Gosselin et iO, ensemble pour une croissance internationale
Gosselin était déjà présent dans plus de 30 pays mais souhaitait obtenir davantage de prospects, notamment auprès des particuliers. Nos équipes l’ont aidé avec enthousiasme à atteindre cet objectif. Alors qu’à l’origine, tous les prospects de ce segment provenaient de campagnes payantes, il existe aujourd’hui un meilleur équilibre entre les campagnes, le référencement et d’autres sources. Nous serons heureux de vous en dire plus à ce sujet.
Générer plus de leads dans le secteur de la relocation internationale
Un écosystème numérique fort et une publicité internationale
À propos de Gosselin
Le groupe Gosselin a été créé en 1930 par une seule personne à Anvers. Aujourd’hui, il s’agit d’un groupe international d’entreprises comptant plus de 1000 collaborateurs. Gosselin offre des services de relocalisation et se spécialise dans le déménagement de familles, d’employés d’entreprises, de diplomates et de personnel militaire.
Notre collaboration en chiffres
Une campagne de lead-gen ciblée
La demande de Gosselin était claire.
« Aidez-nous à générer plus de leads dans deux domaines : le self-stockage et les relocalisations internationales. »
Pour donner à Gosselin plus de leads dans le domaine du self-stockage, nos experts ont misé sur une publicité locale et permanente via les réseaux publicitaires Meta et Google Ads en Belgique et en Suisse.
Cette publicité répond à différentes couches, afin d’attirer les prospects tout au long du parcours — de la prise de conscience à la conversion. Cela permet aux clients d’augmenter ou de réduire leur capacité de stockage en fonction des disponibilités.
Nous avons soutenu Gosselin de A à Z : création d’actifs, textes publicitaires promotionnels, mise en place technique des publicités, suivi et rapports.
Tout cela nous a permis d’atteindre un coût par acquisition de moins de 50 €.
Relocalisations internationales
Gosselin a une forte présence internationale. L’entreprise ne se contente pas d’aider les déménagements vers et depuis la Belgique, mais aussi les déménagements moins courants — pensez, par exemple, à un diplomate qui déménage de l’Italie vers l’Ouzbékistan.
C’est pourquoi nous avons mis en place une campagne de performance ciblée dans plus de 30 pays, dont de nombreux pays non européens.
Toutes les publicités ont été adaptées aux marchés locaux, tant sur le fond que sur la forme. Par exemple, nous avons adopté une approche différente pour les marchés performants et pour les marchés difficiles.
Grâce à une structure publicitaire intelligemment conçue, les prospects parviennent toujours rapidement aux bureaux locaux appropriés, qui les traitent ensuite.
Digitalisation, automatisation et SEO
Gosselin mise sur la digitalisation et l’automatisation. Par exemple, un outil basé sur l’IA a permis d’accélérer le processus d’admission. Nous avons ainsi pu passer à la vitesse supérieure en termes de publicité et fournir encore plus de leads au CPA souhaité.
En outre, les spécialistes d’iO soutiennent l’organisation en matière de suivi des données et de référencement. Grâce à des rapports personnalisés, à une configuration intelligente de Google Analytics 4, au référencement technique et au référencement de contenu, nous veillons ensemble à ce que Gosselin soit prêt pour l’avenir.
Un grand pas vers la maturité digitale avec Drupal
Une telle campagne internationale de génération de leads est belle sur le papier, mais elle ne vaut pas grand-chose s’il n’y a pas de site web de haute qualité auquel se référer. C’est pourquoi la collaboration entre iO et Gosselin comprenait également une nouvelle plateforme web.
Gosselin est une entreprise à vocation internationale qui possède plusieurs sites web.
Pour que la maintenance de ces sites soit aussi efficace que possible, nous avons opté pour une plateforme multisite avec plusieurs sous-sites en Drupal. Nous pouvons ainsi économiser du temps, de l’argent et de l’énergie en centralisant les mises à jour techniques.
Un CMS central signifie également que les employés de Gosselin ne travaillent pas avec des versions, des identifiants ou des fonctionnalités différents. Un seul CMS, une seule approche — pour tout le monde.
Suivi et optimisation constants
De nos jours, il est très important de surveiller toutes les activités en ligne et de les optimiser si cela s’avère nécessaire.
Pour Gosselin, par exemple, nous combinons des données provenant de différentes sources pour obtenir des informations essentielles. Nous aidons ainsi non seulement le service marketing, mais aussi l’ensemble des activités de l’entreprise.
Nos experts transmettent également à Gosselin les nouvelles tendances et les évolutions du secteur, afin que l’entreprise puisse garder une longueur d’avance sur la concurrence et réagir rapidement à l’évolution du marché.
Qu'en est-il de votre présence numérique?
Votre organisation a-t-elle également besoin d'un coup de pouce? Nos experts sont là pour vous aider.
Tools we used
What we did
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Get more out of your marketing budget with Marketing Mix Modelling
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iO helps KNMI keep the Netherlands safe in terms of weather and climate in 2024
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Crucial for your marketing in 2024: Google Consent Mode V2
The marketing world is changing faster and faster, with a new update or new guidelines to discover every day. Google Consent Mode version 2 is an upcoming update from Google that aims to help website owners comply with increasingly stringent privacy legislation (AVG/GDPR). This implementation is mandated by Google from March 2024. So be sure not to hesitate and get informed in this webinar so that you can set up the right actions in preparation.Lire la suiteWebinar
Ad Tech: Take your media strategy to the next level
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No more marketingcookies: calculate the impact on your sales and visitors
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Flawless content migrations
Do you want to rebrand your organisation? Is an acquisition or merger imminent? Or do you want to improve your customer experience, and does this require an organisational change? For these types of digital transformations, changing technology is often a challenging and crucial part for organisations of all sizes. Whether you need to upgrade the CMS system to a newer version, or you want to increase your innovation speed with a headless CMS, there is often one element that receives little attention: the content migration. Far too often, a content migration is nothing more than the last thing on the list, because it’s the technology that requires a lot of attention and budget, isn’t it? How complex can it be to lift and shift the content from the old system to the new?Lire la suiteWhite paper
Whitepaper: Creating exceptional customer journeys with a Digital Experience Platform
In markets that are saturated with options and with customers that are overloaded with choices, it's an exceptional customer experience set will set you apart. A Digital Experience Platform can help you accomplish this - and we'll tell you how.Lire la suiteBlog
Stronger together: the synergy between SEO and SEA
Is your organisation thinking about search marketing? Are you finding it difficult to decide between SEO and SEA? Often the combination of SEO and SEA is presented as an either/or story, while in fact, they both perform better when they work together. There is always a possibility that there will be conflicts between Search Engine Optimisation and Search Engine Advertising, but they can also reinforce one another. Together they can help you to achieve your goals: optimal digital visibility and findability. The only difference is how you approach it. If you want to find out more, you are in the right place.Lire la suiteBlog
5 avantages de Drupal pour les sites web des grandes entreprises
Nombreuses sont les grandes organisations qui éprouvent des difficultés à choisir un CMS. Les sites web d'envergure nécessitent de nombreuses fonctionnalités qui ne sont pas intégrées dans tous les systèmes. Chez iO, nous préférons Drupal, l'une des plateformes CMS open-source les plus populaires auprès des multinationales. Drupal offre de nombreux avantages aux grandes organisations et entreprises, comme BMW, Motorrad, l'IFFR ou l'université de Maastricht. Nous les partageons avec vous dans cet article.Lire la suiteBlog
Drupal for multi-site brand platforms
Multi-site brand platforms are the way to go when managing a lot of content in an orderly manner. For such a platform, you obviously need a CMS. And that's exactly where Drupal comes in. Here’s why Drupal is an excellent choice for multi-site brand platforms too!Lire la suiteBlog
The end of advertising cookie brings opportunities
Data collection and developments in legislation and browsers are hot topics in digital marketing. Safari and Firefox are blocking third-party cookies by default, and Chrome will follow in 2024 – with a market share of no less than 65%. We’ll walk you through the main developments and opportunities that these changes bring in this article.Lire la suiteBlog
6 conseils pour tirer le meilleur parti de votre profil Google Business
Dans notre dernier blog sur Google Business, vous avez appris à configurer votre profil. Aujourd'hui, nous allons encore plus loin et Sieben partage avec vous 6 conseils pour transformer votre profil Google Business en un véritable atout pour votre entreprise. Il est temps de passer à la vitesse supérieure !Lire la suiteBlog
Attract more customers with Google Business Profile
Attracting consumers easily is the dream scenario for every entrepreneur. You can find out how to achieve this with Google Business Profile in the blog below.Lire la suiteBlog
Privacy prevails: Google discontinues Similar Audiences in 2023
Avid advertisers might already know, but for those who don’t: Google is discontinuing Similar Audiences in 2023. Do you feel a mild panic rising in your chest? There’s no need to worry. Read all about the impact of Google’s decision on advertising in this blog.Lire la suiteBlog
2024: the next step for analytics and tracking in a 'privacy first' world
You may not have noticed, but a lot has changed in terms of analytics and tracking over the past five years. This is partly because we've already grown accustomed to many changes, and partly because their impact has come very gradually. Half a decade ago, no one knew of the existence of a cookie banner, a year later everyone thought they could never get used to it, and today we don't know any better. We've made serious strides in terms of data regulation, and perhaps the biggest steps are yet to come in 2024.Lire la suiteBlog
Pourquoi le Google Consent Mode V2 est indispensable au marketing en 2024
Le monde du marketing ne cesse de se transformer, avec de nouvelles mises à jour ou de nouvelles règles en permanence. C'est un monde qui oblige les entreprises à évoluer avec lui. Un changement récent de cette organisation inclut, entre autres, que le mode de consentement de Google doit recevoir une mise à jour d'ici mars 2024 afin d'améliorer la protection de la vie privée des utilisateurs. Prenons par exemple la loi sur les marchés numériques. Cet instrument législatif européen réglemente les plateformes numériques en créant des règles. Une récente modification législative prévoit notamment que le mode de consentement de Google doit être mis à jour d'ici mars 2024 au plus tard afin de mieux protéger la vie privée des utilisateurs.Lire la suiteBlog
Drupal 11 : des fonctionnalités innovantes pour améliorer l'UX, la performance et le développement
Drupal a récemment lancé la dernière version de son CMS incontournable : Drupal 11. En tant que partenaire certifié de Drupal, notre équipe Drupal de 130 personnes est impatiente de travailler avec cette version et d'aider les entreprises à l'utiliser. Drupal 11 offre une multitude de nouvelles fonctionnalités qui améliorent l'UX, augmentent les performances et rationalisent les processus de développement.Lire la suiteBlog
Budgets marketing 2025 : s’appuyer sur les données ou prendre un pari ?
