Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO) Audit

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Our CRO-experts are happy to review your website to find ways to improve your conversion rate. Whether you want visitors to subscribe to a newsletter, make a purchase or contact you (lead generation), our CRO audit will help you optimise the key contact and interaction moments on your website – no matter your industry:  

  • Non-profit  

  • E-commerce  

  • Lead generation  

For any products or services you might offer, our CRO experts always know how to find important optimisations that improve your online goals!  

  • How can you improve the number of visitors to your website?

  • Does your message connect with the audience you want to reach?

  • Can the visitor reach their goal easily?

  • Is the action clear to the visitor?

  • Where do people drop off?

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What is a CRO audit?

A CRO audit is an in-depth analysis of your website, aimed at identifying bottlenecks and finding opportunities to improve user-friendliness and conversion. Our team of experts looks at different aspects of your website, such as navigation, call-to-action buttons, forms, persuasion and the overall user experience (UX). Through this thorough assessment, we can gain valuable insights on how to increase the conversion rate.

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What’s the added value of a CRO audit?

A CRO audit can help you improve website performance and increase conversion rates. By learning how visitors interact with your website, you can optimise it to improve their experience and guide them to the desired action. This will amplify your chances of visitors converting and achieving your business goals. If you’re already using an optimisation programme – for example using AB testing – a CRO audit can provide additional insights that can benefit it.

How does a CRO audit work?

Our iO CRO audit consists of a thorough analysis of various aspects of your website. Both on mobile and desktop.

CRO principles

The audit evaluates your website based on more than 100 CRO principles and best practices. These principles come from years of research by CRO experts, but also from the extensive CRO and UX experience of our iO specialists. This experience has been gained, among other things, through the many A/B tests we run for our clients every day.  

We look at the following principles, among others: 

  1. Audience targeting: We assess whether your message (proposition) fits well with your target audience. If needed, we can help you refine your message.  

  2. Navigation: We check whether the navigation matches your target audiences and conversion goals.  

  3. Clear action: We check whether the call-to-action is clear and understandable. By implementing the right call-to-action buttons, in the right places and with clear instructions, you increase the chances of visitors taking the desired action.  

  4. User experience: We analyse the user experience (UX) on your website and identify any obstacles that might prevent visitors from reaching their goal. This could be in forms, navigation or certain tools offered on the site. By optimising the user experience, you can significantly increase conversion rates.  

  5. Seduction: by cleverly using online seduction principles, you can ‘nudge’ website visitors in the right direction: that of your conversion goals!  

  6. Performance: we check which obstacles on your website hinder conversion. You should consider site speed, font use, colours, accessibility for different target groups and (the technical) functioning of forms.  

Questions about auditing or CRO? Ask our CRO experts!


The basis of the audit is always a short intake where we identify possible bottlenecks of the website. We do this using the website's analytics (such as Google Analytics 4), and possibly mouse-tracking data (such as via Hotjar).   

Bottlenecks that often occur are:  

  • Certain pages where visitors from a campaign leave a landing page immediately (bouncers)  

  • Places in the customer journey where visitors drop out unwantedly (exits) 

  • Specific products or services that do not generate enough conversion 

  • Too little scrolling, resulting in certain parts not being viewed (enough) 

  • Filters that are not, or not properly, used to make the product offering manageable 

  • Forms that are not, or not fully or correctly, completed 

Audit delivery

The audit is delivered as an Audit Report (PDF) that includes all findings and possible solutions, visualised where possible. In an office presentation (at one of our campuses or at your office), we’ll walk through all optimisations together and see where we can provide further briefing to the (internal or external) web developers to implement the improvements.  


It’s also possible to include the suggested optimisations in a prioritisation model, such as ICE or PXL. This way, CRO optimisations and AB testing get a place in the continuous improvement of the website and landing pages. We can set up or supervise the CRO improvement programme, as well as train the responsible team internally to pick up the improvements.

CRO Opportunity scan  

Interested in improving your website's conversion rate, but want to get a feel for what we can deliver first? We offer a unique quick audit: an Opportunity scan of your website by our CRO experts.   

With this quick scan, you’ll get a brief overview of 4 to 5 possible optimisations you can implement. You'll receive a PDF with our findings, and we'll explain them in a short online session.   

Clients we’ve helped with CRO

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iO is a ‘blended agency’, actively tearing down the walls between the agency, technology and consulting worlds. This asks for a new breed of partnership. That’s why we help you to sustainably shape and improve your total brand experience, along the end-to-end journey. We blend talents in strategy, creativity, content, marketing, technology and data. That’s how we unlock the power of collaborative intelligence.
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Want to request a CRO scan?

Our CRO specialists will get back to you as soon as possible! Don't waste time?

Eddy Boeve
Your contact:Eddy,Senior Conversion Rate Optimisation Specialist - iO