Build and leverage powerful partner ecosystems with the iO AllianceHub

Having a round table meeting

While Customer Experience (CX) is a high priority for many organisations, Partner Experience (PX) is often overlooked. And that's a missed opportunity. A robust partner ecosystem holds significant (strategic) value.

This is especially true for organisations that rely on their partners for collaboration, innovation, and expanding market reach to strengthen their competitive position and enhance customer value. Providing the right tools and a perfect ‘experience’ to these partners boosts innovation potential significantly and swiftly. It also optimises the customer experience across the entire chain, from your organisation through to the end customer: a synergy between your organisation and the partner.

The iO AllianceHub helps you unlock the full potential of your partner network.

  • Strengthen your entire value chain with your partner and enhance value for the end customer

  • Accelerate innovation and time-to-market processes

  • Perfect onboarding, workflow, and scoring

  • Optimise both business experience and developer experience for mobile and cloud integrations


The new partnership: effective ecosystems with PX as the driving force

The success of your individual partners is, of course, important. But what if you could get more out of your collaborations? What if you could enable your partners to quickly start using your tools and smoothly integrate your services

Building a strong partner ecosystem with an optimal Partner Experience (PX) impacts not only your partners but also the growth of your company. Your partners are a crucial link in delivering your offerings to your customers. They might even be the primary way customers interact with your products. By taking PX seriously, you take the entire customer journey seriously.

Investing in your PX and partner ecosystem allows you to improve your offerings and services to your customers, involve your partners in your innovation efforts, bring products to market faster, and maximise your organisation’s growth potential.

Free Quickscan: What is the state of your partner ecosystem?

Do you want to quickly gain insight into the current status of your partner ecosystem? Request a quick scan from our experts now! Discover optimisation opportunities, concrete recommendations, and new growth possibilities. We examine your PX from a business, marketing, and development perspective.

Having a discussion in a meeting

The iO AllianceHub: Transform PX from an afterthought to a strategic advantage

The iO AllianceHub enables organisations to overcome the challenges of modern technology integration, regulatory compliance, and cybersecurity by providing robust, compliant, and scalable solutions at every stage of the partner journey and PX. We divide this into three phases:

iO AllianceHub
iO AllianceHub customers

Embark on the entire partner journey or focus on the areas that are currently a priority for you

These organisations have already benefited from the iO AllianceHub.

The Developer Experience: Getting started with software development kits

A successful partnership is more than just a smooth Business Experience or easy contract negotiations. To ensure all links in the integration chain come together seamlessly, a flawless Developer Experience on your platform is crucial. A significant part of this Developer Experience involves providing robust Software Development Kits (SDKs) with your API.

Ready to enhance your Developer Experience with modern, secure, and standards-based SDKs? iO helps you quickly develop your own SDKs for all platforms. These SDKs can be distributed to increase your visibility. Whether based on formal API specs or legacy APIs, we get to work and immediately improve your Partner Developer Experience.

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iO Colleague working on laptop with coffee

Practical technical components to optimise the Developer Experience

Organisations with digital services shared via system integration with partners often have a wide range of documentation and tools around their APIs. But how user-friendly are those APIs in practice? Do you provide the right documentation with code examples? Is the security model up to date? And do you have SDKs (Software Development Kits) and connectors for key tech platforms for your partner? The iO Alliance Hub offers components for:

  • SDKs for server environments such as Java, PHP, Python, and .Net

  • API explorers and API security

  • (Auto-generated) API documentation

  • Cloud connectors for AWS and Azure

  • Connectors for platforms in Digital Commerce, such as Adobe, Magento, CommerceTools, or Salesforce

Additionally, the toolbox in the AllianceHub helps you optimise the Developer Experience of your Partner Experience. Where necessary, we tailor the bridge between your (legacy) experience and a new way to engage your partners. PX to the max!

Whitepaper: How to successfully develop a platform

Discover the secrets to successfully developing a platform. Learn from the likes of Facebook and Airbnb, who have revolutionised industries through their strong User Experience (UX) and Developer Experience (DX). Download now to get 21 practical tips on creating a winning platform experience. Increase your business, enhance contributor happiness, and outperform the competition.

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