Établir les budgets de marketing pour l’année à venir : voilà qui donne des maux de tête à beaucoup de spécialistes. Allez-vous reprendre les budgets des années précédentes, même si la technologie évolue à une vitesse fulgurante et que le marketing pourrait être complètement différent demain ? Ou suivrez-vous votre intuition quitte à prendre des risques ? Heureusement, il y a la modélisation des données, qui vous permet d’élaborer un budget étayé et correct, couvrant vos coûts annuels sans aucun problème.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Steven De Deyne (Proximus)
"With digital transformation, you can deliver added value to your customers," says Steven De Deyne, Head of Media and Production Competence Center Proximus), it in this video.Lire la suiteCase
Un soutien end-to-end pour le leader européen des vêtements de travail durables
Découvrez notre collaboration avec Havep, le leader européen des vêtements de travail produits de manière durable et respectueuse de l'environnement.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Du beau matos pour l’association professionnelle Fedustria
En pleine crise sanitaire en 2020, Fedustria et iO ont collaboré à une campagne réussie, avec une maison parlante comme icône.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Une approche positive renforce l'image et le recrutement du syndicat
Pour la CGSLB, nous avons travaillé sur deux campagnes créatives et multiformes visant à renforcer l'image et le recrutement du syndicat libéral. Apprenez-en plus ici.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment commercialiser un catalogue de jardinage annuel ?
Le magasin de bricolage et d’aménagement avait besoin d’une approche marketing solide avec un ciblage fort. Nos experts s’en sont chargés.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment digitaliser le plus grand programme de loisirs de Flandre et de Bruxelles ?
Our developers built an improved digital UiTinVlaanderen with a headless CMS and GraphQL layer. Read how we bring omnichannel ambitions online.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment rester pertinent dans un monde qui se digitalise rapidement ?
Dans un marché concurrentiel, il faut agir vite. Découvrez comment nous avons mis en place une stratégie publicitaire optimale avec JBC.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
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Comment introduire une mobilité flexible et efficace de manière organisée ?
Hoppin est une nouvelle plateforme pour le Gouvernement flamand, axée sur la mobilité flexible. Découvrez comment nous avons aidé à lancer la plateforme.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment digitaliser 133 000 ans d'histoire ?
En 60 fenêtres historiques, le Canon de Flandre reflète la culture flamande. Nous en avons créé le site web interactif.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment nous avons créé et lancé une marque internationale
Lisez comment nous avons, avec le groupe Brunswick, créé une image de marque complète et une stratégie de mise sur le marché afin de lancer la nouvelle marque Navan.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Impacting the traveller and environment through technology
Brussels Airport : zoom sur les différentes plateformes développées par iO pour une expérience passager ultime.Découvrez ce case en détailStack
Meta Advertising – Facebook & Instagram
Nos +150 spécialistes de la publicité numérique qui savent comment intégrer les plateformes visuelles, telles que Facebook et Instagram, à votre mix média.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Atteignez et dépassez vos KPI grâce au marketing de performance et à iO | iO
Tirez le meilleur parti de vos campagnes publicitaires grâce au marketing de performance. Découvrez comment iO peut vous aider, de la stratégie et de la mise en place au suivi, en passant par l’optimisation.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Pick the right advertising platforms and grow online
We have experience with all kinds of advertising platforms, like display, search, social, video, and affiliate. Make the right choices with our advice.Lire la suitePresse
iO awarded 'Agency of the Year' at the Grand Prix Content Marketing 2023
Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: Make your B2B customer acquisition strategy digital and authentic
Who says digital and authentic don’t mix? With SEO, content marketing, affiliate marketing and personalised email campaigns, organisations like ours are generating leads en masse. These tools are ours to use to convert, turn our users into brand ambassadors and design flawless customer experiences. We know what digital can do, can it do it authentically? Marketing expert Glenn Weuts will answer that question in his webinar (in English) on 20 April.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: Alternatives for Google Analytics 4
Google Analytics 4 is the undisputed king of analytics platforms. Still, alternative tools are increasingly finding their way into organisations — thanks to different features, a greater focus on privacy, or better customer support. Want to know more about the analytics landscape of 2023? In this webinar, Glenn Weuts (Head of Marketing Technology at iO) takes you into the wonderful world of web analytics. That way, you will soon be able to make an informed choice that perfectly suits your needs.Lire la suiteWebinar
How do you implement a first-party data strategy for e-commerce?
The death of the third-party cookie. For a moment, it seemed like the world would end. But fortunately, there are alternatives for marketers and their organisations, including first-party data. A thoughtful first-party data strategy can help you build close relationships with your customers, create value, and streamline your marketing activities.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: How to easily gain complete control over the Woo publications of your organisation
With the introduction of the Open Government Act (Woo), the disclosure of information has become of greater importance. It’s wise to have a solid process and powerful digital tools in place to help your organisation comply to the Woo. But where to start? In the webinar ‘How to easily gain complete control over the Woo publications of your organisation’ we’ll show you how to set up this in a sufficient and user-friendly way.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: How to easily gain complete control over the Woo publications of your organisation
With the introduction of the Open Government Act (Woo), the disclosure of information has become of greater importance. It’s wise to have a solid process and powerful digital tools in place to help your organisation comply to the Woo. But where to start? In the webinar ‘How to easily gain complete control over the Woo publications of your organisation’ we’ll show you how to set up this in a sufficient and user-friendly way.Lire la suiteWebinar
How to become a Social Brand - Building your business with social media
Learn how to move from merely being present on social media to making an impact with an effective social strategy.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Impact of the cookieless future on marketing
In this whitepaper, we will immerse you in the world of cookies, discuss what exactly is about to happen and how you can prepare your company for it. Enjoy!Lire la suiteWhite paper
The e-commerce kick-start guide
The evolution in the e-commerce world moves at an incredible speed. That’s why the e-commerce issue becomes more and more complex, with new technologies, products and strategies to deploy. And companies have no choice but to try to keep up with this rapid evolution.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Flexible and dynamic e-commerce with Shopware
In a world where customers are finding their products online at an increasing rate, it’s impossible to ignore e-commerce. Moreover, we’ve become so demanding that businesses need to be able to continuously evolve and improve the user experience. But not every system is equipped to grow along with you in a world that moves at warp speed. Shopware 6 is.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Alternatives to Google Analytics 4
How well do you know today’s web analytics landscape?When talking about web analytics, Google Analytics is usually at the top of the list. Google Analytics 4, is the undisputed king of web analytics tools. Or is it?Lire la suiteWhite paper
A user-friendly self-service portal in 5 steps
Does your organisation spend a lot of time providing customers with support and service? Think about scheduling appointments, contract management, or changing customer data — exactly the kind of things you can digitalise in a self-service portal. Only, how do you go about it?Lire la suiteWhite paper
Composable Commerce: hype or here to stay?
The world of online commerce is becoming increasingly complex. Businesses need to be able to create appropriate and unique customer journeys across multiple channels. But this is proving to be quite a challenge for those still using traditional commerce platforms. Luckily, the world of online commerce is also constantly developing. When new and greater challenges arise, fresh solutions are created. Solutions like composable commerce.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Get more insights into the effectiveness of media with Marketing Mix Modelling
Digital marketing offers enormous opportunities in the field of data-driven working. We often fail to take advantage of these opportunities. That's means you miss out on a lot of opportunities to maximise the impact of your budget.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Increase your webshop turnover
Webshops have reached the status of shopping standard in the digital age. Users are just a few clicks away from their favourite items. Anywhere, at any time of the day, from the comforts of home. This is why online advertising on digital channels has become key to webshop owners: channels allowing you to maintain your margins and successfully activate consumers throughout the purchase process.Lire la suiteBlog
How to use SEO in your marketing strategy in 2022
Find out what changes are coming to SEO in 2022 and use these insights to power up both your online and offline presence.Lire la suiteBlog
Drupal as a DXP: an engine for your customers’ digital experience
Today consumers expect a consistent and personalised experience with relevant cross channel content. This might be buying suggestions, waiting room screens, personalised playlists and viewing tips. In terms of technology, this is often based on a DXP - digital experience platform. In a DXP, content is stored centrally so that it can be presented from one channel-dependent point, tailor-made and potentially even personalised. Over the last decade Drupal - originally a content management system - has evolved into a digital experience platform (DXP). What can Drupal DXP do for your customers’ digital experience today?Lire la suiteBlog
Why is Drupal a safe long-term choice?
Are you looking for a CMS that is future-proof? Need a platform that can grow together with your organisation? Drupal is a good choice!Lire la suiteBlog
Passer à Drupal 10 : quoi, comment et pourquoi ?
Il est essentiel de rester à jour pour assurer la sécurité et le bon fonctionnement de votre site web. C'est particulièrement important pour les systèmes CMS tels que Drupal. Une maintenance et des mises à jour régulières sont indispensables pour garantir la sécurité et la fluidité d'un site. Le moment est venu de tout savoir sur le passage à Drupal 10 - la version la plus récente, la plus sûre et la plus cool de Drupal à ce jour.Lire la suiteBlog
Drupal as a headless CMS: benefits and challenges
Traditional CMS systems have been around since the early days of web development. Those platforms were then developed to store and present content - such as text, images, and videos. This approach bundles everything in one big silo: content, HTML, CSS, and so on. This made it impossible to reuse the content in that silo, since it was stuck in specific code snippets. Now that organisations no longer simply post content on web pages, there’s a need for a more flexible solution. Headless is the answer!Lire la suiteBlog
Drupal: Everything you need to know about the open-source CMS
Drupal as a CMS is very popular with the many large organisations around the world that use it. With over 15 years of experience, our Drupal specialists create powerful and diverse custom digital experiences. But what exactly is Drupal and what can you use it for? Read everything you need to know about Drupal here.Lire la suiteBlog
The 5 most important reports in Google Search Console
Google Search Console is an incredibly powerful tool whose strength is still relatively unknown to the general public. This has to change. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at the reports Google Search Console has to offer and equip you with the skills you need to optimise your website.Lire la suiteBlog
Changes in the advertising landscape: keyword types
Anyone who regularly works with Google Ads Campaigns will have already noticed. The keyword type Broad Match Modifier has disappeared. Why has this changed? How does this affect your current campaigns? And how can you adjust your advertising strategy accordingly? Advertising expert Inte shares her insights and tips to optimise your campaigns.Lire la suiteBlog
Performance Max: the campaign of the future?
