iO brings digital innovation to Den Bosch


Mark your calendar for September 12th. We're excited to officially unveil our new campus in Den Bosch. It's going to be a hub of innovation and collaboration, reflecting the city's spirit. Join us from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM to fuel up on inspiration, share knowledge, and explore new tech. We'd be delighted to have you at our opening event. Fully catered with appetizers, drinks and a band. Looking forward to seeing you there.

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This event is over, but don’t worry.

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4:00 pm - Reception

4:30 pm – Welcome to iO with Yannick van der Aa, Managing Director

4:45 pm – About iO with Pieter Janssens, CEO iO

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm – User Research Lab audit with chosen websites, platforms or apps & Lightning Talks:

7:00 pm – Drinks & Networking

Will you be joining us? 

Our fresh campus is the spot to gather, explore, and innovate. Come witness it on September 12th in Den Bosch. Just fill the form, we'll handle the rest. Join us!


Magistratenlaan 4, 5223 MD 's-Hertogenbosch 

Win a chance at a complimentary user research session

Curious about real user opinions? Struggling with design choices? Feeling something could be improved, but not sure where to start? Or maybe you have another burning question. Whatever the puzzle, we're offering you the opportunity to get answers – at zero cost. This could be your lucky day.

Share your challenge via the above form. Your inquiry might just be selected for a free examination on September 12th at our brand-new User Research Lab.

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