AcrossModule descriptor is not required for this module, it is entirely package based. Many Across applications use several shared modules and have a limited set of application-specific code using those module features. The dynamic application module is the default spot to put all that application specific code. It does not allow (or require) the definition of explicit dependencies, but it always bootstraps after the other modules in the application (with the exception of specialized modules like AcrossContextPostProcessorModule).

Using the application module

Let’s finish this tutorial with a small example of using the application module. Update the DemoApplication to add our newly created modules:

        modules = {

public class DemoApplication 
    public ModuleOne moduleOne() {
        return new ModuleOne();

    public ModuleTwo moduleTwo() {
        return new ModuleTwo();

    public ModuleThree moduleThree() {
        return new ModuleThree();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication springApplication = new SpringApplication(DemoApplication.class);
        springApplication.setDefaultProperties(Collections.singletonMap("spring.config.location", "${user.home}/dev-configs/demo-application.yml"));;

And add an application event listener to the application package:

public class ApplicationComponent 
    public ApplicationComponent() {"Component created: {}", getClass());

    public void receive(SomeEvent event) {

Your project structure should look like:


Our application module now also handles SomeEvent, let’s update the application integration test ITDemoApplication to test for that:

public class ITDemoApplication 
    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    private SupplierService supplierService;

    public void bootstrappedOk() throws Exception {
        // Test should really do something - but when it gets called, bootstrap has been successful

    public void eventShouldBeHandledByAllModules() {
                Arrays.asList("SupplierService", "InternalComponentOne", "InternalComponentTwo", "ApplicationComponent"),

As SupplierService is an exposed component, we can auto-wire it directly in our Spring integration test class.

Running the eventShouldBeHandledByAllModules() test should succeed. The test result illustrates that the ApplicationComponent gets created and the @EventListener method called. If you look at the console output, you can clearly see that the ApplicationComponent is part of the automatically defined DemoApplicationModule.

Wrapping it up

And so we come to the end of this introduction about building modular applications with Spring Boot and Across. We’ve focused on some basic concepts where the modular approach differs from a regular Spring Boot application.

Features like module dependencies, reliable ordering, and event handling are the very basic building blocks you’ll need.

We barely scratched the surface and there’s plenty more to come. In a next post we’ll tackle:

  • name based resolving and transitive loading of modules,

  • working with conditionals for modules and components inside modules,

  • how modules can manage their own installation and run data or schema migrations,

  • embedding resources like message codes or templates.

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