Performance Max: a new campaign type launched by Google in 2021 that uses automation (i.e. automated bid strategy, real-time bidding…), makes Google Ads campaigns perform even better and saves the advertiser some time. Too good to be true? Based on our experience, we have summed up the most important aspects of Performance Max.Lire la suiteBlog
The ‘Coalition for Better Ads’ and its impact on your business
Advertising platforms worldwide are implementing a new policy outlined by the ‘Coalition for Better Ads’. This policy states that ad destination pages and advertisements must comply with certain international standards, the so-called ‘Better Ads Standards’. These standards aim to make improve the online user experience of consumers. But what does the implementation of the Better Ads Standards mean for your business and ads? Find out all you need to know in this blog.Lire la suiteBlog
The power of self-service in transportation and logistics
For organisations in transportation and logistics, it’s no longer enough to just get your shipments from A to B on time. Both private and business customers expect (demand) a top-tier service level these days. In this article, we’ll explain how a self-service portal can offer optimal service in the logistics industry.Lire la suiteBlog
Interview: Exploring the future of Drupal
In this episode of the Infinite Opportunities podcast, Tom Van Mierlo (Digital Strategist & Partner iO), Maarten Heip (Drupal Lead iO), and Dries Buytaert (Founder Drupal & Acquia) talk about chess, the evolution towards composable architecture, low-code and no-code development, and the future of the popular open source CMS.Lire la suiteBlog
2023 Christmas commercials: mediocrity, craftsmanship, clichés and sometimes... brilliance
It’s that time again: It’s Christmas commercial season 2023. I’m ready for a wagonload of snow, candy, British stars, and tortured covers of familiar songs. And what did I get? Exactly that. I love it! A (completely objective) overview of the (mostly) British 2023 Christmas commercials. Brace yourself for Rick Astley, kisses, Ryan Reynolds, talking mittens, singing oven gloves, pink flamingos, John Travolta as Santa Claus and... a rediscovered hit from 1965. And... What did John Lewis do?Lire la suiteBlog
Get the latest updates from iO through our WhatsApp Channel
Yay! There's a new way to get bite-sized content and insights from iO. In the fall of 2023, Meta launched WhatsApp Channels in more than 150 countries - including ours.Lire la suiteBlog
Google introduces Interaction to Next Paint as a new Core Web Vital
From March 12, we welcome a significant update in the world of web performance with the introduction of Interaction to Next Paint (INP) as part of the Core Web Vitals. But don't worry, you don’t have to be a web developer to understand: we’ll explain the importance of this update in plain language.Lire la suiteBlog
Drupal annonce l'arrivée de Starshot : 5 choses à savoir
Au début du mois, le fondateur de Drupal, Dries Buytaert, est monté sur scène lors de la conférence annuelle DrupalCon North America à Portland (Oregon, USA). Il a présenté ce que certains considèrent comme la plus grande nouvelle Drupal depuis longtemps : l'annonce officielle de Drupal Starshot. En tant que plus grand partenaire Drupal du Benelux, iO vous donne plus d'explications sur ce lancement à venir.Lire la suiteBlog
Drupal change la donne avec Starshot
iO et Drupal, c'est une vieille histoire. Nous utilisons le CMS depuis nos débuts, et il n'est pas exagéré de dire qu'il n'a pas de secrets pour nos développeurs. Ces dernières années, le marché des CMS a énormément évolué et de nouveaux systèmes ont poussé comme des champignons. Et, même si beaucoup d'entre eux n'ont pas survécu, il existe encore aujourd'hui un grand nombre de nouveaux systèmes de gestion de contenu. Une situation inhabituelle pour Drupal mais, avec l'annonce de Drupal Starshot, la réponse est enfin arrivée.Lire la suiteBlog
AI & E-commerce: 8 tips for navigating the changing SEO landscape
There is unrest in the SEO landscape, and it's no surprise given the rapid changes taking place. With the advent of AI, the future of SEO suddenly seems uncertain. The number one search engine is vigorously testing AI applications, reducing the need to click through to websites. This has serious implications for everyone whose traffic is partially dependent on Google, including e-commerce.Lire la suiteBlog
The professional communication dilemma: To email or not during the festive season.
Email campaigns during December are always a challenge. The volume of email increases steadily every month of the year and reaches a peak during the festive season. For example, MailChimp, the leading email service (according to their 2023 annual report) sends no less than 21.3 billion emails in December. Do you want to know how to make sure your festive emails reach your target audiences?Lire la suiteBlog
From a brilliant seasonal whodunnit, to cringe-worthy singing oven mitts: here’s the very best (and worst...) Christmas commercials of 2024.
It's the most wonderful time of the year again! Christmas! Or no, better still: it’s time to feast our eyes on the spectacular (British) Christmas commercials. They’ve released a tidal wave of clichés (snow, turkey, tears, Santa Claus/women in all shapes and sizes and gifts, lots of gifts). What’s striking about this year: the brands you expect a lot from are disappointing (spoiler 1: Disney...) (spoiler 2: John Lewis...) and brands that you don't expect much from after years of misery and gloom, excel (spoiler 3: Etsy). Let’s get into the festive spirit with 2024’s Christmas offerings.Lire la suiteBlog
Netherlands’ 2024 Christmas Ad Campaigns: A Festive Review of Hits and Misses
Bye Saint Nicholas! See you next year, safe travels back to Spain! Welcome Mariah, come on in. At long last, Christmas commercials are finally 'allowed' again in the Netherlands (in England they have been loose for some time). To that end, here is my deep dive into the Dutch commercial harvest so far. Drum roll: check out the Dutch Christmas commercials of 2024.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Tim Colman (Proximus)
Creative concepts can elevate a campaign, says Tim Colman (Head of Digital Communication at Proximus). He talks about the importance of creativity at every stage of the customer journey.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Dorien Gevers (Carglass)
The Carglass website is a crucial platform, but other channels — digital and non-digital — are also very important in the omnichannel approach. Giving a personalised experience to every customer, with content tailored to their stage in the customer journey. Dorien Gevers (Email marketer at Carglass) explains every stage.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Leslie Cottenje (CEO Hello Customer)
The decision to digitise has to start from the customer, not from an internal, business perspective. That's what Leslie Cottenje, CEO of Hello Customer thinks. Technology can help improve customer satisfaction, but the human factor has to be central. She tells you all about her vision in this video.Lire la suiteVideo
Video: Leaving no one behind digitally (David De Block)
In his talk at the 2023 BAM Marketing Congress, David De Block (Public Services Director at iO) talks about e-inclusion — or what it means to leave no one behind digitally.Lire la suiteCase
D'un service de courrier à un leader du e-commerce
De service postal classique, PostNL est devenu un fournisseur digital de service logistique grâce à une collaboration réussie avec iO. Découvrez comment.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
iO et Damen Shipyards découvrent un "Océan de possibilités"
Les experts d'iO ont aidé Damen Shipyards dans sa transformation digitale pour créer une expérience de marque forte et cohérente.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How do you build efficient data flows in the transport sector?
We guided international transporter through their digital transformation process, as the architects of their digital integration platform via low-code platform OutSystems. Give our case a read.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment iO a développé une infrastructure digitale évolutive pour Nutricia Worldwide
iO a aidé Nutricia Worldwide à créer une infrastructure digitale pour gérer du contenu pour plus de 45 pays, et proposer du lait maternité à tous ceux qui en ont vraiment besoin.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How to create a digital showcase for tomatoes?
iO developed a new brand experience website for Looye Kwekers with attractive content and a comprehensive content strategy.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Construit sur le passé, tourné vers l'avenir : le rebranding d'Argo
Lisez la suite du rebranding du cabinet d'avocats Argo et découvrez l'ensemble des solutions digitales que nous avons utilisées pour y parvenir.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Un coup de pouce pour les allocations familiales
iO a aidé la caisse d'allocations familiales à redesigner son site web dans le but de rendre les informations plus accessibles et plus faciles à gérer. Apprenez-en plus ici.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Un pont entre l’ERP et l’e-commerce
Nous aidons High Demand Brands à évoluer face à la transformation digitale. Découvrez comment nous nous y prenons !Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Bonjour, comment puis-je aider votre service clientèle ?
Découvrez comment iO a aidé le service clientèle de MediaMarkt et lui a donné vie avec quatre chatbots différents en 2022.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Développement d'une plateforme d'apprentissage digitale et d'un lien LTI pour les établissements d'enseignement supérieur
Avec Acco, iO a développé une plateforme d'apprentissage digitale et un LTI personnalisé pour améliorer le partage des connaissances et l'interaction entre les enseignants et les étudiants.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Une plateforme pour permettre à Immoscoop de conquérir le marché du logement
iO a développé une nouvelle plateforme digitale pour aider Immoscoop à conquérir le marché immobilier belge et à défier le statu quo. Lisez notre article pour en savoir plus sur ce projet.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Un nouveau webshop pour un distributeur à guichet unique
L'industrie automobile, ringarde ? Pas chez iO ! Découvrez comment nous avons mis en place une nouvelle boutique en ligne pour Pacauto.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How do you attract more volunteers with a dynamic recruitment campaign?
With this social campaign we got more people interested in signing up as a volunteer, so that De Kindertelefoon can continue to offer a listening ear 365 days a year.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How does De Kindertelefoon enhance online reach through clever and creative utilization of TikTok?
For De Kindertelefoon we developed a channel and content strategy to reach kids and young people on TikTok.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment gérer le webmastering de différents sites web tout en répondant aux attentes du client ?
Améliorer la gestion du contenu numérique des sites web de D'Ieteren Automotive ? Lire l'article complet ici ;Découvrez ce case en détailCase
L'application de Cibor : pour un fonctionnement efficace de l'ensemble de l'organisation
Une app personnalisée axée sur le client qui planifie automatiquement la solution la plus efficace et permet d'établir des rapports rapides. En savoir plus.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How to future-proof and secure a European dealer intranet?
