Purpose marketing: making an impact

Develop a purpose marketing strategy - iO

Consumers expect brands to take a stand. How does your organisation feel about the climate crisis? About systematic discrimination? The younger generations’ buyer behaviour is partially based on your organisation’s opinions. In other words, it’s about time you started focusing on purpose marketing.

  • Add the right brand PR

  • Effectively inspire prospects

  • Evangelise your values & vision

  • Present your brand’s added value

  • Embrace the potential of social positioning

Our purpose marketing services 

At iO, we have a plethora of experts: technical talent, strategic superheroes, creative canons and magnificent marketers. Those experts will all come together to help you with purpose marketing and more.

Peter Vijgen

Vous avez des questions sur la stratégie numérique ? Faites-le moi savoir.

Peter Vijgen - Strategy Director

Clients that benefit from our purpose marketing expertise 

VP Capital
Wereldhave Belgium
What is purpose marketing - iO

What is purpose marketing?

You can prepare your organisation for tomorrow’s consumer in different ways. You could go for a digital transformation, have a rigid focus on your customer, improve the quality of your products or services.

But you could also focus on purpose – and that goes beyond CSR. Purpose isn’t just about what you do, but about how you do it. It’s about the value you add to society as an enterprise. It’s an ideal that’s ingrained in your brand, a goal you actively work towards.

In short, purpose marketing is:

  • commit yourself to a social theme…

  • that fits your brand values and vision…

  • for the right reasons …

  • not to make a profit.

Benefits purpose marketing strategy - iO

The benefits of a purpose marketing partner

By working with iO, you get all the benefits of an end-to-end partnership. That means that we’ll take every worry off your hands – from strategy to content, from technology to marketing.

Our experts are not just great at setting up and executing strategies. They also ensure that:

  • you have a reliable sparring partner to talk about your purpose;

  • your organisation builds a strong reputation with healthy business results;

  • your purpose is aligned with your company’s identity;

  • your purpose isn’t just a bunch of empty words, but is translated into meaningful actions.

Purpose marketing: The key do's and don'ts

What does brand positioning on social issues entail? And what is the difference between social positioning and your 'purpose'?

Great to meet you, we are iO

Enchanté, nous sommes iO

iO est une “Blended Agency” qui joue le rôle d’accélérateur de votre digitalisation en cassant les frontières entre les mondes des agences, de la technologie et de la consultance. Cela donne naissance à une nouvelle manière de travailler ensemble. C'est pourquoi nous vous aidons à donner une forme durable à l'ensemble de votre expérience de marque. Nous associons des talents en stratégie, créativité, contenu, marketing, technologie et data. Ainsi, nous exploitons toute la puissance d'une collaboration intelligente.
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