What does this mean for your brand?

insight 1

How to blend authentic proof of customer love from your brand with increasingly automated, digital & datadriven customer interaction?

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This document contains insights from business leaders who have already sat around our table. What do they think about how their brands and organisations retain their authenticity in a digital world that increasingly revolves around data and AI?

"19% of the companies behind Table Talk guests already use AI to strengthen personal relationships in customer service"

Find out more about:

  • Authenticity only through a personal approach

  • Data as a source for personalisation

  • AI as everyone's new personal assistant

iO Table Talks are all about bringing blended competencies together: sharing diverse experiences and knowledge. An opportunity to have conversations with leaders and business experts, to feel connected, to talk about issues and shared challenges. iO makes this knowledge sharing possible; to blend, to learn and to share insights.

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