Discover how the JLR Gateway, built in Drupal, acts as a central hub for dealer communication, processes, and collaboration.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Trouver, personnaliser et commander le cadeau d’affaires parfait en un minimum de clics
Find out how iO developed one powerful and scalable e-commerce platform for the web shops of all Favorite Gifts' brands. Read the case study.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Freedom, self-reliance, and user-friendliness
Discover how the online presence of Firda was revamped with a new Drupal platform. With seamless integrations, simplified forms and an improved design.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How to deliver a consistent brand experience across 35 countries
Comment développer un concept retail digital international qui fasse passer l'expérience client à la vitesse supérieure ?Découvrez ce case en détailCase
A creative blend of skills
Découvrez ce qu'iO fait pour l'aéroport et les voyageurs : du branding aux campagnes créatives en passant par la création de contenu.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Trouver la CMP idéale pour plusieurs domaines
Pour Van Hoecke, nous avons mis en place une CMP pour ses domaines, qui offre à l’utilisateur un environnement sûr pour sa vie privée et ses données. Découvrez comment.Découvrez ce case en détailStack
iO, votre partenaire Sitecore - touchez vos clients comme jamais
Avec iO, votre partenaire Sitecore, vous touchez le bon public sur les bons canaux. Contenu, personnalisation et e-commerce réunis sur une même plateforme.Lire la suiteStack
iO, votre partenaire Sitecore - touchez vos clients comme jamais
Avec iO, votre partenaire Sitecore, vous touchez le bon public sur les bons canaux. Contenu, personnalisation et e-commerce réunis sur une même plateforme.Lire la suiteStack
iO, votre partenaire Sitecore - touchez vos clients comme jamais
Avec iO, votre partenaire Sitecore, vous touchez le bon public sur les bons canaux. Contenu, personnalisation et e-commerce réunis sur une même plateforme.Lire la suiteStack
iO, votre partenaire Sitecore - touchez vos clients comme jamais
Avec iO, votre partenaire Sitecore, vous touchez le bon public sur les bons canaux. Contenu, personnalisation et e-commerce réunis sur une même plateforme.Lire la suiteStack
Drupal : le CMS pour des plateformes web simples et complexes l iO
Développez des plateformes web simples et complexes dans Drupal, le CMS open source d'origine belge.Lire la suiteStack
iO & Criteo, une plateforme puissante et automatisée de publicité en ligne
Chez iO, nous travaillons avec Criteo : une plateforme avancée pour la publicité digitale et les campagnes ciblées et basées sur les données. Découvrez ce que nous pouvons faire pour votre organisation.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Améliorez votre marketing de contenu
Intégrez votre marketing de contenu dans votre stratégie d'inbound marketing et boostez votre taux de conversion, processus de vente et image de marque.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Améliorez votre marketing de contenu | iO Digital
Intégrez votre marketing de contenu dans votre stratégie d'inbound marketing et boostez votre taux de conversion, processus de vente et image de marque.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Spécialiste e-commerce en Belgique et aux Pays-Bas l iO
Les experts en e-commerce d'iO vous aident à développer une approche solide du commerce en ligne B2B et B2C.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Boostez votre croissance digitale grâce à l'e-commerce et au marketing transactionnel I iO
Nos experts accompagnent vos (premiers) pas dans l'e-commerce grâce à leur expertise commerciale et technologique. Nous vous conseillons sur les plateformes, marketplaces, intégrations et systèmes de paiement.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Développement d'un portail libre-service en ligne avec iO
Avec un portail en libre-service, vous pouvez vous concentrer entièrement sur la stimulation d'interactions numériques précieuses avec vos clients.Lire la suiteNos expertises
L'IA rend votre organisation plus intelligente et plus efficace
L'IA n'est pas qu'une tendance sympa. Nos experts sont là pour vous montrer comment l'IA peut apporter de la valeur à votre organisation.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Accessibilité digitale : l'ouverture à tous les utilisateurs I iO
Améliorez l'accessibilité de votre site web grâce aux conseils des experts d'iO. Découvrez où en est votre organisation et contribuez dès aujourd'hui à bâtir un monde numérique plus inclusif.Lire la suitePresse
iO named the most customer-focused digital agency in the Netherlands
Lire la suitePresse
iO appoints Marco Merola as Managing Director on Campus Herentals
Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: first-party data collection with HubSpot
The cookieless future is coming. Soon, marketers will no longer be able to collect third-party data — so they need to find new solutions to balance data collection, privacy, security, and customised user experiences.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: Spotting opportunities in times of crisis
The dot-com bubble, the Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine: crises seem to be coming in quicker and quicker succession. But for marketers, those crises — from local events in specific markets to global phenomena — also always contain an opportunity. In this webinar, Tim Karpisek, Business Strategist at iO, explains how you can find relevant growth opportunities in times of crisis.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: Increase your online impact with strategic SEO
Is your website not being properly found by relevant visitors? Is your SEO traffic not generating enough conversions? But do you think you already have an SEO-friendly website? Then it's time to switch from tactical to strategic SEO. Find out how during our webinar on 23 August.Lire la suiteWebinar
An ultimate customer experience with a composable architecture
Discover how a composable architecture provides the flexibility to quickly respond to market changes and deliver an exceptional customer experience.Lire la suiteWhite paper
The journey towards superior email deliverability
Every business that uses email marketing in its strategy to reach a target audience wants to get a spot in the target audience’s inbox. But spam has become such an overwhelming part of email traffic that it’s become more difficult to get past Internet Service Providers and Mailbox Providers. That’s why an email marketing strategy needs to focus on email deliverability.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Interactive video for the static marketer
Interactive content engages people with choices, questions, and options. That’s no different with interactive video — in stark contrast to traditional video, which is linear and forces the viewer to watch passively.Lire la suiteWhite paper
How to succesfully sell and advertise through Amazon Belgium & The Netherlands
Selling through Amazon? Here’s how to become successful Amazon is deeply ingrained in today’s digital retail landscape: you can buy and sell almost anything there. For merchants, Amazon offers a unique opportunity to rapidly and efficiently expand their markets – even across borders. But how do you start doing that? How will you successfully sell your products through the world's largest e-commerce platform? Well, you can find out how it works in our updated guide, 'Selling and Advertising on Amazon, a Guide for Belgium and the Netherlands'.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Sell & advertise on
Most of us have probably already ordered a product or two at But the platform also offers merchants interesting opportunities to sell and advertise products, in Belgium and the Netherlands. In this white paper we will tell you more about the possibilities of the platform.Lire la suiteWhite paper
How to develop a first-party data strategy?
But how do you get started with a first-party data strategy? What do you pay attention to? Can you still rely on third-party data? And which stakeholders do you best involve in this 'new' phase? In this whitepaper, we help you out.Lire la suiteWhite paper
The 2024 iO content calendar
“Create ridiculously good content”, an undeniably strong mantra for everyone in the business of content creation. After all, content is a unique way to share relevant and interesting stories with others and therefore forms a bridge between the company and the audience.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Building brands with content
Brands are built with advertising, and content then adds depth to the brand, right? Not if you ask Aart Lensink. As a content expert, he helped several brands tell strong stories, and now he's sharing his knowledge on building brands with content in this e-book— packed with examples and with a concrete step-by-step plan.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Sales, leads, goals: your guide to Performance Marketing
Performance marketing is a branch of marketing where you focus on results. Which results? How can you measure it and - more importantly - how do you achieve it? This is different for every organisation, but the potential of performance marketing to deliver results? That’s universal. The efficient combination of leads, sales and targets is crucial.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Get more revenue from Google Shopping with Google CSS Managed Service
In 2017, Google was fined €2.4 billion by the European Commission for abuse of power. The internet giant was pushing comparison websites (Comparison Shopping Services, or CSS) lower in search results with Google Shopping. That fine was bad news for Google, but good news for organisations looking to make more online sales.Lire la suiteWhite paper
How to build an effective content marketing strategy
Producing content is a tactic everyone seems to rely on these days. Many organisations are creating content today — they have blogs, are active on social media, and might even publish their own magazine. But the underlying, supporting strategy? Something you rarely come across.Lire la suiteWhite paper
How to successfully develop a platform
Facebook is a media company that does not create content. Airbnb has turned the hotel industry upside down without owning any accommodation. Two well-known examples of fast-growing platforms that enable transactions and bring users and products together. The main factor for success in this is their appeal to the right users and adding value by solving problems, providing convenience or introducing new services. They do this using a very strong User Experience (UX) and Developer Experience (DX).Lire la suiteWhite paper
Whitepaper: How to unburden your business with ‘first time right’ marketing execution
Ideally, as a (Digital) Marketing Manager, you focus on developing and executing your strategy to achieve your organisation's goals. But what if your strategic focus is constantly disrupted by operational issues?Lire la suiteWhite paper
The 2025 iO content calendar
“Create ridiculously good content”, an undeniably strong mantra for everyone in the business of content creation. After all, content is a unique way to share relevant and interesting stories with others and therefore forms a bridge between the company and the audience.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Every experience matters: Unravel customer experiences with the Experience Model
Your brand has to compete with an unprecedented number of messages and stimuli for attention. To stand head and shoulders above the rest, it is essential to offer distinctive customer experiences. And that starts with a deep understanding of customer experiences.Lire la suiteWhite paper
AI beyond technology, your AI guide to business value
AI is everywhere. The challenge is how to make it tangible. It is no longer just about the technology, but about the business value and integration into processes. In this white paper we take you through the developments that affect your business and revenue.Lire la suiteBlog
Boost your SEO with structured data
How Google presents search results has changed a lot in recent years, with an increase in the use of snippets and rich results. The addition of structured data to your content helps Google to understand your website better. That improves your score and gives you more chance of achieving a place at the top of the search results. In this blog iO experts explain how you can make structured data work for your organisation.Lire la suiteBlog
5 raisons pour lesquelles votre podcast ne sera pas un succès
Deux micros, un enregistreur et un petit jingle pour couronner le tout : votre podcast de marque est prêt à devenir viral... Ou pas ? Nous allons passer en revue plusieurs pièges liés à la création d'un podcast de marque, ainsi que des conseils sur la manière de les éviter.Lire la suiteBlog
Comment créer un nom de marque ou un slogan en 5 minutes (et savoir si c'est le bon)
5 minutes, vraiment ? Cela peut effectivement se faire rapidement... mais à un certain prix. Dans cet article, vous découvrirez comment nous procédons chez iO, vous trouverez des conseils et des astuces à appliquer à votre propre travail et vous comprendrez la valeur ajoutée du facteur humain.Lire la suiteBlog
2023: a year in an era of change
Does the name Leonhard Huizinga still ring a bell for anyone? Once a popular Dutch writer, now forgotten. He made his debut in 1936 with the book 'De Gestroomlijnde Wereld'. Already a wanderer at a young age, Huizinga's book opened an unknown world to many readers. An exotic world, which seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, because it was more accessible by car, train, boat, and airplane. Faster, more comfortable and with more and more streamlining — quite literally. Curious, boundless, full of wonder. Not realising, as early as 1936, that over that same world lay the shadows of tomorrow.Lire la suiteBlog
Inclusion numérique : comment ne laisser personne sur le bord du chemin
Il y a une fracturee digitale entre les persona que nous utilisons en marketing et la population. En Belgique, l’écart est assez important : près de 50 % de la population est considérée comme numériquement vulnérable. Comment gérer cela en tant qu’organisation ? Comment s’assurer que les produits et services proposés n’excluent personne ? Cet article contient neuf conseils pratiques afin de vous guider vers l’inclusion digitale.Lire la suiteBlog
3 tendances du marketing de contenu pour 2024
La nouvelle année vient de commencer et les premières tendances sont déjà à nos portes. Plus important encore, les utilisateurs deviennent de plus en plus « libres » : ils se déplacent librement d'un canal à l'autre, à la recherche du contenu qu'ils souhaitent consommer. Il est donc plus important que jamais de garder un œil sur les tendances et d'en tirer pleinement parti. Après tout, elles offrent une occasion parfaite de faire preuve de créativité. Mais à quoi pouvons-nous nous attendre en 2024 ? Dans cet article, nous examinons trois tendances que vous pouvez commencer à utiliser immédiatement.Lire la suiteBlog
Bing : un nouveau moteur de recherche pour toucher votre public cible
Google est le leader incontesté du marché des moteurs de recherche, et le restera probablement pendant un certain temps. Cependant, pour ce qui est des requêtes de recherche, on observe récemment un challenger à ce monopole : Bing de Microsoft. Au cours des derniers mois, Bing a fait des progrès considérables, passant de 1 requête sur 20 à près de 1 sur 5. Cette influence croissante et la part de marché de Bing sont des éléments à prendre en compte dans vos stratégies digitales. Vous pouvez ignorer 5 % de vos visiteur·euse·s potentiels, mais ignorer 18 % des requêtes qui mènent à votre entreprise pourrait être néfaste pour vos résultats.Lire la suiteBlog
Pourquoi WordPress est le CMS idéal pour les spécialistes du marketing
Chez iO, nous travaillons en partenariat avec des acteurs majeurs et des leaders du marché dans les domaines du marketing et de la technologie. L’un de ces partenaires est WordPress, le plus grand système de gestion de contenu (CMS) au monde. Il y a plusieurs raisons pour lesquelles WordPress est en tête de liste des plateformes CMS. Tout d’abord, la plateforme a beaucoup à offrir à tous ses publics cibles. Dans ce blog, nous dressons la liste de ses principaux atouts pour les spécialistes du marketing.Lire la suiteBlog
Export des données historiques - Universal Analytics
Date limite pour l'exportation depuis Universal Analytics : 1er juillet 2024. Après le 1er juillet 2024, il ne sera plus possible d'accéder à vos données dans Universal Analytics. Il est donc essentiel de prendre des mesures en temps voulu et de les exporter avant cette date. En exportant les données avant la fermeture de l'accès, vous pouvez conserver des informations précieuses, stocker vos données en toute sécurité et entreprendre tout autre action nécessaire. Il est conseillé de ne pas s'y prendre à la dernière minute, car vous pourriez rencontrer des obstacles, tels que des erreurs d'extraction ou des défis techniques. Pour éviter les problèmes potentiels, il est conseillé de transférer les données à temps dans un environnement où elles peuvent être stockées en toute sécurité. Vous pourrez ainsi les utiliser ultérieurement à des fins d'analyse ou de transformation. En agissant maintenant, vous pouvez vous assurer que vous ne perdrez pas vos précieuses données et que vous serez bien préparé·e pour l'avenir. Découvrez nos recommandations ci-dessous.Lire la suiteBlog
Comment créer un assistant de rédaction par IA avec Custom GPT ?
