Check your organisation's digital accessibility with iO

digitale toegankelijkheid

You've heard it before: as an organisation, you need to have a digital presence. But being digitally present is no longer enough. Your organisation also needs to be easily digitally accessible. What's more, from mid-2025, the European Union expects every organisation to be just that. So it's time to take a closer look at your digital ecosystem. iO is here to help.

What is digital accessibility?

Digital accessibility means that your digital platforms and content are easy to use and accessible to everyone, including those who have difficulty using the internet and digital devices, such as people who are colour blind, hearing impaired or visually impaired.

In Europe alone, there are around 135 million people who have difficulty using the internet and/or digital devices because of their disability. People who are likely to be in your target audience. People for whom you can provide an optimal user experience by implementing the right features in your digital platforms and content.

digitale toegankelijkheid

Why is digital accessibility so important?

On the one hand, focusing on digital accessibility has many benefits for your organisation. It encourages innovation and stimulates you to actively look for new ways to give users the best possible experience. It also shows that you are committed to inclusivity, which greatly enhances your brand reputation.

On the other hand, focusing on digital accessibility is also a must. In 2019, the European Union introduced the European Accessibility Act (EAA), which requires organisations to make their products and services accessible to everyone by design. Following the Act, all EU member states will have to implement laws related to the EAA by mid-2025.

Read our whitepaper on digital accessibility

Want to know how to make digital accessibility a priority for your organisation? Find out in our whitepaper!

Want to know more about our digital accessibility services?

At iO, we can help you with more than just a digital accessibility audit. In fact, we can help you with everything related to your digital accessibility transformation. Want to know exactly what that entails? Our experts are happy to tell you more!

Request your digital accessibility audit

Are you ready to work with us and make your platforms easily accessible to everyone? Leave your details below and let us know what type of audit you are interested in.