Auto Repair Group

How do you launch a new brand in the mobility industry?

Body specialist AutoRepairGroup has a lot to be proud of. Knowledge and expertise, permanent partners, a dedicated team and recovery points all over the country. They had everything but a story. Something that the organisation could communicate about and use to retain employees and inspire potential customers.

  • A catchy, creative umbrella concept  

  • A digital brand strategy  

  • Efficient online advertising using SEO & SEA  

  • Close collaboration between teams  

  • A strong, visual employer brand 


AutoRepairGroup came to iO with the request to come up with a unique overarching concept. Come up with? Really? A solid concept always comes from your organisation’s vision, mission and values. In AutoRepairGroup's case: we restore everything, even your smile 

It didn't stop there. Today we are AutoRepairGroup’s permanent communication partner. We provide them with everything they need in the field of (performance) marketing, communication, employer branding, online and offline branding and much more. 

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To shape the online and offline identity of a mobility sector expert – for both the B2B and B2C markets.


To develop a distinctive brand identity in the form of an innovative umbrella concept, for a range of online and offline media formats.

About AutoRepairGroup

AutoRepairGroup, formerly Carglass Carrosserie, has more than earned their title of expert in body repairs, accumulating more than 40 years of experience in the business. Originally operating under the Carglass brand name, today they stand on their own. As a multi-brand repairer, they have already repaired thousands of cars for their satisfied customers.

The foundational, defining value of AutoRepairGroup? The customer focus, that their employees have elevated into an art form. Their focus on their customers and their vehicles is pragmatic, and service oriented. From small interventions to extensive repairs; it’s all about getting their customers back on the road quickly, safely and responsibly.


A story with a mission – to drive growth

As part of Carglass, AutoRepairGroup had little individual brand identity. In 2021, however, the organisation went its own way – with its own identity as its greatest asset. How do you turn this DNA into a compelling story? With a creative concept. More specifically: a unique umbrella concept, that’s in line with the values and mission of AutoRepairGroup. A story that everyone can support –for AutoRepairGroup, online and offline.

AutoRepairGroup divided its focus between its B2B and B2C audiences. B2B was extremely important, but that approach was already working effectively through other channels. The growth potential was almost entirely in the B2C segment, starting with a recognisable, authentic story – that could be followed up with opportunities in advertising, social media and employer branding. The umbrella concept had to serve a multitude of inspiring B2C messages.


First step: a brand guide, in scents and colours

No journey without a compass, and no branding without a brand manual. The first stage of this process? An extensive scope document, various workshops and intake interviews with AutoRepairGroup stakeholders and strategic and creative briefings. This gave us the opportunity to get to know the brand thoroughly and to give the needs and requirements a place in a long-term strategy.

After formulating the overarching concept – we restore everything, even your smile – we set to work on a follow-up process, helped by an extensive brand guide that clearly described the branding. The vision, mission and values were cast in a catchy, visual identity to tell a story in scents and colours.

The ultimate compliment for the look and feel of the brand manual? 'How cool would it be to work for an organisation based on this guide?' And that is exactly as it should be.

Proactively, we made – minimal – adjustments to the AutoRepairGroup logo after we had gotten to know the organisation and its people.

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iO logo

Pragmatic and human in a sector on the move

As part of the research process, we also had the opportunity to observe AutoRepairGroup – during their interactions with (potential) customers and partners – in person, more specifically during the organisation’s open day. Our experts immediately noticed how close they were to their customers and partners, as well as how pragmatic they were in their tone of voice. We saw them communicating in real time, which presented us with an authentic, unfiltered image.

This pragmatic attitude – characterised by open communication – offered us valuable insights into the DNA of the organisation. This was also an inspiration for the collaboration between iO and AutoRepairGroup. The mobility sector is constantly changing, with all the associated financial fluctuations. An open culture, where everything can be discussed – and new solutions can be proactively proposed – is key. No-nonsense, and goal-oriented, the ideal permanent partner relationship.


One team, one goal, blended potential fully exploited

To date, the collaboration is a process that’s built on short lines of communication – open and transparent – that keeps everyone is on the same page. A dedicated iO account manager keeps the core team regularly informed through weeklies, with the team jointly reviewing priorities, to-do lists and budgets. In a dynamic market, where human and financial capital can be volatile, a weekly provides stability and a clear overview.

And those short lines? They create a feeling of availability and accessibility so that experts from AutoRepairGroup and iO can easily interact with each other. The client can easily reach the team with a message or call and can follow up matters efficiently and informally without waiting for a weekly. This enabled us to keep every stakeholder engaged in the process. Our teams can respond quickly, also in terms of strategy.

"With iO, we have a permanent partner for our marketing and communication needs. Their extensive blended offering means that we can call on them for any issue. Corporate-level knowledge and employability, but in the form of one dedicated team."

Karin Brosens

Karin Brosens, Sales & Marketing Director

Concept development as the start of a long, permanent partnership

The first step was developing a compelling creative concept that we could use to present the AutoRepairGroup image and keep it aligned with the brand guide in the future, online and offline. We managed to convince AutoRepairGroup, and that opened the door for other iO expert domains to get involved. This allowed us to use our expertise in performance marketing and advertising for AutoRepairGroup's B2C purposes almost immediately afterwards.

iO's blended approach had countless possibilities for this collaboration. Where the journey started with positioning and branding, focused on brand awareness, we have now taken the step to conversion optimisation, SEO, social media management and even employer branding. All with a compact, dedicated team that can call in the right experts whenever possible.

Together we are ready to face whatever the future brings

Today, iO and AutoRepairGroup are permanent partners. In the digital domain, but also when it comes to offline branding, events and promotion. We lend our knowledge and experience around lead generation, but also share our PR expertise, supporting AutoRepairGroup's employer branding and their relationships with insurers and fleet managers. Above all, we remain alert to opportunities for AutoRepairGroup, partly thanks to our experts and their trend spotting skills.

The mobility sector that AutoRepairGroup is part of is constantly changing. This continuous transformation also means that the organisation itself must remain flexible, always ready to adapt. To continue to do this well, having a great relationship with an engaged partner like iO gives us the confidence and expertise we need to face the future.

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