L'IA est-elle le grand méchant loup comme certains le prétendent ? Attend-elle tapie de prendre notre place d'expert en marketing de contenu ? Une chose est sûre : l'intelligence artificielle n'est pas un effet de mode. Elle est là pour durer, et c'est à nous de nous adapter. Chez iO, nous recherchons toujours de nouvelles façons de créer de la valeur ajoutée. Et, en la matière, l'IA est moins une solution en soi qu'un moyen d'y parvenir. Dans cet article, nous vous expliquons comment nous utilisons un assistant de rédaction par IA pour rédiger de gros volumes de textes de manière rentable.Lire la suiteBlog
Migrer vers Sitecore XM Cloud: le passage à un DXP composable
XM Cloud est le CMS du nouveau DXP composable de Sitecore. Il s’agit d’un développement de leur CMS original, mais avec des différences notables. C’est un SaaS dont la maintenance est plus simple. Il est plus rapide et plus facile à développer, et aussi beaucoup plus facile à utiliser pour les éditeurs de contenu, tout en étant toujours aussi puissant et polyvalent qu’auparavant. Ainsi, lors du lancement d’une nouvelle implémentation Sitecore, le choix de XM Cloud par rapport à la plateforme DXP d’origine est une évidence. Mais qu’en est-il de la migration de votre implémentation existante vers XM Cloud ? Il n’y pas de trajet de mise à niveau fixe, et votre position de départ aura une grande influence sur le chemin que vous souhaitez emprunter, ainsi que sur les considérations commerciales qui sous-tendent une telle migration. Dans cet article, je partage avec vous mon point de vue sur les principales différences, les défis, les avantages, les préoccupations et les approches possibles pour un trajet de migration, ainsi que tout ce que vous devez savoir et prendre en compte avant de vous embarquer dans ce voyage.Lire la suiteBlog
Le marketing de contenu est devenu de la communication (et ce n'est pas une bonne nouvelle)
Le marketing de contenu a-t-il encore du sens en 2024 ? Patrick Severein (Head of Content et stratège) se pose la question.Lire la suiteBlog
Discover conversational AI search
Conversational search in the form of an AI chatbot lets your website visitors interact with your content, resulting in a better customer experience.Lire la suiteBlog
Intention de recherche - Search Intent
Lorsque vous recherchez quelque chose sur Internet, pour quelle raison le faites-vous ? Souhaitez-vous recueillir des informations, vous renseigner sur un produit particulier ou peut-être acheter quelque chose ? Il va de soi que vous espérez obtenir des résultats qui correspondent le plus possible à cette raison. L'intention avec laquelle une personne effectue une recherche est un facteur crucial pour Google et les spécialistes du marketing.Lire la suiteBlog
iOS 18 et RCS changent la donne pour les marques et les spécialistes du marketing
Avec le lancement récent d'iOS 18, le service de messagerie Rich Communication Service (ou RCS) est enfin largement disponible. Cela peut avoir un impact considérable sur la façon dont les marques et les spécialistes du marketing communiquent avec leurs client·e·s. Dans cet article, nous nous penchons sur les tenants et les aboutissants du RCS et nous expliquons pourquoi, chez iO, nous sommes convaincu qu'il offrira de meilleures expériences.Lire la suiteBlog
AI is changing how we search and it is time for brands to face this head-on
The impact of AI on search engine marketing and business models is huge. So start experimenting now, advises iO CEO Pieter Janssens.Lire la suiteBlog
What makes a successful digital platform?
For many organisations, their digital platform is essential infrastructure: a versatile technology foundation on which they can build and run their digital operations. With a strong and flexible digital platform, you can stay ahead of your competitors by providing your customers with the best user experience that fits seamlessly with your business goals. But how do you ensure that your platform helps you to really make a difference?Lire la suiteBlog
Dynamic Creative Optimisation: Maximise conversions with hyper-personalised advertising
Developing, rolling out and constantly adapting large advertising and banner campaigns in multiple languages and formats? This time-consuming, complex task can eat up a lot of your marketing budget. Dynamic Creative Optimisation (DCO) makes this process a lot more efficient. Find out how DCO can take your campaigns to the next level and save precious time.Lire la suiteBlog
Evelyne Berden and Jolien Struyf share insights on HubSpot INBOUND in Boston
This article was originally published on IO’s Evelyne Berden, Domain Lead Marketing Automation, and Jolien Struyf, Team Lead Marketing Automation travelled to Boston in the United States to attend the HubSpot INBOUND conference between 18 and 20 September. This conference focuses on the latest developments in marketing, sales, AI and customer experience. They spoke to Marketing Report about their experiences and everything they learned at INBOUND.Lire la suiteBlog
Ce n’est pas toi, c’est moi : comment l’usage de « je » ou « tu » peut faire la différence lors de la décision d’achat
Est-ce que ce sont « Mes favoris » ou « Vos favoris » ? Et vous voulez plutôt commencer « Votre période d’essai gratuite » ou « Ma période d’essai gratuite » ? Même si on ne les remarque pas toujours, les pronoms ont une fonction importante sur une plateforme. Après tout, ils déterminent ce que ressentent les utilisateur·rice·s lorsqu’ils ou elles lisent le texte sur votre site web ou votre application, et la façon dont sont perçus votre marque ou votre produit. Le choix entre « Je » ou « Vous » et entre « Votre » et « Mon/Ma » peut donc faire toute la différence lors de la décision d’achat. Mais alors, que choisir ?Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Google Analytics 4
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: The Opportunity Report
Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Peter Van Hoecke (Van Hoecke)
According to Peter Van Hoecke (CEO Van Hoecke), the client is always central, especially — in digital transformation. By automating, accelerating, and rationalising processes, you help your clients save time — our most finite and valuable resource.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Daan Simonis (Perfetti Van Melle)
Creativity isn't just useful for building a strong campaign — it's essential. Daan Simonis (Global Media & Digital Marketing Director at Perfetti Van Melle) explains why this is the case and how a creative idea has a strong impact, especially on paid media platforms.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Joaquin Zschuschen (KLM Health Services)
Digital transformation isn't just about technology — it’s also about people. Joaquin Zschuschen, Digital Manager at KLM Health Services, talks about customer satisfaction and personalisation.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Yannick de Bièvre (MediaMarkt)
MediaMarkt is an omnichannel retailer, and that is a very conscious choice. Digital and non-digital channels flow seamlessly into each other, according to Yannick de Bièvre (Head of Marketing BeLux).Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Paul Smeets (Cadac)
You can't do partial digital transformation, says Paul Smeets (CTO Cadac). In this video, he tells you more about his vision on digitisation.Lire la suiteVideo
Are you fed up with boring marketing too?
Our attention spans are shorter, we skip commercials, and we click from video to video all the time. When consumers are bombarded with an avalanche of content every day, how can your brand stand out? Ruth Nys explains how to do creative content marketing without falling into the same old boring marketing tactics trap. Expert:Ruth Nys, Strategy Director ContentLire la suiteVideo
Steven Van Belleghem: The cost of poor 'Customer Experience' is frequently underestimated.
Companies are unaware of the enormous the cost of bad customer experiences. Out-of-pocket costs such as customer service are being pushed up, at a time when it’s becoming more difficult and expensive to find new customers.And this is happening while the brand credibility is declining and there is erosion in terms of new business development. In the video below, Steven Van Belleghem calls for more investment in customer focus, as a driver for a successful 2025.Lire la suiteVideo
AI - The future is not what it used to be
Do you remember when ... the invention of the computer caused a seismic shift in the job market? People unwilling to work with computers were quickly replaced by people who were; and today everyone carries a laptop. Today the same thing is happening with AI. In this webinar, Rodger Werkhoven will share his passion for Artificial Intelligence and introduce you to OpenAI as a love brand.Lire la suiteVideo
The Canon of Flanders: from Van Eyck’s brothers' Ghent Altarpiece to Rock Werchter.
From Van Eyck’s brothers' Ghent Altarpiece to Rock Werchter: the Canon of Flanders is finally here. The much-discussed list resulted in a bulky book of more than 300 pages and includes an overview of the Flemish language, culture, and history from the end of the last ice age to today. But there is also an online version: . iO developed this on behalf of the Commission Canon of Flanders, which received a mandate from the Flemish Government, Department of Education & Training.Lire la suiteVideo
Primagaz & iO: a shared journey of growth and success
Discover the fruitful collaboration between Primagaz and iO in this 'Walk and Talk' video. In this video, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at the collaborative dynamics between Primagaz and iO. We discuss how we dealt with challenges, how we exploited opportunities and what strategies we developed. We'll take you through our shared journey of growth and success, where trust and a commitment to excellence are central. This Walk and Talk is more than just a conversation - it is a celebration of a collaboration that has stood the test of time. It is a story of mutual growth, of learning and evolving, and of creating value for both organizations.Lire la suiteCase
Plus de 300 boutiques sur une même plateforme d'e-commerce
iO a développé une plateforme de commerce en ligne B2B et une app uniques où plus de 300 boutiques de luxe vendent des articles de mode sur le même webshop.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Commerce B2B omnichannel
Pour EDCO, iO a développé une plateforme de commerce Magento omnichannel et B2B, et un système PIM.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Un écosystème digital centré sur l’apprentissage
Dans cet article, découvrez comment nous avons collaboré avec BZB-Fedafin pour proposer des formations. Nous avons créé une plateforme d’apprentissage avec Sofia. Lire la suite !Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How do you build a global B2B platform tailored to foodservice professionals?
How to build a multi-site, multi-language, global B2B platform for lead generation and online branding - iODécouvrez ce case en détailCase
iO, ambassadeur des conseils de voyages accessibles
Faut-il un visa pour votre destination de rêve ? Le camping sauvage est-il autorisé ? Le Gouvernement fédéral belge avait disséminé toutes ces informations sur de nombreux sites web. iO les a réunies sur une seule plateforme.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment un audit terre-à-terre a-t-il ouvert la voie aux outils numériques idéaux
Comment un audit terre-à-terre a-t-il ouvert la voie aux outils numériques idéauxDécouvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment lancer une nouvelle marque dans le secteur de la mobilité ?
iO et ARG "nous réparons tout, y compris votre humeur" - une collaboration pour renforcer la notoriété de la marque dans le secteur de la mobilité.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Personnalisation approfondie dans Drupal pour un vaste groupe cible
Pour le géant de l’alimentaire Vandemoortele, nous avons créé une plateforme Drupal qui inspire et soutient divers publics grâce à un contenu personnalisé. Apprenez-en plus ici.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment maximiser le taux d’engagement de votre newsletter?
