How do you find and motivate talent in Belgium?
The battle for talent – in other words, valuable, talented, and motivated employees – is raging harder than ever before. And that's not surprising. For every organisation, the key to success lies with the right talent. Young and old, highly educated, and self-taught, native and immigrant. How do you get them on board? And how do you stop them from looking elsewhere?
Instead of using recruitment as a means to attract talent that’s based on financial promises and incentives, in the long term it’s wise to have a sustainable approach that starts from within your own organisation. In this whitepaper we will analyse the importance of your employer value proposition and take you through the recruitment do's and don'ts. Peppered with facts, figures and statistics that are relevant to the Belgian jobs market, and concrete tips, tricks, and trends.
From school to labour market: Belgian statistics
Everything you should know about your Employer Value Proposition (EVP)
Personal and professional growth
Make room for the talent manager
Talent management in practice: iO
To find, retain, challenge, and help grow the right talent, it pays to invest in your people. It’s also an investment in your organisation, with all the positive consequences that entails. Employer branding is a useful tool, one that our experts master down to the last detail. One of the ways that you can make the difference is with what you do every day in the workplace: showing your ambitious talents that there is no better place to shine than in your organisation.