UX design: the foundation of an excellent user experience

site on phone

The strongest websites, web shops, apps and online platforms are user-friendly. A coincidence? We think not. Every day, our creative, technology, and strategic experts work on UX designs that are the foundation for mind-blowing brand stories – and user experiences that are remembered for years to come.

Let's talk about UX design

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Why decent UX design is important

UX design may be a creative process, but when all is said and done it’s still a process that needs to respect certain best practices. These are the UX design principles our iO experts use regularly:

  • Everything starts with a prototype. With in-depth user testing, we can move from a prototype to wireframes and from wireframes to the final UX design.

  • In UX design, the comfort of the user is key. Our UX designers provide a positive experience for every user.

  • UX design gives you the best of both worlds: a user-friendly platform on the one hand, and designs that speak to a user’s imagination on the other.

  • Platforms with a strong UX design don’t just help users find the information they are looking for quickly and efficiently – they also boost your business results.

Let’s write a strong UX story together

Our experts will happily help you tackle every challenge that crosses your path.


Want to talk about your project?

We're excited to see how we can help you.

Diana Martin
Your contact:Diana,Head of Discovery & Design