Transforming technology into a catalyst for innovation

How fast can you launch new products and services, scale up or scale down sales channels, or provide a better customer experience? The technical complexity of a business often determines its innovation speed. We look at how to transform the 5 key blockers in technology into accelerators for your business.

Raymond Muilwijk, Center of Excellence Lead Technology


2023 is not just another year. In light of current economic and social developments, being smart and trying new things are the key differentiators for success. Managers in marketing, innovation, and digital domains now need to step up their game to achieve their goals for 2023.

The recently published 2023 Opportunity Report is packed with insights and advice to give your business the edge. This online session takes things even further.

Raymond van Muilwijk

Do you have questions following this video? Let us know.

Raymond Muilwijk - Technology Officer

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