How do you bring learning to life for preschool and primary school children?

We want to give our children everything. And that includes a good education. Therefore, we immediately said yes when Uitgeverij Zwijsen, a leading publisher for nursery and primary education, asked us to help build a new online platform.
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Uitgeverij Zwijsen


Improve online positioning & increase thought leadership.


A new online platform that serves as a content website, webshop and sales tool.

Digitalising learning and bringing it to life

Uitgeverij Zwijsen has been a leading publisher for nursery and primary education in Flanders and the Netherlands for over 170 years. In Flanders, Zwijsen also offers numerous non-school publications for children, such as magazines, games and various reading series.

Some of Zwijsen's best-known publications are:

Veilig leren lezen – a teaching method that teaches more than 80% of children in the Netherlands and more than 2/3 of children in Flanders to read and spell.

Dag Jules! – an educational package that helps preschoolers aged 2.5 to 3 learn how to speak, how to listen and discover language.

Content based website that doubles as a sales tool

With its new online platform, Zwijsen wanted to go beyond a content website and webshop. The platform also had to be strategically deployable as an indirect sales tool and help Zwijsen emphasise and strengthen its positioning as a thought leader in education.

In addition, Zwijsen also wanted to boost the further implementation of its teaching methods in education using a bottom (teachers) to top (management) approach. Therefore, it was also important for us to get to know the Flemish teachers, the initial target group.

Made for and inspired by teachers

The focus of Zwijsen’s new platform was primarily on CRM and personalisation. A combination of inbound marketing and marketing automation allowed us to collect relevant data, using the customer journeys as a starting point. The customer journeys also served as the basis for the content mapping.

But Zwijsen’s new platform is more than just a content based website. It can also be used by teachers as a service platform, which allows user loyalty to be built up and improved. This makes the platform a perfect combination of a website and webshop on the one hand, and a strong tool for Zwijsen's sales team on the other.

How we made everything work technically

The key to making Zwijsen’s new online platform work perfectly from a technical point of view lay in the combination of the marketing suite Hubspot and the Symfony framework.

  • We used HubSpot to set up the content part of the website. HubSpot is the platform of choice for lead generation and inbound marketing.

  • Using PHP Symfony, we built the webshop, the service centre and the account zone for teachers.

A perfect combination of user-centricity and sales

The extensive integration between Hubspot and the Symfony framework means that Zwijsen's new online platform offers a unified user experience.

In addition, the integration also enables detailed user profiling, allowing Zwijsen's sales team to get a precise image of all platform users and to tailor its communication to said users perfectly.

The end result speaks for itself. Zwijsen’s new online platform offers (potential) customers a nice, uniform experience on the one hand, and perfectly supports Zwijsen's sales team on the other. Exactly as it should be.

Looking to get more out of your online platform as well?

Feel free to make an appointment with our experts. They will gladly advise you and help you make your online presence even stronger and more versatile.

iO Herentals
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