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How do you engage with education professionals online?

Supporting schools and teaching professionals at work and increasing teacher comfort: that’s Plantyn’s mission. During its annual Online Plantyn Experience sessions, Plantyn interacted with its stakeholders quite efficiently online. How? With a service-first CRM.

  • Supporting teaching professionals online

  • Zendesk integration to provide the best service

  • By focusing on customer service in an educational setting Plantyn efficiently supports schools and teachers

Supporting teaching professionals online

Plantyn, a publisher in Belgium, organises the Online Plantyn Experience sessions (de Online Plantyn Beleefsessies) for schools and teaching professionals every year. As a part of these Experience sessions, Plantyn makes webinars, testimonials, interesting materials and so much more available. This allows schools and educators to get a clear image of what’s possible in the field of blended learning solutions.

To help this event run smoothly, Plantyn was looking for a tool that makes it possible to have well-structured online interactions with visitors. The latter needed to have the option to chat with various publishers and authors, for instance. Additionally, every field of expertise needed a designated group of chat employees so visitors would be able to ask their questions to the right experts straight away.

Even after the Online Plantyn Experience sessions or outside of working hours, visitors needed to be able to find the information they need. Either by browsing through a Help Center, or by asking their questions to a Plantyn employee when the live chat isn’t up and running.


Interacting with teaching professionals online


Zendesk integration with live chat, help centre and a ticketing system

kids with magnifying glasses

Zendesk integration to provide the best service

After outlining Plantyn’s needs and wishes, we suggested Zendesk as a potential solution. A service-first CRM that focuses on optimal customer service. This CRM allows companies to process customer data and conversations in a structured and simple way.

Every field of expertise needed its own group of experts to answer questions. That’s why we divided the different chat agents into departments. Every department was then linked to the corresponding web pages. This way, every question is sent directly to the right teams. Moreover, team members can easily share conversations.

Even when no chat employee is online, a ticket can be made by automatically connecting the expert group’s label to the contact request. The created tickets are then handled by a Plantyn employee at a later time.

People who visit the Online Plantyn Experience sessions can also use the Help Center to look for answers – without having to contact Plantyn. Thanks to the central search bar and the subdivision based on categories and articles, the quest for information was made a lot easier.

More importantly, Zendesk’s contextual help feature offers support. What we mean by that is that the chatbot interface provides several frequently asked questions based on the content of the web page and the Help Center to jump-start the conversation.


The right answer to every question

A team of 78 editors and authors were on standby for two days to answer the educators’ questions efficiently and quickly.

By focusing on customer service in an educational setting that keeps transforming in the digital sense, Plantyn efficiently supports schools and teachers.

After all, Plantyn’s mission is to support schools and teaching professionals, make teaching more comfortable and make sure students can develop their skills to the best of their abilities.


days of live chats with 78 editors and authors
views in the Help Center
searches in the Help Center
resolved tickets

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