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Our iO experts will share their knowledge and experience on (B2B) commerce and self-service portals. We will also present a customer case that’s sure to inpire you! After the keynotes, you'll have ample opportunity to network with other professionals.
You’ll take away lots of new insights about (B2B) commerce and self-service portals. All things you can start applying in your own organisation right away.
15.30: Welcome & coffee
16.00: How to offer B2B customers a personalised service through digital channels – by Koen Roos, Business Developer
16.20: Customer case: the power of international self-service portals for B2B and B2C growth – by Vincent Mouton, UX Strategist
16.40: How do you create a future-proof digital ecosystem that's supported by your organisation? And how do you avoid the most common mistakes in digitalisation? – By Tom Van Mierlo, partner and digital strategist
17.00: Drinks & snacks ... and plenty of networking opportunities.
Want to be there? Then register before 5 May.