Ride the Tour d’iO
The Amsterdam canals, the Utrecht Cathedral, the Saint John’s Cathedral in Den Bosch, Europe’s smartest square kilometre in Eindhoven… And Herentals, the city where cyclo-cross world champion Wout van Aert was born and raised. You’ll see it all in the Tour d’iO – if you’re not riding too fast, that is.
Register here: https://bit.ly/tourdio-en
iO organises its first cycling tour. Going from campus to campus.
With our clients and colleagues, we’ll cycle from Campus Herentals to Campus Amsterdam, via Eindhoven, Den Bosch and Utrecht. Warm welcomes, with a bite to eat or a drink at each campus. We’ll also pick up new riders at each campus along the way – the more, the merrier, right? Ex-pro cyclists Ine Beyen and another special guest will accompany us on this ride. After our ride we’ll celebrate our hard work with an after party @ Campus Amsterdam from 5.00 pm.
You can decide because you can jump on your bike and join us at any campus. We want to have a great day; we don’t want to give you the hardest sports challenge of your life. The approximate distances:
200 km: departure point Campus Herentals, 8.00 am
150 km: departure point Campus Eindhoven, meeting at 9.30 am
100 km: departure point Campus Den Bosch, meeting at 11.30 am for lunch
60 km: departure point Campus Utrecht, 3.00 pm
iO colleague, client, partner? All welcome!