How can you turn a government instance into one of the country’s star employers?

The employer branding campaign 'Zinhoud' highlighted the meaning and value of working at UWV and resulted in the recruitment of hundreds of interested parties and applicants.

  • Expertise in employer branding

  • Strong creative concept

  • All targets exceeded

  • From strategy to execution

  • Close collaboration with UWV

The challenge: UWV as an attractive employer

UWV approached iO with the request to develop an employer branding campaign to raise the profile of UWV as an attractive employer — and to ensure that interested candidates apply for specific disciplines and vacancies.


To improve the image of UWV as an employer during shortages in the labour market.


A creative employer branding campaign with a strong concept.

About UWV

The Employee Insurance Agency (a Dutch governmental institution also known as the UWV) is responsible for the implementation and delivery of a variety of social benefits and employee insurance WW, WAO, WIA, the Sickness Insurance Act and the Wajong, the Allowances Act and the WAZ.

The solution: Zinhoud

The creative concept is 'Zinhoud'. UWV offers meaningful, challenging and rewarding work. Work that you know is making a difference. This campaign should make it clear — both for the working population and job seekers in the Netherlands — that UWV is an interesting employer with challenging jobs.

The employer branding campaign positions UWV as an attractive employer while ensuring a constant flow of potential candidates for specific disciplines and vacancies.

The campaign operates on 3 layers:

  1. The 'touch layer' that focuses on working people and job seekers in the Netherlands. The campaign is aimed at a broad target group (all genders, all educational levels, ages between 25 and 54 years) where we profile UWV as an attractive employer;

  2. The 'tell layer' that uses concrete evidence to focus on a number of specific fields: ICT, SMZ (socio-medical), digital services;

  3. The 'sell layer' that puts defined functions in the spotlight (job marketing).

For the touch and tell layer, iO not only developed videos, photography, articles, and infographics, but also offline assets (print, conference materials) with beautiful, inspiring, and authentic stories from employees in the organisation. We translated this into content for the external (paid) campaign: online videos (YouTube pre-rolls) and social (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn).

For the sell layer, iO advised on the use of vacancy texts. For the internal campaign, iO created a film, posters, screensavers, and stories of employees with their meaningful content on the intranet.

ss zinhoud

The result: success across the board

The campaign had three main objectives: reach, traffic, and job applications. The campaign generated a lot of traffic to both the campaign page and the careers pages.

A selection of the results:


Increase in website visitors


Increase in visitors to application forms


Visitors to the IT-specific work page at UWV


Applications for "Work Advisor”


Applications for "Payment"
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Our experts will help you stand out as an employer with a fitting creative concept.