Webinar: How to make your organisation data and customer driven

March 27, 2025 at 09:00 - 10:00

Did you know that 32% of customers abandon brands after one bad experience? And that rises to 92% after two or three negative encounters? When you factor the impact of this into your revenue or growth goals, it's obvious that understanding and improving the customer experience is more important than ever. In this webinar, Gertie Kremers, CX Consultant, and Aukje Wielens, CX Strategist, will show you how to gather the insights you need to take targeted steps towards a more customer-oriented and successful organisation. 


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Navigate the different layers of customer experience easily 

Every interaction has an impact on how customers experience your brand. Providing a consistent brand experience across all channels and touchpoints is a serious challenge. Access to targeted insights into the impact of individual interactions on the customer experience is essential to help you to take steps towards customer focus and success. In this webinar, Gertie will show you how to easily navigate the different layers of customer experience, from individual touchpoints to the entire customer lifecycle. She will guide you on how to choose the right research methods for your specific issue and share practical tips on how to implement a data-driven approach. 

This webinar will teach you: 
  • How to easily collect and analyse user experiences. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t take much to make a big difference  

  • How research can help you generate loyalty and break down silos 

  • How to choose the right research methods for your specific issues 

  • The pitfalls you chould look out for and how to avoid making  the wrong choice 

  • How to use these new, valuable insights to make data-driven decisions that will significantly improve customer experience and business results significantly 

Who is this webinar for? 

This webinar is for everyone that’s interested in improving customer experiences and business results. This webinar is relevant to: 

  • Decision-makers or managers seeking to base their strategy on concrete user experiences 

  • UX professionals and designers who want to expand their toolkit 

  • Marketers looking for effective ways to reach audiences 

Gertie Kremers

Gertie Kremers

Certified CX Professional (CCXP)

With over 15 years of experience in Customer Experience (CX) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Gertie's passion lies in uncovering genuine customer insights. She helps organisations move beyond gut feelings to make data-driven decisions that truly make an impact – both in enhancing customer experience and in improving processes and organisational objectives.

aukje wielens

Aukje Wielens

CX Strategist

With over 15 years of experience in digital product development. Within iO, Aukje is the key figure in proposing the right strategies and processes to our clients. Our clients have collaborated with Aukje to pragmatically and effectively advance the customer experience.

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