Œuvrer pour des institutions digitales, accessibles et efficaces


Les institutions qui veulent que tous ceux à qui elles s'adressent soient à la page, doivent commencer par elles-même. Découvrez comment.

A collaborative approach to develop seamless digital experiences

The digital experience is more than just online presence. Especially in a time of growing digitisation and changing expectations.

iO supports the urgent need of (public) organisations to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively, make services more accessible, and optimise engagement. We not only address current needs but also proactively anticipate future developments.

We work closely with you to shape a digital ecosystem that delivers tangible results, such as optimising online service delivery, implementing innovative tools, or creating platforms to increase citizen engagement.

We specialise in CMS platforms, including Drupal and Sitecore, to create dynamic and user-friendly websites. We leverage our technical expertise to integrate systems, automate processes, and enhance the user experience.

With our expertise in human-centred design and user research, we go beyond functionality. It's an investment that improves operational efficiency and strengthens the relationship with your target audiences.

Prioritising top tasks means understanding what matters most to people. By supporting them in effectively completing these critical tasks, you enhance their self-reliance and make interactions with your organisation easier.

Do you want to be at the forefront of digital accessibility? Discover how iO can help you. We offer digital accessibility audits and ensure your website complies with the latest accessibility standards and guidelines. We closely follow European directives, such as WCAG, to ensure compliance and inclusivity.

Discover the power of Drupal for municipalities

Drupal for municipalities was developed especially for municipalities and governments in general. The solution for excellent online services, which allows you to quickly and simply create an attractive and digitally accessible website for your municipality. Accessible services have never been easier.

Drupal voor gemeenten

Empowering public organisations through powerful communication solutions

From navigating complex societal issues to maintaining transparent relationships, at iO we understand that successful communication is not only necessary but can also be a powerful tool to strengthen your organisation. That is why we design our communication services with a focus on the specific needs of public organisations.

With effective communication, we help you achieve your goals and increase the impact of your organisation. Whether it is to disseminate clear information, promote engagement, or build a strong reputation.

Communication strategies and plans that work: that's what you can expect from iO. Together with your organisation, we create a solid roadmap for communication campaigns.

A positive reputation and a strong image are crucial. We ensure that the values, achievements, and initiatives of your organisation are effectively communicated.

Your stakeholders are at the centre. Whether they are citizens, employees, or other organisations. By delving into their experiences, including their desires, expectations, and knowledge, you make interactions with your organisation seamless and meaningful.

Vous voulez collaborer avec iO ?

Nos experts sont là pour vous expliquer comment digitaliser toute la chaîne, phase par phase.

Life at iO Campus

Driving growth with a future-oriented strategy

From organisational design to capability building, we help you offer smarter services, solve crucial problems, and embrace positive change. With compliance as a given, we strive to fully equip your organisation for a future of growth and relevance.

How do you shape your organisation to better serve customers (digitally) now and in the future? By strategically transforming digitally and increasing the pace of innovation with a smart strategy, you ensure that you work proactively instead of reactively. iO can assist you with complete strategies, identifying opportunities, developing roadmaps, or providing employees with the necessary mindset and skills (capability building) for an innovation culture.

iO helps you discover which problems are worth solving and identify opportunities for optimisation. By setting the right priorities, resolving bottlenecks, and increasing efficiency, you ensure that people are focused on the right things. This allows you to solve immediate problems while increasing effectiveness and offering smarter services.

For seamless progress, you prioritise people – technology follows. Change can be positive, but it must be embraced. That's why we help you transition with minimal disruption and assist people in adopting the change by placing them at the centre.

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Information Security ISOIEC27001

iO est certifié 27001

Ce standard international nous aide à assurer la sécurisation de l'information de manière structurée. Accessibilité, intégrité et confidentialité sont au cœur de nos méthodes de travail. Le certificat ISO 27001 témoigne de l'attention que nous y portons.

En savoir plus sur iO & ISO 27001
Wordpress event Herentals iO

Enchanté, nous sommes iO

iO est une “Blended Agency” qui joue le rôle d’accélérateur de votre digitalisation en cassant les frontières entre les mondes des agences, de la technologie et de la consultance. Cela donne naissance à une nouvelle manière de travailler ensemble. C'est pourquoi nous vous aidons à donner une forme durable à l'ensemble de votre expérience de marque. Nous associons des talents en stratégie, créativité, contenu, marketing, technologie et data. Ainsi, nous exploitons toute la puissance d'une collaboration intelligente.
En savoir plus sur iO

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Bas Jespers - Managing Director België
Votre personne de contact:BasDirecteur général Belgique