Optimiser le contenu et la présentation : Comment iO a transformé l'engagement de la newsletter de Proximus. Lisez l'étude de cas ici.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment exploiter les réseaux sociaux pour moderniser votre communication digitale ?
Moderniser les communications numériques dans l'automobile : Libérer le potentiel des réseaux sociaux. Lire l'article ici.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Une expérience d'accueil parfaite prend sa source dans la co-création
iO a aidé Landal Greenparks à créer une expérience d'accueil qui intègre un service personnalisé à la commodité digitale.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment optimiser une campagne colorée grâce à l'exploitation de données
Mieux visualiser votre parcours client en s'appuyant sur des données grâce au journey mining.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Une plateforme omnichannel pour le financement retail
Un crédit flexible, sans carte mais avec tous les avantages omnichannel d'une carte de crédit.Découvrez ce case en détailPage
WWVD: Download the presentations of Thursday 30 March 2023!
The first day of the Webwinkel Vakdagen (WWVD) is over! Still want to reminisce? Download the presentations of the lightning talks here.Lire la suitePage
Give the Webwinkel Vakdagen (WWVD) a successful follow-up, together with iO!
As far as we are concerned, the Webwinkel Vakdagen (WWVD) was a great success! Did you think so too?Lire la suiteStack
Umbraco, le CMS le plus "user friendly" du marché l iO
Le CMS Umbraco est facile d'utilisation, pris en charge par tous les navigateurs et complètement personnalisable. Découvrez comment nous travaillons avec ce CMS en tant que partenaire Gold d'Umbraco.Lire la suiteStack
Tirez le meilleur parti de votre marketing avec Google Marketing Platform | iO
Optimisez votre marketing grâce à la plateforme de publicité et d'analyse de Google et à l'aide d'iO, votre partenaire certifié Google Marketing Platform.Lire la suiteStack
Découvrez la puissance du marketing omnichannel avec Storyblok l iO
Avec le CMS headless Storyblok, vous pouvez rapidement créer des expériences digitales pertinentes. Nos experts sont là pour vous y aider.Lire la suiteStack
Boostez vos ventes en ligne avec Shopware et iO, Gold Partner
Shopware est un outil d’e-commerce qui évolue avec votre organisation. Découvrez les avantages de Shopware et d’une collaboration avec iO, Gold Partner.Lire la suiteStack
Atteignez votre public cible grâce à nos experts en Google Ads
Vous commencez à faire de la publicité sur Google ou vous souhaitez optimiser vos annonces actuelles sur Google ? iO est votre partenaire Google Premier. Découvrez comment nous pouvons vous aider.Lire la suiteStack
Reprenez le contrôle de vos données avec Piwik PRO l iO
Le respect de la vie privée et la sécurité des données sont les principales priorités de Piwik PRO, l'alternative à Google Analytics conforme au RGPD.Lire la suiteStack
Travaillez plus efficacement dans le cloud avec iO, Google Cloud Partner
iO est un partenaire Google Cloud qui aide les organisations à exploiter la puissance du cloud pour le stockage, analytics, le développement et bien d'autres.Lire la suiteStack
OneTrust : solution de confidentialité tout-en-un l iO
Gérez et surveillez facilement les préférences de confidentialité de votre site avec OneTrust. Nos experts vous y aident.Lire la suiteStack
Tweakwise : un logiciel intelligent pour l’e-commerce
Avec Tweakwise, faites un véritable succès de votre e-commerce. Nous sommes heureux de vous aider en tant que partenaire Silver de Tweakwise.Lire la suiteStack
iO - Usercentrics partner for Data Consent Management
Usercentrics (or Cookiebot) offers easy, transparent, GDPR compliant management of user consent and data.Lire la suiteStack
Votre partenaire CookieHub pour la gestion des consentements
CookieHub est la plateforme de gestion des consentements (CMP) pour faire de la protection de la vie privée une priorité au sein de votre organisation.Lire la suiteIndustry
Services publics et organisations gouvernementales l iO
Que peut faire iO pour les administrations publiques ? Fournir des services digitaux intégrés sécurisés, accessibles et utiles pour les citoyens.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Marketplaces : quelle visibilité pour votre marque l iO
Les marketplaces digitales accueillent vos clients. Est-il temps pour vous de rejoindre la concurrence sur ce terrain ? iO vous apporte des conseils d'experts pour prendre un bon départ.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Secure applications for all: user and access management
Identify users quickly and safely and give them the necessary access to your platform. Our experts will help you.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Looking for expertise in Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment?
Say goodbye to merge days, manual bug fixing and code flaws as a developer — and opt for continuous and automated development.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Créer de la valeur commerciale avec l'IA - workshops & trainings l iO
iO vous aide à passer à l'action avec l'intelligence artificielle. Découvrez nos ateliers et formations sur l'IA pour déceler le potentiel au sein de votre entreprise.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Cloud, données & intégrations : comment la technologie booste l'expérience digitale l iO
Nous faisons en sorte que votre infrastructure informatique, de données et marketing, soit évolutive. Et nous l’intégrons avec les bons partenariats clouds et les bonnes configurations de données.Lire la suiteNos expertises
Dashboarding & visualisation: draw correct conclusions from data
Dashboarding and visualisation are simple ways to keep your stakeholders up to date with your marketing achievements. Learn to understand your data.Lire la suitePresse
iO develops a secure version of ChatGPT: AiO
Lire la suitePresse
George Moses new Technology Director at iO
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iO donne de l’éclat à la Couleur de l’Année d’AkzoNobel « Tendre Cocon »™
Dans la phase de préparation, les experts en marketing digital d’iO se sont penchés sur l’optimisation des flux de la campagne sur et entre les pages web, les campagnes emailing et les applications mobiles.Lire la suitePresse
iO brings the Port of Antwerp-Bruges’ digital twin to life with AI
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iO study: majority of retail chains missing out on local SEO benefits
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The power of branded podcasts recognised with four Lovie Awards for iO
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iO and M Leuven bring Flemish Master to life with AI tool
Blended agency iO gives history an extra dimension for visitors to M Leuven thanks to AI-driven web app.Lire la suitePresse
iO focuses on talent: Wouter Dolle becomes HR Director in the Netherlands
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iO launches magical end-of-year campaign for Brussels Airport
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4 out of 10 Belgians are digitally vulnerable
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iO welcomes Martine Lemans as Managing Director of Consultancy Division in the Netherlands
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Amnesty International Vlaanderen and iO put a human face on hope with ‘the power of the people’
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NMBS picks iO as innovation partner and service design expert
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Strategic boost for iO with two new senior hires
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iO and Worldline launch AI Smart Search for Developer Portal
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Brussels Airport Company and iO create the ultimate traveller experience
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The KNHB and iO launch new adidas Dutch hockey team kits with an inspiring campaign
Lire la suitePresse app 2.0 makes golf accessible to everyone
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Amnesty International calls attention to human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Lire la suiteWebinar
E-inclusion: how to leave no one behind in the digital world
There’s a digital gap between our marketing personas and the real people we service. And that gap is significant: nearly 50% of the population is digitally vulnerable. How do you handle that as an organisation? And how do you make sure your products and services don’t exclude anyone from the digital world? Register for our webinar now and allow David De Block, Public Services Director at iO, to show you the “reason to believe”, so you can take action.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: Boost your online visibility and revenue with local search
Pretty much everyone has a smartphone these days, using navigation systems like Google Maps every day. Leveraging local search has never been this crucial to enhance online visibility and growth. Google reports that nearly half of all search queries on its platform (46%) have a local intent. You need to take advantage of that as a retailer. After all, you want potential customers to be able to find you, especially when you’re nearby. Sign up to join our exclusive webinar on local search to find out how to elevate your local presence.Lire la suiteWebinar
Leveraging customer data in your marketing communications
With the ever-evolving laws and technology, reaching your target audience as a marketer is complex. In this webinar, we'll show you how to make the most of the customer data you already have. During the Dutch webinar on March 19, 2024, Evelyne Berden (Domain Lead Marketing Automation at iO Campus Herentals) explains how you can unlock customer data to take your marketing campaigns to the next level.Lire la suiteWebinar
SEO & TikTok: the dynamic duo for digital success
From libraries to Google to just a few decades, our source of information has shifted to unexpected places. Today, a whopping 40% of young people use TikTok as their primary source of information. Did you know that this platform is increasingly focusing on its own search function? This makes TikTok SEO an essential part of your digital strategy.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: elevate your brand: mastering the art of content strategy
How can you effectively utilize content to promote your brand? How can you ensure that your brand stands out with persuasive creations across the appropriate platforms? These questions will be answered in our complimentary webinar, where you'll gain insights on developing a content strategy that seamlessly aligns with your marketing channels and target audiences. Watch the recording below.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: discover how digitally mature your business really is (and what steps to take next)
As a CEO, managing director or marketing manager, you’re steering your ship towards the digital future. But here’s the challenge: how do you ensure you’re on the right course? Which aspects are thriving, and which ones need a boost? Register for our webinar and discover exactly how your company can move towards complete digital maturity.Lire la suiteWebinar
Discover what's new in HubSpot: your quick guide to the INBOUND '24 updates
With over fifty new features every month, the HubSpot express train shows no signs of slowing down. Last month at the annual INBOUND event in Boston, you could explore all the latest updates and get an exclusive preview of the roadmap for the coming year. Couldn't make it? Sign up quickly for our free webinar to get a concise overview of all the highlights from INBOUND '24.Lire la suiteWebinar
Inclusivity at the forefront: Embracing digital accessibility
Discover how prioritising accessibility can transform digital presence and drive business success.Lire la suiteWebinar
Webinar: the impact of AI on future customer experiences
As a digital marketing professional, you know customer experience is all about planning. But with the digital world getting more complex by the day, what should you focus on in 2025? Which processes will be most affected by artificial intelligence? Sign up for our webinar to learn how your organization can prepare for AI's impact on tomorrow’s customers' experiences.Lire la suiteWebinar
How conversational AI is transforming customer experiences
Do your customers know that they can find what they are looking for on your website easily? Conversational search, supported by an AI chatbot, makes it possible for your visitors to navigate your content seamlessly. The result? Better customer experiences. Introducing new technology such as conversational search can be challenging and is never without risk. In this webinar, we will take you through the ins and outs, to ensure that you and your organisation can get the best out of this innovation.Lire la suiteWhite paper
3 steps to build a successful B2B inbound marketing strategy
Shouldn’t the client be at the heart of every marketing campaign? When it comes to good inbound marketing, the same is clearly true for B2B marketing. Inbound marketing is an effective way to gather everything you need to build a successful campaign: the right, qualitative leads - collected in a way that does not disturb the user experience, using data that’s willingly shared. It’s a fitting approach, not only for acquiring new customers, but for turning them into enthusiastic brand ambassadors in the process.Lire la suiteWhite paper
E-detailing in the life sciences
In this crowded and competitive environment amidst reduced budgets, pharmaceutical and life sciences companies must resort to new strategies to significantly improve the efficiency of their direct-to-physician marketing initiatives. As such, e-detailing came fully into effect.Lire la suiteWhite paper
The significance of data in digital marketing
Data help the marketeer implement digital marketing techniques in customer communication. But how do you use that data, exactly? And how can you enjoy the full force of data? In this whitepaper, we will show you how to optimise your customer and prospect communication through segmentation and personalisation. Moreover, we’ll show you how AI supports these processes.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Why you should use video and visual storytelling in your content approach
Visual storytelling and video hit the right notes with your target audience – using words, images, and sounds. With an approach of 'less selling, more telling' you transcend the product level and tell your audience a story. This makes visual storytelling an intuitive and attractive format to create authentic bonds with your customers, employees, or prospects.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Why email marketing still works
Whether you’re a small business or a large multinational, it’s worth considering email marketing.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Digital tools: challenges and opportunities for insurers
