iO and Amnesty International make themselves heard for Write-them-VRIJdag  

More than 100,000 students write letters for people who are unjustly imprisoned or experience other injustices. 

Write-them-VRIJdag, Amnesty International's annual letter-writing marathon, will take place on Friday, 2 February 2024. Traditionally, Amnesty International encourages schools to help change people's lives at the beginning of the new school year. Using the 'Free Broadcasting Time' competition organised by VRT, Amnesty International is now calling everyone to pick up their paper and pens.  

On Write-them-VRIJdag , hundreds of schools throughout Belgium become one enormous writing team for human rights. More than 100,000 students write letters for people who are unjustly imprisoned or experience other injustices. 

The radio spot convinced the VRT jury that examines NGO submissions to determine which deserves a package of free airtime on radio or TV every year. With this creation, iO is one of the laureates of Amnesty International. 

The radio spot runs from 11 to 15 September on Radio 1, Radio 2, Klara, Studio Brussel and MNM. 

About iO

iO is a  blended agency . We help clients such as Proximus, De Nationale Loterij, Audi and Brussels Airport to sustainably shape and improve total brand experiences that leave a mark on people. By thoughtfully blending the right expertise – strategy, creation, technology, marketing, and data – and actively partnering with our clients. That’s how we advance digitally with our clients, for their customers.

iO (formerly Intracto Group) was founded in 2005 and works with local and international businesses, organisations and governments in Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, and Bulgaria.



Client: Amnesty International  Contacts: Griet Ryckeboer  Agency: iO   Account team: Ena Stevens, Amber Verberckmoes  Executive Creative Director: Sam De Win  Creation: Paulien Henkens, Wouter Huyghe  Production: Raygun 

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