Booming chooses infinite opportunities: we are part of iO now!


Booming will now be known as iO! We are embarking on a new, exciting adventure that has given us over 2000 iO colleagues overnight. All of them are passionate online and offline experts. Together, we provide true end-to-end support.

How can we help?
Contact us:
+31 882 013 101

Our services and solutions

Digital transformation offers endless possibilities - or infinite opportunities, as we like to say. That is what our experts exude: first at Booming, now at iO.

So, who will we introduce you to?

No matter your question, someone in our iO team will have the answer - thanks to all those colleagues in every field imaginable. So, feel free to contact us if you want to chat.

Explore new horizons

Oi! Why are we iO?

Sometimes, you are given an opportunity which you simply cannot pass up. As a part of iO, we can expand our network, access more knowledge and help you with every question you have. But all the good things you know and love about Booming? They stay the same. Your business will still be booming, but now with iO as your partner.

Because we both deserve the very best

What changes for me?

On the one hand, everything changes. But on the other hand, nothing at all!

We always encourage our clients to think big. And now, we’re taking our own advice. iO is our next level, full of new knowledge. Knowledge we can use to help you, which excites us the most.

That huge ambition really fits the term ‘end-to-end service’. Translation: any question in terms of (digital) technology, marketing, content creation and strategy will be a question we now know the answer to. That’s the main benefit of this upgrade - for both of us.

At the same time, nothing changes. The familiar Booming faces will stay in Amsterdam, they will just be moving to a brand new iO Campus on Spaklerweg. In the mood for a cuppa?

The Booming team

Joey Fieggen
Managing Director Booming

Peter van der Graaf
Owner Booming, Head of SEO iO

Lennart Ruigrok
Business Director Booming, Business Development Manager iO

Eddy Boeve
Partner Booming, conversie- en UX Specialist iO

Clarissa Filius
Senior SEO specialist, SEO teamlead iO

“Expanding our services was necessary, but we needed to focus on keeping the quality up. In addition to that, we were looking for a genuine connection based on similar values, mindsets and ambitions.”

Joey Fieggen | iO

Joey Fieggen, Managing Director Booming

Or would you like a cuppa?

of kom koffie drinken op de campus

  • A new office (or campus, as we call it at iO) deserves a tour. So, stop by for a chat and meet your ‘new’ partner: iO.

  • And… No worries. We still look the exact same - besides the new logo, that is.

Joey Fieggen
booming team

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