Naturally, we consider digital to be the future. Do insurance buyers in Belgium and the Netherlands see it that way as well? Together with market research agency BUFFL we asked 1.500 insurance policyholders about their views on digitalisation in the world of insurance. The conclusion? A remarkable one, to say the least. Prepare to read all about in our exclusive 18-page industry paper, including interesting bits of context, nuance, and thorough explanations.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Digitalisation - the key to unlock B2B business growth
The digital revolution has profoundly changed the B2C market, and B2B soon followed. None of it happened overnight, by the way. In fact, the trend was initially slow to take off in the B2B sector. Today, digitalisation reached essential status in B2B for anyone wishing to stay ahead of the competition. Its secret? An omnichannel approach, the new standard for B2B sales.Today, B2B customers expect the same standards as B2C customers do in terms of access and service from self-service platforms and digital portals. They expect to find the right products, services or ecosystems across all stages of the customer journey. How do you manage B2C expectations in a B2B context?Lire la suiteWhite paper
Creativity – how to stand out in B2B communication
Creativity in B2B communication is an important way to engage and connect with your audience. The era of the pure sales pitch is long gone, and today B2B communication is also looking for new ways to add value in the long term. Creativity builds the bridge between story, feeling and individuality. And this translates into positive business results.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Win the battle for the consumer with marketing automation
In 2023, consumers’ expectations are higher than ever. They reject generic messages and communication. More so; they want to be put on a digital pedestal. To be personally addressed and only shown content that is relevant to them. In other words, they want companies and brands to give them an experience. And that experience has become just as important as a product or service.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Your channel mix only has value if you manage it effectively
To make your online business run smoothly, there are several aspects you can focus on. One of them is your channel mix. But how do you know if your mix is the right one? And do you stick to your initial choices or is it better to adjust your mix regularly? Channel management provides answers to these questions. Channel management involves monitoring and adjusting the entire channel mix of your business or client based on predetermined goals. You work on all aspects that ensure better results, at every stage of the funnel.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Download the "2023 Local SEO Benchmark Report"
For the 2023 Local SEO Benchmark, we analysed nearly 100,000 business locations in 36 cities in the Netherlands and Belgium, across 14 different industries. Curious about how the retail sector in the Netherlands and Belgium is doing in terms of Local SEO? Find out in our 2023 Local SEO Benchmark Report . Some key conclusions of the 2023 Local SEO Benchmark Report:Lire la suiteWhite paper
Everything you need to know about Large Language Models (like ChatGPT)
AI language models, better known as Large Language Models, such as ChatGPT are hot. For some, they are a fine piece of pastime, for others an important tool to achieve business goals – not in the least for SEO and SEA. As they gain plenty of popularity, the complexity of the picture is also becoming clear, just the capabilities of AI. It becomes important to fully understand their potential, and their limitations, before you start working with them.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Digitise your trade union services for your sector
Trade unions play a crucial role when new technologies and trends emerge. But how do you ensure that your trade union keeps up with the expectations of your demanding customers, members, and users.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Download the all-in-one social media checklist
For many organisations, social media is still a Pandora's box. Yes, they are useful online channels, and yes, we might need to have a presence there. But how exactly do you tackle that? What do you need to take into account? This helpful social media checklist will take you a long way.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Successful digital transformation: 5 pitfalls you should avoid
Globally, only 30 percent of companies successfully implement digital transformation. This is because digital transformation touches every aspect of a business: from people and processes to infrastructure and customer relationships. The key to a successful transformation is to pay attention to all these aspects - but that doesn't always happen. In this white paper, we take you through five common pitfalls in digital transformation and give advice on how to avoid them.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Score on socials with the Social Benchmark Report 2023
When setting goals for social content campaigns, it's crucial to ensure they are achievable and have a tangible foundation. The iO Social Benchmark Report provides you with valuable insights into the world of social content performance, so that you can make data-driven choices to optimise your social content strategy.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Employer branding insights - How to recruit talent in 2024?
A tight job market and a short attention span from your target audience, who are also bombarded with content on a daily basis. Does recruiting new talent sometimes feel like a lost battle to you? We believe it doesn't have to be! Break through your target audience's content overload: invest in in-depth content to reach them and strengthen your employer brand. How can you successfully recruit and retain new talent for your brand? Discover it in "From Employer Branding to Recruitment - Insights 2024".Lire la suiteWhite paper
7 strategic considerations for building powerful platforms
For many companies, digital platforms are the backbone of their operations and critical to exceptional customer experiences. This white paper offers strategic insights and practical solutions to address digital challenges such as agility, scalability and security. Download now to take your digital platform to the next level and seamlessly align with your business goals.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Make ecommerce more personal and tangible using online configurators
Consumers are increasingly used to communication that is tailored to them. An ad for 30% discount on cat food after you searched for the best kibble is an example. But so is the online purchase process of those kibbles. After all, today we want an online purchase to feel just like its physical counterpart. Online configurators are a great way to replace the eager shop assistant.Lire la suiteWhite paper
The CTO guide to a composable architecture
Instead of depending on one big software suite, the ‘composable approach’ enables organisations to customise their IT infrastructure by selecting and integrating the most suitable components for their specific needs. However, composable is not a universal solution. In this whitepaper we break down the composable concept, explain the core principles and its potential impact on your organisation’s digital ecosystem. We help you determine a realistic timeframe for transitioning to a composable architecture and evaluate whether your business is ready to embrace composability. Finally, we explore diverse migration strategies for a smooth and seamless transition.Lire la suiteWhite paper
How content and creation delivers brand success
A brand's story is shaped by content. In the coming years it isn’t just about what content you create, but about how your brand retains authenticity and flexibility in an ever-growing digital landscape. Platforms are diverse, audiences are fragmented, and attention spans are shorter than ever. Today the central question is: "How can you be sure that your brand is communicating in an authentic and effective way?" It's about communication that doesn’t just connect with people, but actually touches them. After reading this Insights Paper, you will have an in-depth understanding of the complexity of target audiences, the dynamics of platforms, the impact of AI, evolving content formats, and the value of content to brands.Lire la suiteWhite paper
10 ways to boost your customer’s experience
In 2025, the challenge for businesses is clear: deliver seamless, meaningful interactions throughout the entire customer journey. Every interaction, every touchpoint, and every moment matters. Discover in this paper how customer focus, digital excellence and business growth are key to delivering outstanding customer experiences. Get actionable advice and concrete next steps from a wide range of experts about content, AI, data, innovation, and more, to integrate in your strategy for 2025.Lire la suiteWhite paper
Digital Revolution: learning to ride the waves of technological change
The digital revolution is gaining momentum, but it is nothing new. Over the last twenty years, technology has drastically changed our daily lives and business models. Today, the pressure to get started with technological transformation is greater than ever before. How do you tackle this? You will find the answer to this question and more in Digital Revolution: learning to surf the waves of technological change.Lire la suiteBlog
We analysed 97,474 Google Business Profiles and here's what we found
In 2020 we published "The 2020 Local SEO Benchmark Report". Our analysis of the state of local SEO in the Dutch retail sector. At the time, our conclusions were not too positive. About 75% of all business listings were incorrect or incomplete, less than 26% of retail chains had made a Google post, and only 8% answered reviews and customer questions. Now, three years later, we've mapped the state of local SEO again, but this time we’ve expanded the scope of our analysis covering 36 cities in the Netherlands and Belgium, divided into 14 different industries. In total, we collected and analysed data from nearly 100,000 business locations and over the last few months, we have analysed the results and are proud that we can now share the report and the most important findings. Let's dive into the key insights...Lire la suiteBlog
AI tools that add real value to your business processes
Technology is in a constant state of change. The great evolution of recent years has been AI. Today, it's a powerful tool that can radically change the way we solve problems and create value. But how should we really look at AI? And how can we make sure it becomes more than just an empty gimmick?Lire la suiteBlog
With these new guidelines, Gmail will ensure a safer inbox in 2024
In February 2024, Google and Yahoo's new email guidelines will come into effect. These guidelines have to do with email deliverability and will be made mandatory by Google, unlike now. The guidelines will apply to all emails delivered to Gmail accounts — or, in other words, all emails to email addresses and organisations using Google Suite as an email server. In this article, our email experts tell you everything you need to know about the new guidelines.Lire la suiteBlog
15 Reading, listening, and viewing tips for the holiday season (and Beyond)
The end of December is list time. My colleagues at iO invited me to fill the last square of 24till24 with an inspiring list. December 24 is the last day of work before the Christmas holidays for many. That magical time of the year when the professional merry-go-round comes to a complete standstill. It isn’t just the time for family celebrations, it’s also the perfect moment to curl up on the sofa with a good book, a podcast, or a film. So, get into my personal list of the very best viewing, reading, and listening tips. Slide into the holiday season and keep the boredom at bay. Enjoy!Lire la suiteBlog
The future of AI: which 5 trends make their mark on 2024?
We are standing at the beginning of a new economic era with AI and automation as driving forces. Customer interaction is radically being transformed, and the rise of generative AI heralds one of the biggest revolutions ever. As far as AI is concerned, the near future is still a bit unpredictable, but one thing is certain: companies that really want to make a difference should resolutely opt for a digital strategy built upon resilience, productivity and efficiency. Let’s delve into the five most remarkable AI trends for 2024.Lire la suiteBlog
Building trust in a cookieless era
We all know third-party cookies, a marketer's bread and butter, are leaving the building. The cookieless future was irrevocably set into motion when Google decided to remove them completely by 2024. This presents us with the unique challenge of tracking an audience that does not only demand an excellent experience but is increasingly privacy-conscious, too – quite paradoxical, we know. You’ve probably also heard that first-party data is the way to go. So, how can you turn leads into returning customers and, more importantly, how will you procure their data? We suggest a trust-first marketing approach that focuses on excellent content to establish a relationship with customers and users, making them more inclined to share their data with you.Lire la suiteBlog
Work smarter, not harder: your guide to masterful productivity with AI
Are you tired of all the grand promises surrounding AI? Do trends come and go without leaving a lasting impact? Are you yearning for a down-to-earth answer to the question, "What can I truly gain from AI in my daily work?" Our Art Director and AI pioneer, Gijs guides you in this blog interview. Why can he only guide you? Because there's no one-size-fits-all approach. AI is tailor-made, but it can significantly simplify and enhance your work. Within minutes, promises Gijs, you can achieve powerful mass production. His practical tips might just transform your daily workflow or, at the very least, encourage you to rethink it. Discover how in this interview.Lire la suiteBlog
3 idées précieuses sur le SEO de Friend of Search 2024
En tant que spécialiste du SEO, j'ai eu l'occasion d'assister à Friends of Search, une conférence renommée sur le SEO et le SEA à Amsterdam. L'événement attire au moins 600 visiteurs par an et garantit des conférences inspirantes, une cérémonie de remise de prix et un moment de networking. J'ai été immédiatement impressionné par l'expertise internationale présentée par les autres participants lors de cette onzième édition, qui s'est tenue le 21 mars 2024. Découvrez 3 informations précieuses sur le SEO qui m'ont marqué.Lire la suiteBlog
Pourquoi une expérience partenaire fluide est-elle cruciale pour votre organisation ?
