How do you have pure customer conversations, offline and online?

Making beautiful living accessible to all, with low prices and without compromising on quality, delivery times or trends - that's Leen Bakker. It's high time to extend that exceptional shopping experience to social media interactions.

  • Improved social media sentiment

  • Improved digital customer service

  • Dedicated conversation management

  • Consistent tone of voice, shorter response time and focus on social media

The downside of growth

In 2018, Leen Bakker's online sales grew. The brand enjoyed great online visibilty. More customers means more sales, but also more aftersales. More positive stories, such as enthusiastic reactions under Instagram posts, but also unpleasant tweets about delivery times and annoying shopping experiences.

Customer satisfaction is a priority for Leen Bakker. Their highly trained customer service team handled emails and phone calls, but no one was prepared for the deluge of messages on social media. The long response times and the low response rate produced negative sentiment on Leen Bakker's social media channels. The perfect time to bring in the expertise to turn negativity into positivity.


Improve social media sentiment and digital customer service


Dedicated conversation management: consistent tone of voice, shorter response times and focus on social media

About Leen Bakker

Making beautiful living accessible to all, with low prices and without compromising on quality, delivery times or trends - that's Leen Bakker. 170 stores across the Netherlands and Belgium already welcome 2 million unique visitors every month and online, the brand attracts 4 million visitors every month. At Leen Bakker, the focus is on making every home special.

leen bakker doos

Webcare: a good conversation starts with listening

Our digital experts scanned Leen Bakker's online channels and organisation. This revealed a number of deficiencies in Leen Bakker's online services: lacking a clear protocol, experienced specialists, long opening hours, and accurate tooling. And that’s where the iO Leen Bakker conversation team came in.

A key concept of our solution: conversation management. Every sincere conversation starts with listening. The golden rule for all communication, both offline and online. A good conversation team is the first social point of contact between brand and consumer.

Today, it is crucial to be able to answer social media queries from early in the morning until late at night. 365 days a year, even 24 hours a day if necessary.

A dedicated team for real connection

For Leen Bakker, consistent webcare was essential. The opportunity to have online conversations with customers. And with the same impact and results as an in-store conversation between customer and seller.

These conversations can be found everywhere in the customer journey. In the form of presales and classic aftercare, but also when building customer loyalty. Personal interaction is extra important. To achieve this, we appointed a dedicated team of social agents, available seven days a week in shifts between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. to engage with Leen Bakker's customers.

In close collaboration with Leen Bakker, we drafted a clear e-commerce, marketing and customer service protocol that included tone-of-voice, rules of engagement, workflows, concise do's and don'ts and sample conversations. All the tools they needed to give digital conversations the same charm as physical conversations with Leen Bakker.

For efficiency and to guarantee that no digital message was missed, we set up the engagement software of Spotler Engage (formerly known as OBI4wan) for Leen Bakker. This tool means that the team can monitor what is written to Leen Bakker, and also what is written about Leen Bakker. Thus, the conversation team developed the "feelers" of the brand.

The collaboration in figures

a year available: digital opening hours extended from office hours to 8:00 to 22:00 - 7 days a week
minutes response time: in the past, responses took several days
messages: processed monthly on average

High-profile results

The results were quick and clear. Our specialists reduced the accumulated message backlog to the agreed response time of up to 60 minutes. Over time, this reaction time has been further reduced to an average of only 28 minutes. Online customer satisfaction improved as people now felt heard, and in the event of a complaint, our team acted quickly, limiting the visibility and impact of any negative experience, even on weekends.

Each message is not only read but also labelled by type, subject, and sentiment. This allows our iO experts to deliver a monthly, tailor-made report full of data and clear insights, serving as a valuable data source for new social media content, product development, or the improvement of existing services. With our broad digital scope, we also provide monitoring of Leen Bakker's social channels and conduct comprehensive brand-focused media analysis, including consumer comments and news sites. This comprehensive approach ensures that Leen Bakker benefits from higher customer satisfaction and experiences fewer PR escalations through continuous monitoring efforts.

Wouter Reijm

Want to know more about our conversation management solutions?

Wouter Reijm - Social Media Director

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