Le fait qu'une expérience digitale sans heurt soit cruciale pour les consommateurs n'est pas nouveau - chacun de nous en fait l'expérience quotidiennement lorsque nous utilisons des applications ou passons des commandes en ligne. Moins connue, mais tout aussi essentielle : l'expérience partenaire (PX). En particulier pour les institutions financières (telles que les banques, les assureurs ou les sociétés de paiement), une PX transparente est inestimable. Friso Geerlings, Technology Director chez iO, explique pourquoi, et comment sécuriser celle-ci.Lire la suiteBlog
Comment mieux écrire avec l’IA ?
En tant que rédacteur, devez-vous adopter ou craindre les outils d'IA générative tels que ChatGPT, Copilot et Gemini ? La première option, certainement, la seconde peut-être aussi. En tout cas, ceux-ci vous apportent quelque chose que vous pouvez difficilement refuser. Tenez compte de ces nouveaux développement tout en vous assurant de garder le contrôle.Lire la suiteBlog
Conversational search: what is it and why do you want it?
Conversational search in the form of an AI chatbot lets your website visitors interact with your content, resulting in a better customer experience. Conversational search is an advanced search method that uses natural language processing to understand search queries and provide relevant results. Instead of entering search terms, users can formulate searches as they would in a normal conversation.Lire la suiteBlog
Enhance your brand experience with strong content
Do you want to capture your target audience’s hearts? Well, great content is one way to achieve that. After all, positive content experiences are an essential part of the customer experience. They strengthen your brand and increase your growth opportunities. Find out how to build brand loyalty with consistent, quality content.Lire la suiteBlog
The energy transition is enormous, how do you make it personal?
How do you explain the energy transition? iO and Enexis developed a permanent campaign with smart tech and several storylines.Lire la suiteBlog
How AI is enhancing creative processes
Is generative AI (GenAI) only useful for automating boring tasks or producing mediocre visuals and lacklustre, uninspired texts? Or can it add real value to the creative process? And if so, how do you use it to come up with new concepts and create unique stories? Gijs Besselink, Art Director and AI expert at iO, uses his experience to answer these questions and more.Lire la suiteBlog
Votre marque ou organisation doit-elle adopter l’écriture inclusive ?
La langue joue un rôle important dans notre vie, c’est indéniable. Nous l’utilisons pour nous exprimer, pour communiquer avec les autres, pour penser et pour apprendre. Mais la langue est bien davantage qu’un simple outil. Car, souvent inconsciemment, elle contribue à façonner notre pensée et nos perceptions. C’est à partir de ce constat que le langage non genré, et notamment l’écriture inclusive, suscitent de plus en plus d’intérêt. Mais de quoi s’agit-il exactement ? Et pourquoi, en tant que marque ou organisation, devriez-vous envisager d’adopter une écriture non genrée ?Lire la suiteBlog
L’intérêt d’un·e traducteur·rice natif·ve dans un monde plein de Deepl et GPT
La Mazda LaPuta. Une petite voiture avec un nom tout mignon. Sauf si vous parlez espagnol bien sûr. L’équipe marketing du constructeur japonais aurait peut-être bien fait de vérifier… Bien sûr, les traductions rapides avec Deepl et autres outils d’IA permettent de gagner du temps. Mais y gagnez-vous aussi en termes de qualité ? Car l’utilisation d’outils de traductions à l’aveugle comporte des risques. Dans cet article, nous passons en revue 7 pièges à éviter. D’ailleurs, savez-vous quelle est la meilleure solution d’après nous ? Un·e copywriter ou traducteur·rice natif·ve qui traduit dans sa langue maternelle en utilisant les outils à sa disposition de manière intelligente.Lire la suiteBlog
How to stay relevant as a content specialist in the AI era
ChatGPT is writing texts at a rapid pace, images are generated in an instant by Midjourney or Dall-E, videos can be created via Runway and with Google's recent Notebook LM you can create a podcast at the touch of a button: AI is changing everything in the world of content. It also brings opportunities: about 60% of today's jobs did not exist 80 years ago, so luckily for us, historically technological developments have also created new jobs. If, as a content specialist, you devote a significant part of your work to an AI tool, what do you do with the time you’ve got left over to demonstrate your skills and relevance?Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Brands & society
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: SEO strategy
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: E-commerce
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Infinite Opportunities
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Cookieless future
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Dossier: Video marketing
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Dossier: Marketplaces
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: B2B - Turning B2B challenges into solutions
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Dossier: Marketing automation
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Dossier: Ready to pop on social media?
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Dossier: Holiday marketing: how to score as a brand with Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas
Lire la suiteDossier
Dossier: Get a taste of AI – Discover the endless possibilities of AI
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Dossier: Maximize your marketing efforts with HubSpot
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Dossier: Drupal. Why big brands rely on Drupal CMS.
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L'approche composable : la clé d'une architecture d'entreprise flexible
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Dossier: Self service portals
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Dossier: E-inclusion & accessibility
Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Steven Van Belleghem (iO)
Steven Van Belleghem (partner iO) talks about the three main advantages he sees in technology and digital transformation: faster than real-time service, hyper-personalisation, and the ultimate convenience.Lire la suiteVideo
Infinite opportunities: Wies De Graeve (Amnesty International)
Amnesty International shines a light on issues that would otherwise remain in darkness. According to Wies De Graeve (Director Amnesty International) creativity is essential for this. It helps people see that there are solutions to the world's problems —and how they can help.Lire la suiteVideo
Digitising a business: the most common mistakes and how to avoid them
How is it that only 30% of the companies are successful in adopting digital transformation? In large part because it affects every aspect of a business: people, processes, infrastructure, and customers. We walk you through the most common mistakes we see in digital transformation projects so you don’t have to make them yourself. Expert:Tom van Mierlo, Digital StrategistLire la suiteVideo
Transforming technology into a catalyst for innovation
How fast can you launch new products and services, scale up or scale down sales channels, or provide a better customer experience? The technical complexity of a business often determines its innovation speed. We look at how to transform the 5 key blockers in technology into accelerators for your business. Expert:Raymond Muilwijk, Center of Excellence Lead TechnologyLire la suiteVideo
Do you take social media seriously?
Social media as a marketing tool is often overlooked, despite their potential, they are frequently underutilised. Nevertheless, a strong social strategy and a brand-oriented focus are the keys to success on social media platforms.Lire la suiteVideo
Building brands; yes you can!
Social media extends way beyond performance and direct conversion. It's about building brands, building relationships with the target group and strategically distributing content on relevant platforms. Success requires belief in the power of social media and investment in knowledge building and daring to experiment.Lire la suiteVideo
Who decides if your content has value?
It is sometimes difficult to estimate which content is valuable and which is not because of the influence of subjectivity and different opinions in your marketing team. Fortunately, that responsibility lies entirely with the consumer. All you have to do is create a lot of content that is in line with your organisation’s values.Lire la suiteVideo
Who sees which content? The algorithm decides.
Less is more? Not when it comes to social media content. You need a lot of contact moments to get on the radar and stay there. Then the algorithm decides who sees which content.Lire la suiteVideo
Banish content burnout
Sometimes content marketers suffer from a content burnout: they don't know what to post or how to come up with creative content. The drip model offers a solution: take a look at the 'low-hanging fruit' within your organisation, sector and above all: your target group environment. With social posts that you write from the perspective of your target group, you always deliver engaging content.Lire la suiteVideo
Is Facebook passé? No way!
Many young people are on Snapchat and TikTok today. In spite of that, Facebook, with 70% active users, remains the largest social network in Flanders. Do you want to reach your audience? Then consider using Reels. Facebook can also deliver strong results for B2B marketing, especially in combination with LinkedIn.Lire la suiteVideo
Does your brand have to be on TikTok?
TikTok offers unprecedented potential for organic reach, but also brings challenges: privacy issues, diverse content and users; and a powerful algorithm. Post multiple times a day and focus on native content instead of your own campaign materials.Lire la suiteVideo
Which formats work on social media?
Since TikTok boosted vertical videos, they have dominated all platforms. Using reels strengthens the bond with your video first users and gives you more organic reach and improves your marketing results.Lire la suiteVideo
Conversation management: truth, courage and action
Conversation management is a shift from webcare to webdare. Where in the past, brands mainly responded to negative experiences and complaints on their own channels, now you join conversations with your consumers on your own and other channels. This increases your visibility and positions you in the market.Lire la suiteVideo
Social media marketing: tried and tested by Dewaele
Content strategist Sam talks to Vanessa Loose, marketing manager at Dewaele. For Belgium's largest independent estate agent, social media are incredibly important. With a healthy mix of trends and evergreen topics, they always stay on the radar as a life partner in living and business through social media.Lire la suiteVideo
Challenger Stories: Brandt & Levie turns the meat industry on its head
For Brandt & Levie, responsible production is not an afterthought, but the core business. The Amsterdam sausage maker produces animal-friendly meat according to its own recipe — exclusively from well-kept pigs. An impactful story about sustainability in an industry that sometimes struggles to find it.Lire la suiteVideo
Challenger Stories: Natuurhuisje protects local biodiversity
Natuurhuisje is not just a booking platform for holiday homes, it's a full-fledged climate company. Nature is at the heart of everything they do, and it's — in their own words — their responsibility to protect it. The booking platform is merely a means to that end. That's why Natuurhuisje donates part of its revenue back to local projects to improve biodiversity.Lire la suiteCase
Un écosystème digital top niveau - on-brand, multilingue et multimarket
Découvrez comment nous avons transformé une architecture digitale fragmentée en un écosystème tout-en-un pour Losberger De Boer.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment avoir de bons échanges avec les clients, hors ligne et en ligne ?
Leen Bakker voulait répondre aux messages en lignes plus vite, plus clairement et de manière plus pertinente. Les experts en conversation management d'iO sont venus à la rescousse.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment interagir en ligne avec des professionnels de l’éducation ?
Find out how we connected 78 editors and authors with hundreds of visitors through Zendesk to increase the quality of education.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
How do you empower SME entrepreneurs to experience the power of smart energy solutions?
The ‘More with Energy’ campaign aims to inspire entrepreneurs and provide them with tangible tools to make their business more sustainable.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Comment réunir un demi-million de visiteurs et 1 300 hébergements ?
Find out how iO successfully used Drupal to develop the Vlaanderen Vakantieland website.Découvrez ce case en détailCase
Un programme de cartes de crédit co-brandées
Pour BNP Paribas, a iO a développé une plateforme web, une application et une plateforme d'intégration.Découvrez ce case en détailPage
WWVD: Download the presentations of Wednesday 29 March 2023!
The first day of the Webwinkel Vakdagen (WWVD) is over! Still want to reminisce? Download the presentations of the lightning talks here.Lire la suite
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